Do you believe in seeing the future?

It is impossible to see the future. Becuase you could change it and it would no longer be the future.

Anybody disagree?
Maybe Deja Vu ony occurs whe you foresee an event that has reached some sort of "change singularity" (yes I make up random terms). Think of it like this: You're walking along (event A), and this causes a chain of events that will result in event B. During A, you foresee B, which changes the nature of B to a certain extent, changing it to new event C. Now if you foresee C, that will change it to a certain extent, changing it to event D. And so on and so forth.

But the amount of change between results is variable, and it would be possible (though highly improbable) that this pattern would occasionally result in a progression towards a singularity of change, where foreseeing event N would not change N.
Maybe Deja Vu ony occurs whe you foresee an event that has reached some sort of "change singularity" (yes I make up random terms). Think of it like this: You're walking along (event A), and this causes a chain of events that will result in event B. During A, you foresee B, which changes the nature of B to a certain extent, changing it to new event C. Now if you foresee C, that will change it to a certain extent, changing it to event D. And so on and so forth.

But the amount of change between results is variable, and it would be possible (though highly improbable) that this pattern would occasionally result in a progression towards a singularity of change, where foreseeing event N would not change N.

But if your foreseeing something that will never happen, you're not foreseeing anything.
No. My gut feelings for an impending scenario exist because on some level I'm recognizing a seemingly predictable pattern or notice key factors in a given situation, consciously or subconsciously. And for every one that successfully predicts an outcome, there are two more that are entirely misleading.

I hold no stock in omens or other "signs" that drift into the supernatural or similar. The human body and mind are incredibly complex entities and it's more than capable of sensing/deducing certain things without a conscious hand guiding it. Everything else is coincidence. Deja vu falls under that IMO. Either it's a similar replication of a previous experienced event or a fabrication of the mind. A memory anomaly. Pay no heed to it.

Yeah, I get those weird "gut feelings" a lot too, and maybe 1/10th of the time, they're actually right (that is assuming it's a feeling about something big, not a yes/no question).
me,Lemonking.and the mods do know I'm here.maybe since all you do is flame people you should be perhaos banned.
I dreamed i'd miss the bus one day.. and I woke up idk 20 minutes before my alarm had to go off..
went back to sleep... my alarm never went off... I missed the bus.
Omgz I seen the future!!! OMGZ!!!

I get deja vu all the time.

Also I have several of these continous dreams.
For example:
I had a dream maybe 5 months ago. Every now and then i'll have another dream that is directly connected to that dream and basically continuous it.
Then I might have another dream that started 2 months ago and does the same thing.

Same as me
me,Lemonking.and the mods do know I'm here.maybe since all you do is flame people you should be perhaos banned.

I tried to make sense of that, and failed.

Help me out here?
Let's not worry about it.
go suck something, emo.
And let's not post like this when I'd consider this time still a probation period, deal with problems in the correct manner! Moving on!
Well, I've had my dad do the weirdest things, for example:

He couldn't sleep and decided to drive to the dump in the middle of night (He lives at a farm.). I think he was going to drop some stuff off at there tomorrow, but he just had a gut feeling to go. He found a starving dog who would've died the next day...
Not only that, he/she was a rare breed (not to be cruel or anything), worth something over 2000$.. though, naturally, he got no reward for eventually finding the owner and returning the dog.

There are plenty more of those stories too.

Also, isn't time just another human invention.
If you can, I want you to prove, 100%, that time exists, and that it effects all we say it does, and it does all we say it does
me,Lemonking.and the mods do know I'm here.maybe since all you do is flame people you should be perhaos banned.

Well, I've had my dad do the weirdest things, for example:
He couldn't sleep and decided to drive to the dump in the middle of night (He lives at a farm.). I think he was going to drop some stuff off at there tomorrow, but he just had a gut feeling to go. He found a starving dog who would've died the next day...
He droove to the dump, becuase he was planning on going there later?
The dump is open in the middle of the night?
And this is not just a co-incidence becuase?
Not only that, he/she was a rare breed (not to be cruel or anything), worth something over 2000$.. though, naturally, he got no reward for eventually finding the owner and returning the dog.
If he didn't get anymoney out of it, why was it better that it was a rare dog? Was it the dog of gods that made him go there becuase a sociallly upper class dog was dying?

Also, isn't time just another human invention.
We did not invent time, it is something we have studied, but it existed before us.
If you can,
If I can what?
I want you to prove, 100%, that time exists, and that it effects all we say it does, and it does all we say it does
I am a follower of science, Science does not need 100% proof for anything.
I do not to divulge into quantum theory here to win this argument. My simple paradox I proposed earlier knocks your argument out of the water, if you want to counter that point, your going to have to do better than your negative proof fallacious reasoning.

Scientifically, it is impossible.
If you know every possible bit of information in the universe (accounting for the fact that some information is older as nothing can travel faster than the speed of light) and know all the laws of the universe it would be possible to pridict the entire future.
If you know every possible bit of information in the universe (accounting for the fact that some information is older as nothing can travel faster than the speed of light) and know all the laws of the universe it would be possible to pridict the entire future.
No you can't. Quantam Theory states random chance does exist.
Predicting the future is such utter bullshit that I can't see how anyone can believe in it without being assigned a helmet.
I believe I can see the future
Because I repeat the same routine
It could be possible that we just don't have the understanding yet of quantum physics.

I predict that one day in the future, someone will disprove random.

It is very hard for anyone to understand quantum physics perfectly. Why? To know the location or velocity of an election you must bounce something off of it. That disrupts the velocity. In Quantum physics is about probability. To date Nobody can really understand Quantum Physics because we do not have the technology to get the velocity of an electron.

Quantum Physics does not prove random, it utilizes it because lack of understanding.
It could be possible that we just don't have the understanding yet of quantum physics.
It could be possible that I'm a millionaire, in a world of faires and magical make believe with candy as money and cute little elves with tin foil hats...
I predict that one day in the future, someone will disprove random.
Your basis for this?
It is very hard for anyone to understand quantum physics perfectly.
Really? I thought it takes years studying physics because it was easy.
To know the location or velocity of an election you must bounce something off of it. That disrupts the velocity.
True to an extent.
In Quantum physics is about probability.
To date Nobody can really understand Quantum Physics because we do not have the technology to get the velocity of an electron.
I thought that was impossible?
Quantum Physics does not prove random, it utilizes it because lack of understanding.
I'm quite sure it does, although I am no physicist, I will score the net to find out.
Oh God, the Schrodinger Equation.

But yeah, if you make use of the Schrodinger Equation, setting limits on it, you can deduce that an electron is represented by a probability distribution. (e.g. an electron shell around an atom).

It's impossible to know precisely the position and the momentum of a particle simultaneously, according to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (which is probably more pertinent to the point Solaris was trying to make).
Hence it's impossible to predict the future.

Also, General Relativity forbids knowledge of the future. But you don't want to know about that.
Your basis for this?
Just a prediction.

Really? I thought it takes years studying physics because it was easy.
A better way to say it. No one current does. No one currently can tell you why electrons move the way they do. Because guess what? We do not know exactly why. So we subtitute random in place.

True to an extent.
Go on.

With our current level of Quantum Physics you can only give the probability of something. The probability that the electron here is X. Thats what I mean.

It's impossible to know precisely the position and the momentum of a particle simultaneously, according to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (which is probably more pertinent to the point Solaris was trying to make).
Hence it's impossible to predict the future.
200 years ago Computers, Cell Phones, and etc.. were thought to be impossible.
I am saying that in the future what if it is possible to know the position and velocity at the same time?
If we could know this, then we could gain a better understanding out of Quantum physics.
If we can better understand electrons then we can improve our current theories.

It is only my theory that one day we will understand quantum physics to a great degree and put an equation in where random occurs.
You, know. For someone arguing Quantam Theory, you don't actually know what a theory is.

Leave the science to them science people says I.
I am saying that in the future what if it is possible to know the position and velocity at the same time?

Which would directly contradict the Uncertainty Principle, on which all of Quantum Physics relies. Quantum Physics explains what classical physics cannot because of the probablity mechanics involved.

Of course, maybe it will be deemed possible to observe an electron's position and momentum simulataneously via some unformulated theory(unlikely). But if you had that information anyway, it would take a huge amount of computing power just to predict the future of 1000 particles, let alone the whole universe.