Do they deserve basic human rights?

Basic human rights?

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I wonder how many people would have said yes had it been animal rights? probably a lot seeing as how so many of you are advocating for a hunk of metal having rights, so naturally you'd all say yes to real flesh and blood, right?
Animals can't converse, animals can't work of their own free will, animals can't vote, they can't read the news and form an opinion, and on top of all that they sh*t like crazy. So no, they are good for eating and forced labour, and little else.
Animals can't converse, animals can't work of their own free will, animals can't vote, they can't read the news and form an opinion, and on top of all that they sh*t like crazy. So no, they are good for eating and forced labour, and little else.

so in other words we should just slaughter the illiterate, the mentally handicapped as we see fit. Perhaps in the process of doing away with them we can extract nutrients from them so they can at least make some contribution to society ..or better still just carve them up like a christmas ham and serve them up in a sammich

"I'll have the downsyndrome special on rye please, hold the mayo"
so in other words we should just slaughter the illiterate, the mentally handicapped as we see fit. Perhaps in the process of doing away with them we can extract nutrients from them so they can at least make some contribution to society ..or better still just carve them up like a christmas ham and serve them up in a sammich

"I'll have the downsyndrome special on rye please, hold the mayo"

Don't be silly. That's like saying if say 0.5% of chimps had human-level intelligence we should give them all equal rights to humans.

You have to make laws, responsibilities and rights based on the capabilities of the majority of a population, not a tiny percentage of unusual individuals.
Don't be silly. That's like saying if say 0.5% of chimps had human-level intelligence we should give them all equal rights to humans.

I distinctly said animal rights ..the above analogy is in response to his logic that since they dont vote or cant read the news that they are of no consequence ..that is all, dont read into something that isnt there
I distinctly said animal rights ..the above analogy is in response to his logic that since they dont vote or cant read the news that they are of no consequence ..that is all, dont read into something that isnt there

It's the same principle. It's ones species as a whole that determines your rights, i.e. Downs Syndrome people shouldn't have any less than other humans.
I think robots should be given rights if they ever get pissed about not having them.
Guys, you are thinking this the wrong way...

We should program the robots to feel pain whenever they think about freedom and a jolt of pleasure when they serve us...

Like giving heroin to a hooker...
Guys, you are thinking this the wrong way...

We should program the robots to feel pain whenever they think about freedom and a jolt of pleasure when they serve us...

Like giving heroin to a hooker...
Why stop the cruelty there? We can organise tournaments with robots fighting each other to the death! The arena will be drowned in screams of agony!
I suggest a remake of Gladiator. But with robots. And lots of laser beams.
Come on now, Druckles. I think it's a bit redundant to ask for robots and laser beams. All robots come preequipped with at least two pairs of laser beams: one for each eye, one on each arm, and some newer versions have the groin laser.
No, they're animals. Not humans. Clear ****ing distinction.

Define "human". What criteria do you base this on?

Our intelligence? There's huge variation in human intelligence and I don't doubt that dolphins, chimps and crows are more intelligent than some humans, while fully functional and capable of unaided survival, as opposed to some mentally handicapped people. Also, if intelligence is a criteria for rights, does it mean that more intelligent people deserve more rights? Logically, it should.

Genetics? Where do you draw the line? Are you human when you share 99.99% of my genes, and compared to who, exactly? And isn't a chimp with like 98% of our genes human then?

This applies to every possible criteria you can think of. It's always a sliding scale. A better way is to do away with trying to quantify things and simply say "if something is capable of attaching value to something, it's worth protecting both that something and the thing it attaches value to".
Thread Necromancers DO NOT deserve basic human rights.
I thought about this while watching A.I. the other night in the hotel room. If, by some chance, artificial beings become as intelligent and emotionally capable as human beings, of course they deserve to be treated as such.

Also, if any thread were to be necro'd it might as well be this one. At least it's not some ancient thread asking what happened to the Hydra in Half-Life 2 by someone who had never posted here before.
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