Do rabbits have souls?

Do rabbits have souls?

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The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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It seems to be, that among all the common pets, rabbits are the only one that seems to have a complete lack of personality, or soul if you will. Other pets, dogs, cats etc. exhibit unique behaviours and characteristics, whereas rabbits will eat, shit and **** until they die, and if anything unexpected happens they will simply run to a corner, shiver and stare at you with empty and dead eyes.
Souless freaks. Whenever I find a torn apart corpse in my yard from one of the neighborhood cats, I applaud them for their dutiful work in ridding us of this infestation.
They dumb boring little shits. However rabbits are a little more lively in the wild, I think domestication makes them depressingly lethargic.

I don't believe in souls though ATHEISTLIFE2.NET LIVES ON
There's no such thing as a soul. I think what you were really asking is "Are they self aware". To which I would respond, "To a degree", but not the same way we are.
There's no such thing as a soul. I think what you were really asking is "Are they self aware". To which I would respond, "To a degree", but not the same way we are.
What prevents self awareness (or something else) from being a synonym to "soul"? Religion doesn't have a monopoly on that term...
Because self-awareness is more of a continuum rather than a discrete spiritual presence or absence.
"Why is telling me I have no soul?" :'(

I'd love to own a pet rabbit.

A Flemish giant to be exact.
Of course bunnies have souls! Cue cute little bunny picture:


I probably have slightly more respect for the wild, tawny breed of bunny than the very clean white ones you usually see as pets though.
I regularly make a 2hr train journey which at some point goes past a small piece of land next to a lightly wooded area. Almost every time I go past it, I see between 1 and 3 wild rabbits/hares running about round there, coming out of their warrens and just generally dossing about.

Every time I go past this little fenced area next to the rail line I always look out to see if I can spot some.

I wish I could just piss about all day like that. Lazy balls of fur.
My neighbor breeds rabbits in his shed and eats them. True story. We used to hear a bunch of squeaking and then it'd be quiet for a few weeks and eventually get loud and squeaky again. Then one day we saw him go in and two rabbits escaped alive so we knew what was going on. I assume the cats got to the escapees though. My neighborhood is a bad place to be if you're a rabbit.
I think a more pertinent question is whether gingers have souls.
I know I have soul in the musical sense. Does that count?
There's no such thing as a soul. I think what you were really asking is "Are they self aware". To which I would respond, "To a degree", but not the same way we are.
Seconded for the "no souls exist" thing. However having married the owner of a rabbit I can certainly say that they have entertaining personalities.
Don't look rabbits directly in the eyes. That's how they drain you.
I regularly make a 2hr train journey which at some point goes past a small piece of land next to a lightly wooded area. Almost every time I go past it, I see between 1 and 3 wild rabbits/hares running about round there, coming out of their warrens and just generally dossing about.

Every time I go past this little fenced area next to the rail line I always look out to see if I can spot some.

I wish I could just piss about all day like that. Lazy balls of fur.

Hehehe when I was learning to drive, I used to go out to this industrial park outside the city, and there was this little green area, and every time I drove past it I'd see at least five bunnies frolicking around the place. It turned me into a complete hazard on the road, I can tell you. I'd be all like "check the mirrors now gear down now indicate and-OH LOOK BUNNIES BUNNIES BUNNIES!"
Hehehe when I was learning to drive, I used to go out to this industrial park outside the city, and there was this little green area, and every time I drove past it I'd see at least five bunnies frolicking around the place. It turned me into a complete hazard on the road, I can tell you. I'd be all like "check the mirrors now gear down now indicate and-OH LOOK BUNNIES BUNNIES BUNNIES!"
To be fair to you, any road that passes an area with visible frolicking bunnies should be sign-posted with warnings.
Of course they have souls, any other theory is just hare say.
Rabbits are cute as f***e. I don't know what you're talking about.
I had a rabbit once. My dad let it out of the cage to run around and get some exercise and then our cat pounced and tore its neck open all over the kitchen floor.

Rabbits are usually pretty dull pets but ever since we moved, our rabbit has been pretty adventurous and even playful.

He frequently runs around and follows people, and sometimes will run around and between your feet, it's quite adorable. He'll come up on to your lap if you pat it. He even likes to chase around this little wind-up car.
Rabbits are great if you are in the position to let them free roam without danger. Generally you can't expect them to do much in a hutch.
My dad caught a baby rabbit when we were little. He said he was walking up the path besides our house and the poor little guy was so scared he just picked him up. So we put him in a box outside and played with him and by the end of the day like after dinner it hopped away from our lives.

ALSO: if anyone has a pet rabbit, this is more curiosity than anything...try using a laser pointer and see if they'll follow it. My puppy loves to chase the laser pointer and if I'm feeling sick or tired I'll whip it out and he'll chase after it for about 20 minutes. lol that sounded so wrong
I see plenty of rabbits in my area. Mostly on the road with a tire track up their back.
Lovin' the avatar, Emporius. Is that new or am I just noticing because of the new layout?

Alternatively here are the instructions for removing the insides through the anus.

Remove the complete entrails of the rabbit using one of these methods
  • Remove the entrails by squeezing.
    1. Apply pressure from the bottom of the rib cage while moving your hand down to the rabbit's anus.
    2. Repeat this process until you can feel the entrails loosen.
      • Be careful not to burst the bowel or intestine. Doing so will spoil your meat.
    3. Spread your legs, and hold the rabbit by the front legs.
    4. With the rabbit facing you, flip the rabbit down with moderate pressure.
      • Don't flip the carcass around too hard, or you might be wearing a hat of rabbit entrails.
    5. The entrails will exit the rabbit through his anus.
lol@youtube commenters white knighting for animals, pissing on this guy, and defending their stance on eating mechanically separated chicken.
There's no such thing as a soul. I think what you were really asking is "Are they self aware". To which I would respond, "To a degree", but not the same way we are.
Wow, I wonder why philosophers argue about this stuff when they could just ask you? :p
It never fails. The one constant I've ever seen when a discussion ensues regarding rabbits as pets and people like my wife expressing her love for her pet rabbit, there will be someone who posts how tasty they are, or how to prepare them when hunting, etc. Unoriginal troll is unoriginal.

Then again I might post how tasty a pet chicken might look ... so lol Idunno
It never fails. The one constant I've ever seen when a discussion ensues regarding rabbits as pets and people like my wife expressing her love for her pet rabbit, there will be someone who posts how tasty they are, or how to prepare them when hunting, etc. Unoriginal troll is unoriginal.

I wouldn't consider that trolling, not in the slightest. First of all, it's a very practical solution if you don't have a sharp knife handy. My high school ROTC instructor made damn well sure we knew how to do it. While he was eventually fired for groping a fellow classmate I still believe this to be a valuable skill. Secondly, if you want to admire the unadulterated innocence of an animal than get a cat. Rabbits have made their bed and now people like me will campaign to promote intuitive ways to get their insides on the outside.
I wouldn't consider that trolling, not in the slightest. First of all, it's a very practical solution if you don't have a sharp knife handy. My high school ROTC instructor made damn well sure we knew how to do it. While he was eventually fired for groping a fellow classmate I still believe this to be a valuable skill. Secondly, if you want to admire the unadulterated innocence of an animal than get a cat. Rabbits have made their bed and now people like me will campaign to promote intuitive ways to get their insides on the outside.
You should've gone with "Yeah, I'm trolling"
That wouldn't have been nearly as hilarious.

But yeah rabbits are a serious pest in some areas, adorable pets or not.