Do think HL2DM will be another "Steam Purchase"?


Oct 27, 2003
Reaction score
Here's a new bend that I have not seen here yet on the forums.

What if Valve did make a HL2DM, but now intends to "Sell" it on Steam as a separate package. Perhaps the "Gold" club members will get it free. But the Silver and Bronze folks will have to fork $$$ over for it. Quite frankly I would not put it by the Valve folks anymore. The ATI Coupon holders feel that we did not get what we were promised as Gabe made it seem that the ATI Coupon holders would get a middle offering.
Gabe mentioned that he had been playing HL2 multiplayer everyday (and it would be a big surprise!!) and NO ONE speculated that it had been CS. All the buzz on the forums showed everyone that thought it would be a new form of DM or other new MP game. Not CS. I myself am sick of CS repetition after 3 years of it. I went to UT2004 for something new. I was waiting for a new HL2DM. Some folks bash HL1DM but it is mostly the younger crowd who don't realize that it was designed and written for 1998-1999 PCs and optimized for dialup connections. There has really been little improvement in the last 3 years on its engine or textures. Heck but it rocked on a home LAN. Every use a trip mine as a sniping perch, or as stairs? Hows about using snarks as guards or as scouts? I ran a HL1DM server called Thunderdome from 6/2000 to 9/2002 every friday night

See it this way, if there was big buzz on the forums regarding a new Deathmatch. Do you think Valve would give it away? Or could they make much more $$$ by making it a separate purchase say 3 months after HL2's release.
I see so much about so many people that are going to make is a mod that it will be a bit of a joke. How many mappers are going to make maps with functionalty for so many different "DM" mods.
An offical "HL2DM" would attact many more mappers to it then so many drop in the bucket DM mods.
There may still be a HL2DM so keep your eyes open on steam.

Moderators, a request, could you actually leave this open for 24 hours? Most of my threads are closed within a couple hours even though there were good discussions going with little flaming. A few were outrightly deleted. There is no Valve-bashing here.
Thats a rediculous proposition, for a start a deathmatch hl2 themed mod would be pretty easy to mod in anyway... so nobody would pay for it. There's hundreds of incredibly talented mappers and modders out there, they'll be just as good as the professionals.
oldagerocker said:
Thats a rediculous proposition, for a start a deathmatch hl2 themed mod would be pretty easy to mod in anyway... so nobody would pay for it. There's hundreds of incredibly talented mappers and modders out there, they'll be just as good as the professionals.

Actually an official DM would attract more mappers who would do work specifically for it. There will be how many DM mods out there. How many will each mod attact if there were say just 20 DM mods?

I'm not saying that the DM game would be expensive, but lets say $15 x the number of DM players not getting the Gold edition?
That would amount to icing on the cake.
i think if ppl keep complaining it's likely "official" HL2 MP will show up later. i interpreted the "we're keeping MP a surprise" comment as "um, we haven't made anything much yet", so it was unrealistic to expect them to make CS:S, finish HL2 SP and create HL2 MP from scratch in a year.

if it's technically possible to make something that does the SP game justice, that is.

but i doubt they would make ppl pay for it...depending on the original package u bought perhaps.
I think when these 20 dm mods come out, valve will choose the best one with the most talented mappers and support them, as they did with Counter-strike. The community supports the best mods really. If you play the mod (the best, most fun one) it'll survive. Just look at Natural Selection, a mod thats still working on their own attracting more talent through publicity in magazines but Valve just giving them a nudge by supplying them with SDK tools, of which aren't out to the public yet.
shad3r said:
i interpreted the "we're keeping MP a surprise" comment as "um, we haven't made anything much yet", so it was unrealistic to expect them to make CS:S, finish HL2 SP and create HL2 MP from scratch in a year.

yeah well there was no need for them to convert CS into CS:Source.
wait, let me correct myself, there was a need, its called making money :)
Valve could have worked on a HL2 themed MP, but they didn't.. now only they can answer why they chose CS:Source over that considering how most members here claim how easy it is to create a DM/TDM/CTF mode for MP.

if its as easy as pple say it is, Valve should have done if's and's or but's
Well two things that have sucked these last few days:
1.No HL2 themed DM....They really could of created a masterpeice here
2.Collectors Edition people getting reamed. The packages are not fair. Its almost like they made the CE crap in comparison.
Tiddalick said:
Well two things that have sucked these last few days:
1.No HL2 themed DM....They really could of created a masterpeice here
2.Collectors Edition people getting reamed. The packages are not fair. Its almost like they made the CE crap in comparison.

honestly... i think they made a joke out of both of these things.
perhaps the CE moreso.. :|
If you think the CE is crap, buy the Steam package. Noone is forcing anyone to buy anything, it's very simple.

And as far as the ATi voucher, all it is valid for is a free copy of HL2. Nowhere on that coupon does it state you're entitled to anything more. It's funny how people keep whining and moaning about what they "deserve". Be thankful that you got it at all, it's FREE!
CE == more money to Vivendi
Gold == more money to VALVe.

and u r surprised the CE is worse?

and read what i wrote : "masterpiece" MP probably wasn't doable in a year, CS:S was. VALVe want to move the current mod scene onto Source, so something like CS:S _had_ to be done as an example. would you rather wait another year or more for HL2 with "masterpiece" MP?

EDIT: and Dr Freeman, it isn't quick and easy to make. something crappy is easy, but if they made crappy DM you would be flaming them 'cos it was crappy. pick a mod u like, then find out how long it took to make. now add the extra time it would take to get it to VALVe quality.
mjrhzrd said:
Every use a trip mine as a sniping perch, or as stairs? Hows about using snarks as guards or as scouts?

Screw cs it is repetative. :sleep:
mjrhzrd said:
Here's a new bend that I have not seen here yet on the forums. [blah blah blah blah blah...] A few were outrightly deleted. There is no Valve-bashing here.

No. 7987987987
shad3r said:
CE == more money to Vivendi
Gold == more money to VALVe.

and u r surprised the CE is worse?

yes i was surprised because when i made that post of mine, i was thinking of what Blizzard did with the Diablo2 CE and what was done with UT2004...u see it isn't normal to have a developer and publisher to separate purchase options to wage out their legal/money battles.. yeah.. just in case u hadn't noticed that with the rest of the gaming industry ;)

shad3r said:
EDIT: and Dr Freeman, it isn't quick and easy to make. something crappy is easy, but if they made crappy DM you would be flaming them 'cos it was crappy. pick a mod u like, then find out how long it took to make. now add the extra time it would take to get it to VALVe quality.

if ur interested in discussing HL2 and its MP, then ur more than welcome to try and address the points made by many including Cyber and myself in
this HL2 themed MP thread
Vivendi gets what they deserve. Thank God Valve created Steam. Depending on what Gabe says about the release dates/packages next week, i most likely will cancel my CE and get the 2nd package..bronze i think? I don't really care about post cards, stickers, etc....not my bag baby!
I didn't bother to read this entire thread so this has probably already been said: that would be complete BS to charge a second price for a standard game feature found in any game. IF it is ever added to hl2 it would be as a regular steam update. Surely there must be some kind of consumer protection from this kind of thing like leaving out mp just to charge for it later.

I'm really tempted to switch to a steam silver or gold purchase over the CE retail, but i still want a hard copy and not just a burned steam file on a cd-rw. and a single DVD is mighty attractive over 6 cd's.
Eon Blue said:
Someone'll mod it.
Oh PLEASE! you know, valve could have just coded Source and let the comunity create halflife two! They're all creative and good mappers, so who needs paid dev's!
This is such a crap mentality, course some script dicky can port HLDM to source. But then what? I dont want to play the old maps with a new and shiny engine.
Take a look at CS:s, yes, the gun looks pretty, but the maps are still the old, worn down HL1 engine maps with simple textures and simple geometry.
I want new maps, like the stairhouse in the tunnels bink, where I can sit in a dark loomy corner with my crossbow and pick out people, instead of: getting killed, waiting 4 minutes, buying a mp5, getting killed. waiting 4 minutes <- Ctrl C, CtrlV V V V V V V V V V

Rocketman9mm said:
I didn't bother to read this entire thread so this has probably already been said: that would be complete BS to charge a second price for a standard game feature found in any game. IF it is ever added to hl2 it would be as a regular steam update. Surely there must be some kind of consumer protection from this kind of thing like leaving out mp just to charge for it later.

I'm really tempted to switch to a steam silver or gold purchase over the CE retail, but i still want a hard copy and not just a burned steam file on a cd-rw. and a single DVD is mighty attractive over 6 cd's.
Meh, just buy the CD version and copy the CDs onto a DVD. It's not like it's that hard.

As for charging for HL2DM being 'unfair' - it's valves product, they can do whatever they want with it. If you think it's unfair, that's your right, but you don't have the right to tell the company what it should or shouldn't do.

I doubt they would charge for it - I think it's more likely they'd foster a mod team making it, or perhaps start work on it themselves after DOD/HL:S is finished
mjrhzrd said:
Here's a new bend that I have not seen here yet on the forums.

What if Valve did make a HL2DM, but now intends to "Sell" it on Steam as a separate package.

What if Valve decided to charge us for medkits in HL²? or for ammo? every time you would want to use a HEV recharger station you would have to punch in your credit card info in the game and complete a transaction. :LOL:

No I seriously doubt they're even thinking about making a HL²DM at this point.
please stop there is no HL2DM and valve wont make one. Modders probably will.
ukfluke said:
please stop there is no HL2DM and valve wont make one. Modders probably will.
Hey man thanks for the info!

Ok, right now according to steam's status page there are:

80,000 (!) players playing counter-strike, the game that is cool to hate.

300 playing HLDM.

Gee. . . I wonder where the idea to make CS:S and cut out HL2DM came from?
HLDM doesnt even have enough players to sell to, hence it wasnt even included in HL2
Who said HL2 multiplayer had to be one
They could of made a masterpeice multiplayer experience intergrating their experience with CS and more modern games like Unreal 2004 for example.
It is a REAL SHAME that they did not do this.
Lanthanide said:
Meh, just buy the CD version and copy the CDs onto a DVD. It's not like it's that hard.

As for charging for HL2DM being 'unfair' - it's valves product, they can do whatever they want with it. If you think it's unfair, that's your right, but you don't have the right to tell the company what it should or shouldn't do.

A good company knows what its customers wants and should, for their own sake, please those customers. A good company should encourage their customers (Potential Customers) to tell them what they'd like.

I doubt they would charge for it - I think it's more likely they'd foster a mod team making it, or perhaps start work on it themselves after DOD/HL:S is finished

At this point it looks that way. I think Valve underestimated the fan's interest in Multiplayer. Other, newer MP games have come out to steal HL1's MP thunder. CS is different than the regular DM style of play. Also, it's requirements are lower, which encourage those with "Mom's" computer to play that instead of the newer games with requirements they can't handle.

I'm not saying CS isn't any good, I'm just saying that comparing the current number of online players is an inaccurate method of measuring relative interest.
why is it inaccurate. the more people playing a game means that there is more interest in it. if u make a game and nobody plays it, then its pretty safe to assume that no1 is interest in it.

whats the point in wasting resources on hldm if hardly anyone plays it?
It's not an apples-apples comparison is my point.

CS is a different type of gameplay. HLDM is like many newer and better DM games. CS, though old, is still relatively fun to play when compared to newer games of that style. When you pair that with the lower system requirements, you get a lot of people playing a fun game that has low system requirements.

If the two were of similar game style it would be more comparable.

I, for one, can't imagine why CS is as popular as it is, but that is beside the point. I prefer a more classic style of gameplay, like DM. Once in a while it is fun to try other modes, but CTF and DM types games are what I prefer. And I'm including SP games in that consideration as well.
yes thats very true. but the fact still remains that not enough ppl play it to warrant valve putting resources into it, when they can spend more time on cs which is going to appeal to a larger audience.
fez said:
yes thats very true. but the fact still remains that not enough ppl play it to warrant valve putting resources into it, when they can spend more time on cs which is going to appeal to a larger audience.

how are u coming to that conclusion though?
i mean if u are basing it off the numbers u get from HL1's DM then thats totally unfair because of the life source and pyhsics would put into HL2's DM which mind u, HL1's DM never had.

plus, are we strictly talking of HL2 DM? pple here said Valve wasn't/isn't limited to that.. a Resistence vs Combine MP would totally fly with gamers.. u saw all the disappointed pple on this forum.. so i don't need to remind u that is just a small percentage of HL fans/gamers who were disappointed in hearing about this MP deal.
hmmm.... does Half-life: source have Deathmatch? then all you would need to do is add the new weapons...
CreamOfetus said:
hmmm.... does Half-life: source have Deathmatch? then all you would need to do is add the new weapons...

and the new levels. and the new models.
I remember hearing about CS2:S in development.... so maybe people who are disappointed with CS:S being the only multiplayer option for HL2 will be surprised that CS:S is actually CS2:S!!!

I know it's unlikely... but still... dream on!!!
hey 20thcenturyboy when gabe first said there was a surprise in the multiplyer i was hoping it would be cs2 and not just soure. oh well. anyway i think CS2 will be a stand alone game u have to pay for.
I didn't get an effing "free" copy of HL2. The vouchers weren't *free*. I paid a crapload of money for a videocard which INCLUDED HL2. It's not some "freebie" I should praise Valve for giving me, they are not being "kind" by letting me play HL2. They got my money.

Anyone who thinks vouchers are free is a fool. Don't ever say that again unless you want a slap on the face given to you by voucher holders.
Yeah, me too. AS far as HL1 being another MP... Don't count on it. They could have removed the MP capability pretty easy. Just giving the SP game would suck, but possible. Also, HL1S: DM would still not be as good as HL2: DM.

The fact is, if making a HL2: DM game was easy enough for the Mods to make, then Valve should have been able to pull it off. If not, then we will be waiting a long time for them to get it done.

The other option is that some other company is making a HL2: DM game behind the scenes which would not ship with HL2. That would validate Valves insitence that it doesn't come with the game, yet will be available. That doesn't really hold water though, so don't get your hopes up. It would be stupid to have another company make the MP, but not ship it with the game, and likely make you buy it separate.

Of course they could be working on it and it will be done soon and then it will be a free add-on, which would validate all statements, and still give the MP.

Lots of ways to think of it.