Do u guys do drugs?

Do you do drugs?

  • Yes (rather not say)

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Cannabis (any varients, e.g skunk)

    Votes: 10 15.9%
  • Anphetamines

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cocaine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Animal Traquilisers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No (but my mates do)

    Votes: 15 23.8%
  • No

    Votes: 30 47.6%
  • Miss Hoover, I don't have a red crayon, I ate it

    Votes: 4 6.3%

  • Total voters
May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Well i was just wondering if the computer games community does illegal stuff, be honest, and don't rat on anybody who confesses their habits!
i was gonna put that in as well, but i thought a Ralf Wiggum quote would be better. Ah well, missed opportunities
drugs = a bad life

Sorry if I have offended anyone, its just my opion I could be
I voted cannabis, because that is the one that is most regulary used. Should have a option for SSRI's like prozac, and then aderal and ritalin.

And what bout pills? E, or LSD?

And dont laugh at animal traquilisers. you obviously dont know much about people who do drugs if you do.

o and if ANYONE here smoke cannabis, in the solid resin form, you deserve to be shot you pathetic individuals :P
Originally posted by righte0us
I think he means.. conventional drugs? :E

You cant get much more conventional than tobacco, alcohol and caffiene.
Originally posted by [Re4lity]Marc
I voted cannabis, because that is the one that is most regulary used. Should have a option for SSRI's like prozac, and then aderal and ritalin.

And what bout pills? E, or LSD?

And dont laugh at animal traquilisers. you obviously dont know much about people who do drugs if you do.

o and if ANYONE here smoke cannabis, in the solid resin form, you deserve to be shot you pathetic individuals :P

But naturally, normal cannabis is fine in this situation :rolleyes:
Yeah, I know, but this poll was mainly to ascertain the illegal activities of the forum.

Please note: Drugs ARE bad and RUIN people's lives... I have seen it happen (I grew up in Lewisham, anyone who lives in England, and is near London will know what I mean by that)
Originally posted by Abom|nation
But naturally, normal cannabis is fine in this situation :rolleyes:

look, i not trying to be rude, but have you ever smoked weed?

Because um, there is a difference between solid, and good green.

and you would um notice and understand...
solid is vile, i should know it f*cked up my mate's lungs. But i dunno really, leaf could be just as bad......
I voted 'no but my friends do it.'

Personally i think anyone who takes drugs is pretty dumb to do so. I know i cant stop you, its your choice but if i were your friend it would try to talk you out of it. I also wouldnt let you do it round me.

Alchohol is fine :cheers:
I think weed is um... better for you than drinking

although, it depends how much you take...
and well i take too much of both lol
good for you.... although it can be really hard to convince someone that it is the wrong thing to do, especially when they have been doing it for a while. My friends smoke pot, and I make em stand outside when they do it, even if its their house! Disgusting habit
Alcohol, especially in red wine(good for the heart) is quite good for you so long as you don't overdo it. Weed however affects certain area of the brain in a bad way. It generally lowers your 'intelligence' for want of a better phrase.It decreases you capacity to think rationally(so does alcohol but to a lesser extent of long periods.) the only unaffected parts are the abstract and vocabulary. It very often emphasises problems you may have such as a stutter. (someone in my class had that problem)

Please i don't want to start a flame war I'm just saying this because i really don't like to see people hurting themselves. It may very well be that at the moment you aren't seeing the effects and it may even seem like its doing you good but trust me it isnt.
Another problem i have with it is that it is becoming increasingly trendy to do things like weed. And the ever present peer preasure forces people into it when they wouldnt have done it.
**** peer pressure. Tell em all to go to hell. Last guy who tried to make me smoke something now smokes through a complicated series of tubes.
lol i just said no from the start, now my mates dont even consider asking me to smoke weed, which is fine by me :)
Fair play to your mates then. It's twats who go "go on, just try it, it'll make you cool!" that need to be shot.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Alcohol, especially in red wine(good for the heart) is quite good for you so long as you don't overdo it.

And a side note, it's not the alcohol in red wine that's good for the heart.
Originally posted by [Re4lity]Marc
look, i not trying to be rude, but have you ever smoked weed?

Because um, there is a difference between solid, and good green.

and you would um notice and understand...

No, and I never intend to. I've seen what it's done to people around me, and it hasn't been good. I don't care what the difference is between "solid" and "good green". Illegal drugs are illegal drugs, and in my opinion, are only for idiots.
my friends respect my discision not to do weed, and they wouldn't be my friends if they didn't. I used to have a group of mates who pressured me into weed, so i left em.
You coffee drinkers should be ashamed of yourselfs. I think a bit of water rehab is on the cards. *giggle*
i think its actually a common thing, sadly...... i don't have any problem with them smoking it, its their decision, as long as they dont try and push me into it...
Ive done weed once in my life. It wasn't peer pressure (Although it was my friends I did it with) I did it because weed isn't nearly as bad as most "hard drugs". I did it because I knew it would be a one time only thing and because I can actually say that I have done it.

It was pretty funny thinking how much I ate once I got the munchies. :cheese:
Only coffee, alcohol, and nargila (if you know what that is) for me.
Originally posted by mrBadger

Please note: Drugs ARE bad and RUIN people's lives... I have seen it happen (I grew up in Lewisham, anyone who lives in England, and is near London will know what I mean by that)

This is very true.

However its just weak people that let it go that far. I have some pot maybe once every month or 2. Im normal, i have a good job and a good lifestyle. People shouldnt asume though that drug use is done to stem intense depression or something. Some of us, read a high amount, just like to get together with mates, have a smoke, and giggle at the best jokes ever to come to pass. I have an awsome time with my friends when we do.

And dont think im not aware of the effects, last week one of my friends commited suicide and the amount of pot he used to have certainly didnt help.
Originally posted by Private Snafu
I think the point we're missing here is that Half Life 2 is going to be our drug! :D
lol! Imagine an HL2 rehab centre! :D
You guys are blowing this way outta proportion. My parents and their circle of friends have a steady cannibis habit, they do it together out in the garage and no one cares, they're the most loving and together people I've ever known. Drugs don't ruin lives, people abuse drugs and ruin their own lives. Granted it's addictive but you guys seem to be okay with Alcohol and Tobacco. Alcohol is fine, it contains sugar and other things which can be good for you but smoking is really just a marketing ploy gone wrong. A way to make money by exploiting people, honestly can anyone tell me they enjoyed their first fag?? Marijuana was brought into US by Mexican slaves who smoked a joe at the end of a hard working day to cool off and relax. That's it. As soon as the authorities found out they went mental and it all scandal scandal scandal. We took slaves to do our work for shit but THEY'RE SMOKING A PLANT and we're not making money from it. So yeah just thought I'd say something ^^
Drugs ruined my life, and i have never even dont any =/. Long story, just DONT GET INVOLVED WITH THEM!