Do you believe in mental illnesses?


Dec 22, 2003
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I do, mostly because I am surrounded by people who have them. It's amazing how many people think ADD is just a hoax, when it's actually a valid disorder, effecting the physiology of the brain. Certain types of stereotypes about particular disorders, such as schizophrenia, where it is believed most of these individuals are violent, are completely wrong.

Also, what really irks me is how dependent on medication society has become for these types of disorders. When a change in diet, and detoxifcation can cure, or noticeably decrease the symptoms of disorders such as Schizophrenia, ADD, even Autism (and it's related cousin Asperger's Syndrome), and the cost is usually less than meds. But some factors are unchangeable, like environmental. A study was done about the mercury emissions from plants, saying that an increase in these emissions has caused increased cases in Autism. People try to ignore mental disorders and the people they effect, but it seems to be getting worse each year. In short, I wish the government was treating mental disorders like they are a plague, because very soon they will be.
Err... How can one 'not believe in' a mental illness? I don't understand.
Of course I beleive in them. I'm the only one in my family besides my mother that doesnt have a mental illness. Plus I have OCD, so indeed yes.
Mental illnesses are orchestrated by government officials. The real cause is from scalar waves going through ones brain that cuases the damage.
vegeta897 said:
Err... How can one 'not believe in' a mental illness? I don't understand.

Some people think that a) they don't exist (I know some for example) or b) that it is not a valid excuse for the life they lead.
There's a dude who wrote a book, his idea is that mental illnesses do not exist. People are merely actors in this world, and we like conformity. But, his claims are that people who we see as mental, he sees they are just being different, and since in human nature, we don't like that.. so we put em away.
Max35 said:
When a change in diet, and detoxifcation can cure, or noticeably decrease the symptoms of disorders such as Schizophrenia
got any links that support this?
When I was a kid, they knew there was something ****ed up about me and did some brain tests and stuff, they settled on the fact that I more than likely had ADHD.

About this time, My aunt died from bone cancer.

She was a total pack-rat, and me and my sister would make fun of her for pulling over on the side of the road to dig through peoples trash to salvage empty tissue boxes and other useless things. Her house was pilled to the roof with stuff, so that you couldn't walk, you had to climb around. This is a severe form of OCD.

My sister has OCD and serious depression. Growing up, she never even smiled untill she was about 14. Without her medication, she may spend 10 minutes washing her hands several times a day, she may actually wash the skin off her bones.

I don't even want to talk about this anymore, I just woke up and it really doesn't matter to me if any of you believe in them or not. I have Bi-Polar2 being the most serious of all my other problems.

If you don't believe in mental illnesses, thats like not believing in death.

You see Micheal J Fox? Do you think as one of the most successful actors of all time, with all his fame and fortune, suddenly decided that he would start acting retarted and then go die somewhere at like 28 years old?
I work at an institution where we have violent mentally ill people (nearly 2,000 patients). I've read the court reports that come through and there's little to no chance that these people are "just acting". We have people that claim insanity to get out of going to prison but once they get to the institution, it's easy to pick them out. They get labeled as a 'malingerer' and are usually sent back to court and transfered to a prison.
I have Asperger's but it is by no means an illness.

You can only learn over autism. It cannot be "cured" or "detoxified".
I believe in the defection of the brain, yes.

btw, is a minority of 1 or a extremely tiny percentage of people who beilve in somethign weird mental? i mean, if 0.0001% of people believed in god, then it could be that they are crazy, but since there are a lot of them, you can't say that they are crazy. :rolling:
We can become sick and have various forms of disorders in every organ in our body that changes the way that organ works. Our brains are without a doubt the most complicated human organ, and, although highly evolved are still very young from an evolutionary perspective. With that in mind I can't imagine how anyone could possibly believe that mental illnesses do not exist.

Being different from the norm is one thing, however once you are too different and/or your brain is no longer capable of performing many tasks as well as it should then yes you do have a mental illness. Arguing this is not the case would be about the same as me arguing that being born without any arms doesn't mean you have a physical disorder.

That being said however I feel that the medical field is far too often creating new "diseases" and using them to describe just about every difference in human nature. I wouldn't be surprised if every human on the planet right now has at least one mental disorder that the medical community has created. I have never been tested in any way myself but I can almost guarantee that I would be diagnosed with a few at least.
I doubt that belief is crazy. But yes, i believe in mental illnesses.

I still find it interesting that all thought is still represented as electrical patterns. Where is this 'mind-space' where your mind, your sense of individualism, is? The brain is a six-pound pile'o'dreams, a lump of mass and cranial fluid. But it created... society as we know it.
Both of my parents are in the field of psychology, my dad in the medicine / psychotherepy aspects and mom councellor / psychologist. But the reason I truly believe in mental illness is that i've experienced depression and anxiety myself.
babyheadcrab said:
Both of my parents are in the field of psychology, my dad in the medicine / psychotherepy aspects and mom councellor / psychologist. But the reason I truly believe in mental illness is that i've experienced depression and anxiety myself.

Me too. i've also experienced despair, hopelessness, extreme boredom, ect.
Yes but some people use it as a crutch (mainly parents for children, examples with ADD)

A lot of times there really is a problem that medical treatment helps out, but sometimes it's just starting a kid on drugs who just needs his ass kicked to straighten up and fly right.

Me myself? No mental illnesses I'm completely normal as far as I know. I have had a lot of trouble dealing with people who do have them in the past who are close to me because I just can't understand why they act how they do but I've learned to be able to deal with them.
I dunno, I probably have ADHD or something because my attention span is sometimes extremely short except for subjects that interest me (which also makes it look like autistic behaviour, lol :p). Either that, or I have some evehl brain disease because sometimes I have problems remembering really recent stuff (short-range memory has teh brainworms! D: )
my sisters daughter, who is 7 now i think, is severely autistic..

when she was born they noticed a large part of her brain was practically 'dead'. she's just now learnt to walk and can't talk properly at all. it's like there's a bubble around her. one thing that i think should be mentioned is that she enjoys music alot, especially classical music.

it's just so horribly sad to watch what a thing like this can do to an entire family.. after several years of struggle, she eventually caused irreparable problems to their entire family, caused my sister to become a heavy drinker and eventually she and the father had to divorce and she's now finishing a few years of rehab..

the two other children have suffered from it alot, particularly the oldest son who's 13 now, he has motoric skill problems and generally lacks alot of confidence about himself, because his parents have always neglected him to keep after the autustic daughter.

he's like a younger brother to me, i'm just so damn angry about this. his dad has been very tough in bringing him up, not hitting him, but always forcing him to 'learn' stuff and not be clumsy etc, to the point of making him cry.

About ADD, I had a friend with it once and I think it exists, I think everyone has a bit of ADD unless you're a buddhist or something. Most people can't concentrate on one single thought for more than 6 seconds.

But I also think it can be treated. the friend with ADD was generally very strange, always changed his mind about what he wanted to do in a matter of seconds, he had lots of problems with school because of this. But I think it had to do with him being spoilt and his divorced mother being way too easy on him. like rakurai put it, generally a kid who just needs his ass kicked to straighten up and fly right.

i think you should send ADD kids to some buddhist camp or something where they could work on calming and focusing their mind under very little input.

And about people who don't understand how other people can act under influence of brain illnesses, I mean. It's just a brain. it's a physical organ that dictates how we function. The human body is no where near perfection, we're highly vulnerable in lots of ways and the brain is just one. just some simple factors can change how we're born, and brain diseases are just something disturbing the way the brain functions and thus the way we act.
ADD is NOT a mental illness,I was diagnosed with it once when I was 5 then again when I was 12.its not like your crazy when you ADD, it just hard to concentrate.
When I was 8, I was diagnosed with ADD. Took medication too, actually.

Now, I'm completely normal. Quite the opposite, now people think I need to be a little more enthusiastic.

So, either people just assumed I had ADD from being hyper or the "illness" just disappeared.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I have Asperger's but it is by no means an illness.

You can only learn over autism. It cannot be "cured" or "detoxified".

Well, it's not really classified as a mental "illness", it's a pervasive developmental disorder, or something like that. And you couldn't be more wrong, it can be detoxified. I have a few books, and other research materials, saying out right that detoxification can cure Autism. Cases have been reported where autistic individuals have toxic levels of mercury, lead, etc found in their hair and fingernails.

Even Schizophrenia, is believed to be caused by inflammation in the brain, it can become infected like any other organ. If you want to believe all the lies of the medication industry, fine, but there are other methods. They may not be widely believed, but that doesn't mean they are not true.
Most mental illnesses are kind of vauge.

ADHD isn't like a deasease, it's just a term applied to people who show a few of the several symptons.

1/3 people will suffer from mental illness sometime in there life.
The Mullinator said:
Our brains are without a doubt the most complicated human organ
That being said however I feel that the medical field is far too often creating new "diseases" and using them to describe just about every difference in human nature.

Of course you're right. The brain is an extremely complicated organ, thats why there are so many things that can go wrong. Thats why there are so many various illnesses.

I know what you mean about differences in human nature.

"Nature" loves indescrepencies (for lack of a more appropriate word). Some people are born with both male and female sex organs for example. Twins, tripplets, albinos, and other rare occourances. This is all part of evolution.

I agree that its gotten a little rediculous watching TV and theres an advertisement for pills for everything, things like Restless Leg Syndrome. LOL
(im serious)

But thats becuase medicine is advancing at the rate that humans are advancing.

30 years ago we had just invented the amazing television, and they were inventing the computer, and no one knew much about mental illnesses. If something was wrong with someone ,"oh thats your uncle Carl. he's just crazy"

And I agree with the general concensus that many kids are being said to have ADD or ADHD without a proper diagnosis or testing.

That annoys me particularly.

So now when I explain to a police officer that I have ADD, and thats why my city sticker expired last week and I didn't notice, he is not impressed, and I get no slack even when I promise to go directly to the County office to get the sticker.


ADD is NOT a mental illness,I was diagnosed with it once when I was 5 then again when I was 12.its not like your crazy when you ADD, it just hard to concentrate.
It is a mental illness.

And read what I wrote above about how children are being prescribed ritalin and other ADD meds for just about any behavioral difference.

And its alot more than just being hard to concentrate.

A quick search turned up this, which supports the things I have just said.
ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), or ADD (Attention-Deficit Disorder), is a psychiatric illness that is marked by hyperfocus, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, mood swings, and lack of impulse control. The term ADHD usually assumes onset of the mental disorder in children. ADHD and ADD can continue into adulthood. In fact, studies show that a large percentage of children diagnosed with ADHD retain symptoms throughout their adult lives.

So what is the difference between a child who is simply acting child-like and one who truly as ADHD? Many parents wish to know how to identify ADHD, and many cases of ADHD have been mis-diagnosed. There is an entire checklist of symptoms for ADHD and ADD, but the bottom line is to have your child seen by a trained health care professional. There is no definitive cause for ADHD, but there are studies that point the finger at genetics, nutrition, pregnancy health, and neuro-chemical imbalances. There are a number of drugs prescribed to treat ADHD and ADD. The most well-known is probably Ritalin. Some people focust on alternative ADHD treatments, although most of these are not proven to help the illness.
Max35 said:
Well, it's not really classified as a mental "illness", it's a pervasive developmental disorder, or something like that. And you couldn't be more wrong, it can be detoxified. I have a few books, and other research materials, saying out right that detoxification can cure Autism. Cases have been reported where autistic individuals have toxic levels of mercury, lead, etc found in their hair and fingernails.

Even Schizophrenia, is believed to be caused by inflammation in the brain, it can become infected like any other organ. If you want to believe all the lies of the medication industry, fine, but there are other methods. They may not be widely believed, but that doesn't mean they are not true.

Find me a source. This is the first I'm hearing of this.

I find it interesting that people think a developmental disorder that develops before birth is caused by lead and mercury poisoning.

I find it interesting, that if I were "detoxified" during infancy that I might have lead a normal childhood.

My skepticism meter is off the charts right now.
_Z_Ryuken said:
Find me a source. This is the first I'm hearing of this.

I find it interesting that people think a developmental disorder that develops before birth is caused by lead and mercury poisoning.

I find it interesting, that if I were "detoxified" during infancy that I might have lead a normal childhood.

My skepticism meter is off the charts right now.

It's understandable that you are skeptical. And detoxification can begin at any age, but I'm sure the results would be more rapid and successful during infancy, because that is the stage in life where the brain grows the most. Also did it ever occur to you, that all the processed foods we eat, which are contaminated with harsh preservatives and the like, would probably find their way into a mother's womb?.

Also, if your brain were poisoned by toxic levels of lead and mercury obviously there is going to be some ill effects, the brain isn't invincible and can become infected like any other organ. If your looking for an example, I was reading an internet blog about a women with an autisitic child, who used a bath of harsh minerals or something, and the child was "cured" so to speak. I will try and find a source soon.

As for ADHD/ADD, I do agree that it is a highly over-used excuse for inattentive children who simply need to learn discipline. Sometimes medication is required. But more often, things like a diet play a major role. And the medications (stimulants in this case) actually cause brain atrophy over time.
Max35 said:
Also did it ever occur to you, that all the processed foods we eat, which are contaminated with harsh preservatives and the like, would probably find their way into a mother's womb?.

Also, if your brain were poisoned by toxic levels of lead and mercury obviously there is going to be some ill effects, the brain isn't invincible and can become infected like any other organ. If your looking for an example, I was reading an internet blog about a women with an autisitic child, who used a bath of harsh minerals or something, and the child was "cured" so to speak. I will try and find a source soon.
Not everyone eats processed foods all the time. My family is more naturalist in that respect. I strongly disbelieve that this is the case in my "condition".

The mineral bath thing... I don't kow what to say other than what utter bullshit.
The bath had more than just minerals in it, some other detox mixture was also used I can't recall it right now. I'm not saying everyone does eat processed foods, and unless the food is completely organic, then your still subject to harsh chemicals. I agree not every condition is the same, and not caused by the exact same thing. And also, the overly-polluted environment plays a more vital role in this than the uneducated masses might think. I will find a much more credible source then my own words, but it will have to wait for now. Do some research, it might be more credible than you think.
Oh, you could be very right about that. Nothing is for certain. Those with mental "disorders" have contributed more to our society than most ever could. Winston Churchill suffered from depression, while Einstein (some believe) had some form of Asperger's Syndrome (which is on the Autism Spectrum). Sometimes they are just labels...
"The use of saunas or steam baths for treating autism is based on the theory that ASD is caused by mercury poisoning. Exposure to heat causes the body to sweat, which might be a way of releasing some of the stored mercury. In this way, sauna / steam bath therapy might serve as an alternative to traditional mercury chelation therapy, but in most cases it appears to be used along with DMPS, DMSA or LA chelation."

Good enough for me.
But some damage is permanent.
Look at meeeee Im baathing in mercury. weeeeee

Hey do you know how cool that would be? (Its liquid metal. mercury is a metal that is in liquid form at room temperatures.)

What a unique and fascinating element.

Where could one aquire enough mercury for a nice bath-tub full?

I think I will begin collecting mercury from broken thermostats and thermometers.

Being in the restoration buisiness, I am sometimes required to demolish and repair fire damaged houses, leaving broken thermostats for me to amass a small puddle for me to play with. I want to splash metal on my naughty-bits. And when I get out of the bath tub I will still be dry. Don't try this at home kids.

So theraputic! Im healeed. Im healed.

If I knew I would die tomorrow, I want to take a bath in mercury in order to experience something that nobody has likely experienced.. It would be like Han Solo - except I could still move. Ok, so its almost nothing like Han Solo :borg:

Although mercury is a liquid it is NOT WET! It has a negative coefficient of surface tension, which means that the meniscus on the surface is the other way up from normal, or to put it another way it does not soak into material but more runs off in the style of "water off a duck's back".
Images and Souce:
Yeah, of course I believe in mental illness. you must have one yourself if you don't believe in them...

As far as I know, I don't have any myself. I have a really really bad memory, though. I don't think that counts.

BTW, I find it extreeeeeeemely difficult imagining a liquid that isn't wet X(
Max35 said:
b) that it is not a valid excuse for the life they lead.
Well, I get sexually harrased everyday on the bus by a girl with a mental illness. I can't do anything because she has a mental illness.
'nuff said.
Fliko said:
Well, I get sexually harrased everyday on the bus by a girl with a mental illness. I can't do anything because she has a mental illness.
'nuff said.

You are one lucky man.