Do Source games work for you now?

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  • Yes

    Votes: 33 40.7%
  • No

    Votes: 48 59.3%

  • Total voters


Feb 27, 2004
Reaction score
Since the latest update, have Source games been working for you?
I think those who have working S games won't be voting, so it'll be a 100% no.

Damn... One vote for yes.
they don't now, because valve are control freaks.
destrukt said:
they don't now, because valve are control freaks.

I dont getcha (And "No" for me too, but i'm not really worried. I mean, its Valve. Whenever they try to release anything, they screw it up somehow.)
Nope! I've tried revalidating, I've tried the "run steam://validate/320" go. The SDK works for me, which is even more annoying as I can't try out the little map I just made!

Oh well, it's for the best. Looks like my students will be getting their lab reports back on time after all :). As it seems to be a common problem, I'm sure Valve will fix this pretty quick.

Good poll. I've been curious about how widespread this is. 85% indicates it's not user-related at all. Fix it now Valve.
It goes without saying that this poll is skewed because those for whom the games work are probably playing rather than hanging around the forums.

funny thing, I was surprised to see the SDK come up and then it had the setup for Half Life 2 SDK which worked! then I shut it off to try some HL2DM and now the SDK has reverted back to CSS and I can't even get my HL2 SDK work-around to work now :flame:
My copy is running decently on a GF4 Ti 4200. I don't know what is meant by "do source games work for you". Is something wrong with everyone's game?
Yea, something is wrong.

It doesnt work for me either.

When I say this, I mean steam works fine. I can install everything okay. When I go to run the game, the steam window saying "preparing to play [your game]" still pops up. Then nothing. Nothing at all happens after that, like i never tried to run the game.

I did run task manager and was looking at the process list, and the hl2.exe process does pop up for about a second before dissappearing.
Check your "Monitor" screen guys, are you still updating?

No problems here.
Thank God I am not the only person this is happening to. I was really psyched to play HL: Deathmatch, and presto! I can't play anything. Definitely glad it's not my brand new DVD drive at fault.
gamerxr72 said:
It doesnt work for me either.

When I say this, I mean steam works fine. I can install everything okay. When I go to run the game, the steam window saying "preparing to play [your game]" still pops up. Then nothing. Nothing at all happens after that, like i never tried to run the game.

I did run task manager and was looking at the process list, and the hl2.exe process does pop up for about a second before dissappearing.

i get the same says preparing to play game, then that window disappears and i get an hourglass for a few seconds then nothing happens.
I'm having EXACT same problem

My problem is identical to all yours. I click on play games, then double click on any of the Source programs, and it just says "Preparing to play Half-Life2..." Then the cancel button goes grey, the message goes away, and i'm left with an hour glass pointer for a few seconds before going back to the desktop with steam running, but no Half Life2. Its as if its trying to start the program, but something happens and it just shuts it down. Steam seems to be working properly, so this isn't the problem.

I can play the old Counter-Strike just fine. I just can't play Half-Life2, Counter-Strike Source, Half-Life Source, or Half-Life2: DeathMatch. Does anybody know if Valve has put out a response to this problem??
yep, identical problem here too (except that hl2 is trying to download itself for the second time, but ive already complained about that in my other thread). surely hope its fixed soon.
Nope, nothing works. HL2, CS:S, HL2:DM... Damn, I wanted to try it... And make a map and with $5000! =)
i have reinstalled the files for hl2dm 7 times, ran the varify craps, and nothing

no; and im pissed about it
monitor says 100% complete, even though the 'play game' option was up at 99. still doesn't work.
Yeah, before I thought steam was a hassle but no biggie. This is just ****in' stupid though. At least 60% of the people that installed DM can't play!

AND not only can we not play DM, but HL2 or CS:S either! :flame:
I gotta say, I like the idea of Steam but in practice...NO!
When I shell out and pay for something, I'd like to be able to use the goddamn thing ANY TIME I WANT. Not when Steam decides I can. This is just stupid and now they've taken the forums offline like they always do when something goes wrong. I imagine the feces is going to hit the fan as soon as they're back up.
What really gets me is people who paid can't play, but anyone who DL's the latest release is playing just find with Steam emmulation. Valve needs to loosen the grip a little I think.
I have validate HL:dm like was mentioned in another thread.
It still doesn't work.
It loads a few seconds then my dvd spins up and nothing.
Think its cd protection related.
They tried to fix some dvd problems but only made it worse.
yeah it sucks, doestnt work for me either ... but let's be patient, noone will die if he doesnt play HL2DM righ this moment ...
delirare said:
this is satanic. i wanna play the game i bought :/

Hahaha :LOL: !!

Oh, ok, I see what you guys mean by everything not working. Yeah, this sucks. I haven't been able to play in a few days (busy working on UT2004 mods) so I was ignorant to what has been going on... :O
Get the patch that just came like a charm. Gotta hand it to Valve, they cleared up that little problem in just a few hours..and in the middle of the night no less!
Yeah I looks like someone at valve stayed up at night.