do we have a vent thread?


Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
i mena the games great and all, but do we have a thread where we can yell and scream about what we dont like ex: the minimum specs, how long it to, blah blah
I thought you meant actual vents.....Air vents, I hope there are no vents in HL2, they got annoying in HL1

/And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those pesky headcrabs.
Dr.breen said:
I thought you meant actual vents.....Air vents, I hope there are no vents in HL2, they got annoying in HL1

/And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those pesky headcrabs.

hmm.. those vents in HL1 were part of what made the game so unique tho.. :p
i wouldn't mind if there were air vents/ducts in HL2 but i hope theres something that gives HL2 its own uniqueness :D
The only thing I can vent about right now is the fact it isn't being played by me... right now. Oh and the fact that CS:Source needs some bots... because I don't like Cstrike players.
i nver liked vents in any game

always took to long to get form one end to the other becuase crouching
is too slow
I don't know, I kind of liked the vents.
Sneaking through them, waiting for headcrabs lurking in the dark to show their little ugly vagina looking faces.
I hated some of the vent spots where you could see through the vents at guards "hanging out", but you couldn't cap em. That sucked. :(
Eg. said:
i mena the games great and all, but do we have a thread where we can yell and scream about what we dont like ex: the minimum specs, how long it to, blah blah
I hate the minimum specs on vents too,. way too cramped. And they can be way too long, yes. Yelling and screaming in vents is cool though because you get that metalic echo effect.
i thought this was gonna be about ventrilo... so i'll just assume it is.

ventrilo = h4x
aahah i love it how we can make a thread a topic about whatever we want to talk about... i bet you someone will come in here and start talking about vents in halo.....??? AAHhhhaha stupid dumb forum people talking about halo in a hl2 forum... <-- there's my vent.....
I quite liked the sound effect when you were crawling along them, and then there was that classic moment when the vent gave way beneath you. In moderation, vents can be quite good. They worked a treat in Doom 3, especially with Trites.

As for venting frustration, anger or disappointment, we don't need a thread for that, as HL2 is going to be perfect in every way. *cough*
A thread where people bitch and moan

and vents in HL1 kicked ass
dkelly said:
I don't know, I kind of liked the vents.
Sneaking through them, waiting for headcrabs lurking in the dark to show their little ugly vagina looking faces.

I found the classic quote :LOL:. Personally I wouldn't like to lick one :p
I liked the vents in HL. It's fun sneaking out and capping a soldier before he sees you.

BTW, this thread has SO been hijacked!! :)