Do you believe in seeing the future?


Jun 22, 2006
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Not in the black and white "I CAN SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN" way, I mean, do you ever get gut feelings of completely random things that end up actually being true? Do you believe it's possible for omens and that sort of thing?

Yes, this is me being a pseudointellectual.
Id say I'm 50/50 on that subject. Part of me believes it and part of me doesn't. It's really interesting stuff to delve into though.
I've had 'deja vu' experiences that have gone beyond feeling like i've done something before, with a knowledge of an outcome... Also, sometimes things happen and when they do I remember either dreams or 'daydream' visions i'd had of these things happening.

It's not meaningful things, either. It's completely random meaningless things. I don't think our souls keep track of time in the way our physical entities do.
A Deja Vu saved me from hitting me head on a shelf one time... That's kinda like seeing the future, right?
Well this was a shelf I've hitten my head with like twice before, so I was walking into my room, and I thought "DEJA VU!!!" and then I remembered from the Deja Vu that I hit my head, so I just walked out of the room just to avoid it all together, then I found out later that my brother hit his head on the same shelf :P , I'm honestly not kidding about that story either!
I dreamed i'd miss the bus one day.. and I woke up idk 20 minutes before my alarm had to go off..
went back to sleep... my alarm never went off... I missed the bus.
Omgz I seen the future!!! OMGZ!!!

I get deja vu all the time.

Also I have several of these continous dreams.
For example:
I had a dream maybe 5 months ago. Every now and then i'll have another dream that is directly connected to that dream and basically continuous it.
Then I might have another dream that started 2 months ago and does the same thing.
I get deja vu all the time and it just gives me a headache. Never "seen" the future in any way however.
I believe in it fo' sho'.

I have sort of been able to see my deja vu's. I mean when they occur, I actually can say what is going to happen. It has happened twice so far.
Well this was a shelf I've hitten my head with like twice before, so I was walking into my room, and I thought "DEJA VU!!!" and then I remembered from the Deja Vu that I hit my head, so I just walked out of the room just to avoid it all together, then I found out later that my brother hit his head on the same shelf :P , I'm honestly not kidding about that story either!
No, that's called "learning" :P

I'm really unsure about this subject, but I've been getting deja vu that's been nearly driving me insane lately. I dream things. Sometimes entire conversations, even with people I've never talked to before, and then the next day in class, the conversation plays out in exactly the same way as in my dream. Everything matches up perfectly, even the voice tone, inflection, people's reactions, the CLOTHES they wear...
I believe in it fo' sho'.

I have sort of been able to see my deja vu's. I mean when they occur, I actually can say what is going to happen. It has happened twice so far.

Deja Vu always happens to me in really petty situations, I think it's all coincidence.

Is it possible for Deja Vu to occur for something important though? Like, has anyone ever had Deja Vu about a really spontaneous and inprobable fear, and did it come true?
Well of course you can predict the future.

I predict I will take a piss in the next five minutes.

EDIT: One minute would have been more accurate.
I think sometimes a person can calculate unconciously the possibilities of what the outcome may be, and then project it to your head.

I remember hearing somewhere that Deja Vu is usually caused when your brain stores a memory as long-term too soon, before it has taken it out of your short-term memory. I'm gonna go check Wikipedia...


...may result from an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for short-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the present) and those responsible for long-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the past)
I think so, without getting too religious, my sister has predicted a lot of things.
I can hold a card and most of the time she can guess it.
Yes and no.

No in the literal sense, of seeing into the future through deja vu, yes by going 90% the speed of light for a few minutes.
Short Recoil can see the future and past AND travel back AND forward in time.
I don't believe in precognition whatsoever. I refuse to believe in fate, so how can I predict something that is in no way set in stone? Deja vu is simply synapses firing and your mind making sense of it (or something like that- I don't feel like getting out my psych textbook :p) and any "precognition" resulting from it is just a coincidence, if you ask me.
"Do you believe in seeing the future?"
And I think people who think they can/have are victims of wishful thinking. Our memories of events are so imprecise its easy to look back in hindsight and misinterpret what we actually did/thought/said at the time.

...yes by going 90% the speed of light for a few minutes.
Technically you are not seeing the future - you are going to it :p.
I can see diagonally in time.

Here are some fun time facts!:
"The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom."

"Planck time (~ 5.4 × 10^−44 seconds) is the unit of time in the system of natural units known as Planck units. According to current theory, it is the smallest unit of time that could ever be measured"
No. My gut feelings for an impending scenario exist because on some level I'm recognizing a seemingly predictable pattern or notice key factors in a given situation, consciously or subconsciously. And for every one that successfully predicts an outcome, there are two more that are entirely misleading.

I hold no stock in omens or other "signs" that drift into the supernatural or similar. The human body and mind are incredibly complex entities and it's more than capable of sensing/deducing certain things without a conscious hand guiding it. Everything else is coincidence. Deja vu falls under that IMO. Either it's a similar replication of a previous experienced event or a fabrication of the mind. A memory anomaly. Pay no heed to it.
I can see diagonally in time.

Here are some fun time facts!:
"The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom."

"Planck time (~ 5.4 × 10^−44 seconds) is the unit of time in the system of natural units known as Planck units. According to current theory, it is the smallest unit of time that could ever be measured"

*Head Explodes
*Time then reverses and explodes 7 more times

Scientifically, it is impossible.
Seeing the future is theoretically possible, if you can see around the curvature of the universe maybe you can see the future, Einstein believed in that but he don't believed in time travel, I guess.
I don't believe in palmistry, precognition and things like that...
Seeing the future is theoretically possible, if you can see around the curvature of the universe maybe you can see the future, Einstein believed in that but he don't believed in time travel,
I'm afraid not. You do not understand Einsteinian physics.

If you could see the future, you could change it and it would no longer be the future. So no, you cannot see into the future. Thats a fact.
You do not understand Einsteinian physics.
O RLY? I'm working with my friend who is a nuclear engineer on thesis about EPR paradox...
If you could see the future, you could change it and it would no longer be the future. So no, you cannot see into the future. Thats a fact.
Future is events that have yet to happen. If you see this future it's already "changed" ...
O RLY? I'm working with my friend who is a nuclear engineer on thesis about EPR paradox...
Future is events that have yet to happen. If you see this future it's already "changed" ...
It is impossible to see the future. Becuase you could change it and it would no longer be the future.

Anybody disagree?
I predict I will get an infraction relating to spam or inappropriate comments.