Do they think we're that stupid?


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
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How many among you have recieved Emails from unknown people, with subjects like RE: document, a short piece of text along the lines of "here's your file" or "Kaspersky antivirus: no virus found" and a .zip document attachment? What is the point? Who is really going to believe this and open the document? Jesus Christ, it just wastes my inbox space and annoys me. How stupid do they think we are? And what's the point of sending viruses to people in the first place?
Script kiddies :)....They are dumber than they think you are.

I got one saying something like

Subject:Fairy Dust

Hey i got this great file you wanted, its the one about the fairies...

I suppose i can give them credit for being slightly more inventive.
To see if you can. To see if you can make a virus, and it takes over 20,000 computers.
I don't know why anyone bothers...climbing Everest to see if you can, okay. Seeing if you can destroy 20 000 people's computers...well, that's ridiculous. I'm a little pissed off about viruses around now, I just had to wipe my PC and reinstall Windows. Guess why?
Why? Well obviously you had windows installed on your computer.

It is kinda dumb though how people do that kind of thing. Well, climbing everest isnt because its not going to destroy a persons life....although it could but its probably going to be family who will at least know why.
Only run 3 virus scans in my life. First was clean, seconded showed up a bunch of worms that were along the lines of:

Soldier Of Fortune 3 serial.exe
Half Life 2 keygen and NOCD crack.exe

pld kids.
sometimes they even write things like 'here you have the naked pics of me you asked for' etc.. oh god, its just so sad :x
I've personally never been affected by viruses, I've always been cautious, not paranoid however, about what I download. It has worked for me.
only virus I ever got was that IRC "click this link to a picture, it's cool" one... I had to reformat :/
i dont know but i get million mortgage messages from people.. from people at I hate spam
I get those all the time, but Norton automatically replaces the attached file with a "Norton Antivirus Deleted1.txt" file.
I just got one with the subject Document and body Thats funny.
I get other people's mail. All. The. Time.

And I tell ya... people enjoy their porn...:rolleyes:
Luckily, most of it gets auto-deleted now.

No viruses, though. :)
I fell for one ONCE.. it was very crafty, and I wasn't paying alot of attention.

Before I continue, my e-mail simply forwards e-mail for the remainder of some period of time. We have Comcast, AT&T got bought out here, so, I know it's due to be deactivated sometime soon, anyhow..

It was from [email protected], saying my e-mail account was about to be deactivated.. it said "read the attached file for information regarding the last days of your account." I opened it, as soon as I was double clicking, I realized it was a zip, and that I'd been duped. Aside from that, I didn't open the .exe in the zip, so I wasn't virused, but it was still the closest I've ever come
i guess i'm one of the few ppl who never needed a virus incident to deciide to use anti-virus software. i did intercept one once, it was kinda fun :)

not virus-related, but think-we're-stupid related is that old nigerian scma stuff that used to be popular. i used to get one of those a week when i worked at nasa, but since i left i don't get them anymore, guess i'm just not that important anymore :(. have you guys read that haxial account where he started playing along with one of the nigerian con-artists? i loved it myself :)

edit oops, here's the link:
ray_MAN said:
I got spyware once. It wasn't my fault.

I've gotten spyware hundreds of times.. most of it is due to crap I DL, god bless spyware scanning software :)
Quit looking at beastiality and it wouldn't be an issue.
Some viruses (or worms) are good...ok...maybe 1...

Its a worm that DIsables MSblaster and patchs DCOM, i had it. when i read the desc on norton i seriously lol'd :E
I almost fell for one aying my PayPal account was going to be deleted...then I realised I didn't have a PayPal account.
Norton has saved my computer numerous times, I'm thankful for it, but at the same time, I'm getting increasingly annoyed because I have to update it three times a day it seems. That, IMO, is insane.
A while ago, I went to warez sight in search of... *cough* "liberated software", and a file began uploading at a furious rate. Quite simply, I panicked, and in doing so, saved myself from an unknown horror.
A strange euphoria settled over me in the realization that I did the one thing that was certain to save me, and the would-be assailent could not do a thing about. I physically disconnected my modem.
That was fun.
in the past 2 or 3 months, i've removed 700+ spyware files. about 200 of those were registry processes/values/keys whatever... those SUCK SO FREAKIN MUCH GODDAMNIT I F*CKING HATE SPYWARE. JESUS CHRIST.... last week i'm just looking at the news on and suddenly everything freezes and i start getting popups like crazy, so i'm like hmm, this has happened before... so i run spyware detection stuff, and voila there's tons of new spyware... but NOT JUST SPYWARE OOOOOH NO! THERE WAS, MALWARE, THIEFWARE, AND ATTEMPTED INTERNET HIJACKINGS... 5 TIMES!! arghhhh and then there's the REALLY fun spyware, that goes into your registry, where... you can remove it, but unless you can find the RANDOMLY NAMED 3 LETTER FOLDER AND .EXE THAT THE FILE IS AT AND EXISTS AS, THEN YOU'RE SCREWED BECAUSE IT JUST REINSTALLS ITS SHITTY SELF. OH, AND THAT RANDOM NAMING? YEAH IT CHANGES EVERY F*CKING TIME YOU REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER.

but i removed it all... i want to skin whoever creates spyware, and BATHE IN THEIR BLOOD!


edit: oh and as far as viruses are concerned, this recent internet attack whatever from a week ago, the spyware installed 3 viruses, which norton didn't detect and remove immediately(norton usually works wonderfully for me). so i had fun removing the shitty ass viruses.

edit2: oh, i always get this shit from "[email protected]" and it's always in spanish, with an attachment. it's funny. and yes, they think we are that stupid. hell, i think most people ARE that stupid... well naive, not stupid not everyone knows lots about computers.
I get about 20 "Extend your manhood by a MINIMUM of 3 inches! GARUNTEED!!" every day.
I recently gave my eMail addy to someone I'm doing a uni project with, and suddenly I've ended up with a Junkmail box full of badly-spelt offers of "Medicaationn deliiveerred To youur dooor".

A dude in one of my science mags said he'd followed up a lot of these spam mails... And he found out that a lot of the products that they advertise are apparently non-existant... not only that, but some of them seem to serve no purpose whatsoever...
Brian Damage said:
I recently gave my eMail addy to someone I'm doing a uni project with, and suddenly I've ended up with a Junkmail box full of badly-spelt offers of "Medicaationn deliiveerred To youur dooor".

A dude in one of my science mags said he'd followed up a lot of these spam mails... And he found out that a lot of the products that they advertise are apparently non-existant... not only that, but some of them seem to serve no purpose whatsoever...

My bet is either they get people to click on those sites for revenue purposes, or just to give people viruses/spyware, or, in the end case, to get your CC info and screw you out of money
Do they think you're dumb? Yes. Sending mails with attachments like that infect more people than you think. Not every computer user is used to and literate with computers.

Also, it's not pointless to spread them. A lot of money can be made from writing programs and having them spread. For example, you can write a program that puts itself in the registry so it loads with windows, and copy itself to a few discreet directories incase the user deletes one of the files, and have it collect email addies from random websites it gathers and spam them.

Spamming for porn is a huge market. An example of a great sponser is silvercash ( Imagine writing a program similar to this, and have it spam all of the random email addies collected by scanning random websites for the addies in the HTML, and have the user unknowingly send spam to the collected emails. Imagine making the program grab what to spam from a site, so it can be changed at any time, so the author can have it spam itself (spread itself) until it gets big enough, and then have it spam for cash. Trust me, it works.
Brian Damage said:
I recently gave my eMail addy to someone I'm doing a uni project with, and suddenly I've ended up with a Junkmail box full of badly-spelt offers of "Medicaationn deliiveerred To youur dooor".

A dude in one of my science mags said he'd followed up a lot of these spam mails... And he found out that a lot of the products that they advertise are apparently non-existant... not only that, but some of them seem to serve no purpose whatsoever...

Most spammers are beginning to spell things terribly "incorrectly" in order not to trigger any kind of spam filters.
bottom line i ever find one of these mean little ****ers that makes viruses i'll trap him in his home and make him starve to death at his computer. r ust cave his head in with a shovel...or her, i'm not sexist.
Great... so now they have to attatch a spellchecker to our spam filters... wonderful...
I get one every time i log on to my hotmail account there always seems to be a "re:document" being the most common virus email. My mum got fooled by that, its so easy to get caught if you dont know what your doing. I also get viruses from "webmasters" that tell me that i have supposivly delivered mail to them and it had failed yay i have a virus and the virus scanner cant detect it or, its a new way of attempting to give me virus. Yay