Do you believe that HL2 will just be another game when it comes out?

Do you believe that HL2 will be just another game when it comes out?

  • Yes it won't be anything super special

    Votes: 52 28.1%
  • No it will blow all the other games out of the water

    Votes: 91 49.2%
  • I like Candy

    Votes: 42 22.7%

  • Total voters


Do you believe that HL2 will just be another game when it comes out?

If the game had come out in september it would have totally blown everything away but the time delay will mean that there may be many other great games at the time of release which will make HL2 look ordinary. What do you think?
stalker, farcry, doom3 will make hl2 look less special, if they are released around the same date. whichever of these games comes out first will keep me occupied.
It will be special because i'm a blind HL fan...
i agree, i think if it came out in sept, it would of blown everything away, but now its just another game.

i was so hyped up for hl2, but now i just dont really care about it. is there even a definite release date for it yet???
Another one of these threads eh? Well yeah I dont thik it will be all that special, but to be honest I do visit this forum almost every day and I've never even seen the Stalker, Deus Ex 2 or FarCry forums so I spose that says something.
Sure, my excitement will die down up until Half-Life 2 goes gold. At that point, I'll be back to being as hyped about it as ever.

On a different note, it'd be nice is Valve started releasing their gameplay videos (or atleast something similar) again. They really got me excited about the game while they were being released every now and then.
No it won't be just another game, it will be Half-Life, the simplest way I can put this.
Ofcourse its just another game. Will it cook me breakfast? Will it give me a handjob?

Just like every game, there are the dedicated(too dedicated?) fans who set it up on a pedastel and proclaim that its the massive leap in gaming that will make us cream our pants, but the truth is that its just one more peice of software to add to the mix that will be played by those who like it, bashed by those who dont, and eventually crumble under the sands of time and be forgotten by all.

The gaming world wont be forever changed when its released, nor will other games be overlooked because of it. The world will go on much as it always has. More Americans will die in Iraq, Palastinians will kill more Israelis, another movie about Jessica Lynch will be released, and us gamers will occupy ourselves with news of another soon to be released revolutionary game and pretend that it matters.
The later it is, the greater the chance of it being "just a game"
Are you implying that technology makes a game special? That content and design have to take a back seat to techno-features?
I had to vote no.2 just because I'm so sick of current games (and by the looks of it- some coming out) and can't wait to see if Valve can pull off a brand new experience (from what I've seen- particularly from what I've read from Mark Laidlaw you can count on it).

Of course we could all be dissappointed if it really just ends up ho-hum like other games.

and Ewok- I see you're a real down to earth person (I know lots of people like that) but there is a whole other world of art that has evolved from amazing ideas and thoughts that won't cook you breakfast or give you handjobs but is amazing in it's own right.
I like candy.

Well said, Styloid. HL was nothing special in the graphics department, but the way it was executed is what made it what it was.

The game will live on for years due to its moddability, and that's what I look forward to the most. But, first comes the single player experience, and I'll just go out on a limb and assume it'll be good, like HL was.
hl2 will be responsible for years and years of great mods. so because of that hl2 wont just be another game. it will spark gaming bliss, therefore its an important game.
I suppose that severals good games with very new features will be released in 2004, so if HL2 is released too late (after september 2004 for instance), I think it will just be a game like another (good) one...
the story of HL2 will be certainly very different of other games, but the hype on the game is most about the physics, the graphics, the IA, the engine, the models, etc..
but in another hand, imagine that HL2 is not released in 2004 or even in 2005, it can becomes really mythical... (like the Dune movie during my childhood)
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
Ofcourse its just another game. Will it cook me breakfast? Will it give me a handjob?

Just like every game, there are the dedicated(too dedicated?) fans who set it up on a pedastel and proclaim that its the massive leap in gaming that will make us cream our pants, but the truth is that its just one more peice of software to add to the mix that will be played by those who like it, bashed by those who dont, and eventually crumble under the sands of time and be forgotten by all.

The gaming world wont be forever changed when its released, nor will other games be overlooked because of it. The world will go on much as it always has. More Americans will die in Iraq, Palastinians will kill more Israelis, another movie about Jessica Lynch will be released, and us gamers will occupy ourselves with news of another soon to be released revolutionary game and pretend that it matters.

*claps loudly*

Very well said mate!

I'm actually looking forward to Mario Kart: Double Dash! for GameCube more than this right now... heh... so I'd say it's really already at that point for me.
Right now, my only reason for living is Half-Life 2. Yeah, I know, I need to get a life.
To be completely honest, the only two things keeping me interested in Half-Life 2 is TeamFortress 2 and this website/community.

Quite frankly, I'm looking forward to Doom 3's deathmatch more than I am Half-Life 2's.
A food product! CDs are good eats.. but DVDs are that much better

Edit: I've resorted to spamming, sorry.. I have to find something else to do /me goes insane
Personally, I can't see how having other games released around the time that HL2 is will decrease anything from its value. HL2 is a game in and of itself and should be judged on its own merits and not on Doom3 or STALKER's. I'm going to buy it no matter what, because it looks awesome regardless, and, hell, it's Half-Life.
So what difference does it make? If you hang around on this forum, I suspect you feel the same way. Or ought to. If not, why are you here?
Originally posted by Shuzer
I like candy.

Well said, Styloid. HL was nothing special in the graphics department, but the way it was executed is what made it what it was.

The game will live on for years due to its moddability, and that's what I look forward to the most. But, first comes the single player experience, and I'll just go out on a limb and assume it'll be good, like HL was.

agreed Bat- err i mean Shuzer :)

Valve takes its games very serious, not to say other devs don't.. but the example of CZ being delayed many times, and even HL2 being delayed shows that they are again aiming to put a game that will have fans talking and playing for years.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
another movie about Jessica Lynch will be released

dude! jessica lynch 2 is coming out?? i gotta pick that up! do you know if they're going to release that on beta-max?!?
I for one, cant wait for the game to come out. When I first saw the gameplay videos I almost vomited, it excited me that much... but now as days, weeks and months go by, I cant help but wonder how much better the game would have been if it was released earlier. Seeing videos of games like stalker and far cry, which are games that are pushing technology to the edge, makes me forget more and more about HL2...

Sure it will be a great game, but I really want to see how the game is progressing, and just hear occasionally from the developers... at least giving the community, that supported them through a hard time, a little bit of a hint...

So to sum up, yes HL2 will rock, but as every day goes by I am feeling more and more cheated, as I am sure plenty of other gamers are...

PS. I know that people may flame me for saying that Valve have cheated us, saying that they dont owe us squat, I do believe that they could at least let the people and retailers, who have preordered the game, have a release date.
well it was all over the world, but I think there is still quite a fan base in the states
I'm sure it'll be awesome but I don't think it'll "blow all the other games out of the water"
Originally posted by southparksam
I for one, cant wait for the game to come out. When I first saw the gameplay videos I almost vomited, it excited me that much... but now as days, weeks and months go by, I cant help but wonder how much better the game would have been if it was released earlier. Seeing videos of games like stalker and far cry, which are games that are pushing technology to the edge, makes me forget more and more about HL2...

I don't see how delaying a game can make it worse. I can understand other games coming closer and closer to release may make the technology not as new, but other than that, delays can only make games better. Stalker and Doom III (Not sure about Far Cry, though) have been around preview wise longer than HL2, but it seems as though most people here didn't really appreciate them until people started posting those vs threads.

I still think HL2 will be best out of the 4 (STALKER, D3, FC and HL2), but that's going on the fact that to this day, HL1 is still a blast, as well as all of its mods (The way HL operates is just so spot on, in my opinion). Hopefully VALVe won't let me down, and it'll be another magical experience yet again. I'll definitely be getting Far Cry and STALKER, but I still find myself wanting HL2 the most out of the upcoming titles.

Anyhow, the point I'm trying to get at is, you were only looking forward to HL2 because of the graphics/technical appeal? I'm looking forward to it because of gameplay, story, control, lastability, moddability, and whatever else is there. Graphics are a nice plus, as well as all of the other technical aspects, but that comes second in my book (although I just love integrated physics in games, ever since I played Trespasser).

Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
agreed Bat- err i mean Shuzer :)

Robi.. err, I mean, Freeman! You musn't give away my identity! :burp: :monkee: :cat: :imu: (Weird smilies for emphasis :))
Originally posted by Shuzer
Anyhow, the point I'm trying to get at is, you were only looking forward to HL2 because of the graphics/technical appeal? I'm looking forward to it because of gameplay, story, control, lastability, moddability, and whatever else is there. Graphics are a nice plus, as well as all of the other technical aspects, but that comes second in my book (although I just love integrated physics in games, ever since I played Trespasser).

No I am not only looking forward to half life 2 because of the graphics, like the original I am looking forward to kick ass gameplay and story, however the awesome graphics makes it that much more special, and as more and more games are being chalked for release and games are being released (read: Max Payne 2), they excitement about having an all round awesome game dies a little.

You cant honestly tell me if Half Life 2 came out on the Doom engine, that you would be excited about it as you are now.
Hl2 = a stellar game amongst a stellar crowd of games...
aka nothing super special.

hell America's Army is what is occupying my time lately.
if it's released in April probably will be a very special game, but anything past that...will just cause people to not care anymore.
Originally posted by Baal
if it's released in April probably will be a very special game, but anything past that...will just cause people to not care anymore.

[sarcasm]It's a good thing you speak for the entire community[/sarcasm]
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
Ofcourse its just another game. Will it cook me breakfast? Will it give me a handjob?

Just like every game, there are the dedicated(too dedicated?) fans who set it up on a pedastel and proclaim that its the massive leap in gaming that will make us cream our pants, but the truth is that its just one more peice of software to add to the mix that will be played by those who like it, bashed by those who dont, and eventually crumble under the sands of time and be forgotten by all.

The gaming world wont be forever changed when its released, nor will other games be overlooked because of it. The world will go on much as it always has. More Americans will die in Iraq, Palastinians will kill more Israelis, another movie about Jessica Lynch will be released, and us gamers will occupy ourselves with news of another soon to be released revolutionary game and pretend that it matters.

Well said.
Originally posted by mikado
Well said.

Hell no not well said.

EvilEwok2.0, dude, you're all about confrontation. Would it be ok to say that some games do indeed make a slightly larger impact in the world of gaming than others, and it's a possiblity that HL2 could be one of those games? Do we need to take everything out of context and throw it into the scope of "the grand scheme of things"?
I think HL2 will be great.
With the other games coming out with similar features and some of their own that does make HL2 blend in more but I still the the game itself will be a head above the rest overall.

But you see, HL2 is the "aire to the throne"... to the empire of Half-Life and all of its mods!
It should be a doozy. ;)
EvilEwok2.0, dude, you're all about confrontation. Would it be ok to say that some games do indeed make a slightly larger impact in the world of gaming than others, and it's a possiblity that HL2 could be one of those games? Do we need to take everything out of context and throw it into the scope of "the grand scheme of things"?
