Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in ghosts?

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The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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EDIT: That's supposed to be a :O , dammit, but it won't follow my commands! Burn in hell, Bulletin.
Probably not. Doesn't stop weird shit happening to me, though.

-Angry Lawyer
On a concious and rational level no.

I can still get scared by silly things though.
Personally, no. But the whole idea still scares me when weird shit happens. Damned human emotion.

Reminds me of the "Spook Light" right around where I live... I personally don't believe it exists as a spirit thing or anything, but most people just demand it's some ghost or something..

EDIT: That's supposed to be a :O , dammit, but it won't follow my commands! Burn in hell, Bulletin.
I voted yes because no one else did.
No, I dont really. Why would ghosts be made of something we can see if they are the result of an afterlife?
No such thing IMO
Yes, but only insofar that I think the concept of ghosts is ****ing cool.
If we can see ghosts, it means there is something that absorbs light and reflects it partially which is caught by our eyes. That means it's made of something that's not supernatural, because it's something that behaves by our laws of physics. Which means it can be tested and it shouldn't be hard to detect ghosts with equipment. Until that happens, no I don't believe in them.
Unquestionably, having had 'experiences' at an old house I used to live in. I believe in poltergeists too, they're annoying as hell.
Ghosts are phenomena when dimensions fold into each other.
of course not, but i agree, it would be cool to beleive.
I would say no... but then again, there's so much about science that we don't know yet, so it could be possible

If they did exist it would be terribly embarrassing, watching us poo, beat off, and do all the other things humans get up to.

If they did exist it would be terribly embarrassing, watching us poo, beat off, and do all the other things humans get up to.

Aye, can't understand the people who come up with "I believe my grandfather is watching over me", I mean, does he watch you poop or does he look away?
90% of 'ghost' like events that people talk about are just the human brain preceiving something that they believe can not be explained. If the brain was no idea why X happened it will do anything to look for a rational/possible answer and Y being a spirit or ghost because of the aranormal things. 'paranormal' does not mean ghosts but just something not natural happened. imho
He hotglued a bunch of matchsticks to his naked body to form a matchstick suit, and let them all on fire. The end.
I used to live in a house that had a ghost in it so yeah I do.
My teddy ruxpin doll was molested by a ghost. In the eye.

True story.
I hav few "unnatural" experience,for example the phone switched tho speaker by itself

the latest and more weird was that my washing machine was allways on and it keep making those sound it do when you press it buttoms,and when I pressed the off buttom,it didnt turn off
however it got back to normal and thats all
A ghost touched my naughty place.

But other than telling lies about them, yes, I believe in ghosts.
In Soviet Russia, ghost scare you!

Yes, the ghost hovers pretty high and you can hijack em from elites, i believe in them -_-
But well yeah i do
I don't not believe in them...

I've heard things supporting their existance as well as debunking it. I've had no real personal experiences with them, so I can't really judge

i would say the same thing about god though. maybe ghosts are for bored agnostics. do religious people beleive in ghosts?
If by ghosts you mean a dead human's previous living form manifested as a dollop of jizzum, then no.
Haven't encountered anything myself to support the presence of ghosts so no...for now