Do you believe that HL2 will just be another game when it comes out?

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Do you believe that HL2 will be just another game when it comes out?

  • Yes it won't be anything super special

    Votes: 52 28.1%
  • No it will blow all the other games out of the water

    Votes: 91 49.2%
  • I like Candy

    Votes: 42 22.7%

  • Total voters
I think when the release date gets near, people will start to get hyped up again. Once people play it and the mods start comming out, then people will be really into it. I think it has mostly lost the hype (temporarly) because it seems so far off.
Also people feel hard done by that their hopes were dashed, and so they're sort of sulking, "I didn't want HL2 anyway!". Games will always be delayed, if you've tried programming before you'll know why. And if you've played Sim City 4 you'll see what HL2 could be like without the delays.

Fact is I can still play Half-Life and think "this game is awesome". Graphics do not a great game make. A good story is timeless.

btw first post. :)
The tech of HL2 is definately a major plus, but that's not the reason I want it. It want it because it's a sequel to a five year old game that IMO still beats the crap out of anything released to date. I'm playing through HL1 right now AGAIN and I'm still enjoying it after all these years. The fact that HL2 is delayed doesn't make it any less of a good game.

And welcome to the forums HybridM :)
Its a game it comes out then we play then something new comes out and we play that thats how games work.
Originally posted by BlackWolfdrk

Its a game it comes out then we play then something new comes out and we play that thats how games work.

Firstly, Blackwolf you are right that when new games are developed that they are bought and played. However, look at the replay value that HL has given us over the last 5 years. Spawning the most popular online game of all time and many other high quality mods that are free. These mods are some of the best games that I've ever played and they are free.

Secondly, in the current issue with HL2's release date, I could care less when the game is released as long as its released. As most people have already stated, I want HL2 because of the story more than anything. The story of HL was ingenious and to this date I have seen no other games compare to it, at least in that aspect. Yes, graphics are a plus, and the engine will make the story and game that much more immersive.

Thirdly, on it blowing other games out of the water at the time of its release? IMO, Definitely. The large fanbase and community are ready to follow upon the games release and spawn the many great mods that are already in development. I have many games on my computer and to this day over half of them are HL mods.

By the way, I am looking forward to Doom 3, but IMO, Farcry and S.T.A.L.K.E.R look mediocre at best.
Yes, I agree, all these Vs. threads make me laugh, bar the Doom 3 ones. Doom 3 is the only real competition to HL2 on the basis of what I have seen so far.
D3 dont make my lol tbh it looks poor at best

S.T.A.L.K.E.R will be good

DX: IE hopefull will be like DX1... i.e best game ever.
I think there will be some impact in some areas.
- Popularity: look at counterstrike. It's huge. It's a phenomenon. Currently it is more popular in the mid-teen to early twenty age than TV. This is a huge shift from TV (the dominating medium in society for the past 50 years) to computers/internet/multiplayergames. There's going to be a marked change from the games and internet you know today and what it might be in a few years.
- Mods: The modability (and popularity) of Source is already building up hype. Amateur game designers and artists can do their work and distribute it (steam, HL community) easily (not the actual work, just cost, size of team, etc) . It may change the way game companies hire and hopeful designers approach job searching.
- Computer games as a legitimate medium: New ways to make stories more dramatic and interesting in games (Like what Hl1 did; after that, noone would really want to play key-hunt games anymore). Think- ideas instead of technology;
eg (for movies): the idea of watching one instance in time occur several times from different perspectives, following coincidental plot lines, the effect of staging on the viewer, etc ....
instead of: switching to digtial cameras, higher fidelity sound, bigger screens, new projectors, etc...
If HL2 accomplishes half of what they seem to aim at, it'll still break some of the barriers holding computer games back as a medium.

There certainly are ways that HL2 will make an impact. It depends on how deep you want to look.
That’s not the point! The point here is your clear and undeniable obsession with candy! Yeah that’s right you don't want the truth! You can't handle the truth! :afro:
I'm sure that the game will be a good one, but of course with all the new ones also coming out at the same time it will be less astounding.

The only thing that can make the difference is the way it will be moddable and editable.
If Valve gives out the SDK as promised with all the tools and docs as they said they will, it will make the game live for many years.

The only thing that makes me afraid is Steam, a good tool for modders to distribute their work, but that Steam could also turn to a nightmare. Imagine a mod team forced to edit their mod weekly because the HL2 engine changes all the time and the mod has to follow to continue to run.
As you wont be able to control the update, you will be forced to follow, hoping that the new version will still be compatible, here comes the weekly debug stress. I will maybe need to get some illegal stuff to "keep cool man!!!".
I think if we break down what makes a game a great game we can see how much better half life 2 will be over others. So this leads to the question ' What makes a game great ? '. here are a few things:

1) Interaction (ai, physics, non-static world)
2) Multiple pathways to solve a problem (problem solving)
3) suspension of disbelief (giving the player the feeling he/she is inside the game, character emotions etc)
4) sustained atmosphere (graphics, animation, music, dialogue etc, this effects everything in the game)
5) believability (plausability) to a certain extent (just like a good story that borrows elements of the real world and places them into an 'unreal' world, you the player 'believe' the situation could happen.
6) Player's actions effects characters and the environment (you blew up the car which in turned was blown to bits and shot up in the air. it didnt sit there in an invulnerable state. also this affects characters actions and they reflect that by 'telling you' or 'shooting you'.
7) depth of story ( how well is the story told, does it leave big holes for you to figure out or is it tight story line with strong dialogue and believable situations (Even fantasy can be believable).

Thats just some things that come to mind, but I ask you which game is going to address some or all of those things ?. My money is on HL2
*prays to god HL2 doesnt do a Halo (PC)*

That would suck BIG TIME, HL2 deserevs to be loved adored and honoured, just look at what the e3 presentation did, it shook the whole pc gaming world!

such a shame some hacking **** :flame: had to target something that held a part of every pc gamers heart...........;(

i want you Half life 2......i really want'll end my constant money spendage on games to ease the pain of not having you!

*breaks down and sobs*;(
dont give a flying f**K about hl2 anymore, it was all just a big scam that ended up with valve losing respect by lying through there teeth at e3
I dont care for hl2 as much since ive seen more then some people. Im probably going to buy tf2 though or just get stalker or a far cry.
It will redifine life and civilization. Mankind will have to redifine its' role in the universe and its' relationship with its' gods.

Hopefully the fragile fabrick of society will survive this monumentous, even unprecedented event.

For now we can only hope that whenever this game actually comes out, we will be able to get our hands on it and play it, while electricity is still relatively abundant.
OMFG? where is your love of HL guys???
don't you want to live NEW adventures with barney? wondering about the GMan remember the first time you played HL...

remember all those historical moments, remember all the fun of killing scientist after the 30th time you beat the game, and the best: when barney tells you he'll buy you a beer...
i, have not forgotten, i'm looking forward HL² more than any other game except HL³.
dont lose hope, keep your hl passion alive
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
It will redifine life and civilization. Mankind will have to redifine its' role in the universe and its' relationship with its' gods.

Hopefully the fragile fabrick of society will survive this monumentous, even unprecedented event.

For now we can only hope that whenever this game actually comes out, we will be able to get our hands on it and play it, while electricity is still relatively abundant.

and it can bake a mean Key Lime Pie!
( )
Out of all these new generation games, I'm looking forward to hl2 the most. Second would definately be halo 2 because of the gameplay (not as much graphics.)

most of the other games don't jump out at me nearly as much... stalker looks boring for some reason, doom 3 looks pretty cool.

I think it's the mods that do it for halflife2 but I'd buy it if it didnt have multiplayer, and I'd buy it if it didn't have singleplayer.
since I am diabetic and I cant eat candy (chocolate) I will take a big helping of half life II thanks and bugger any other game (doom III looks interesting as well if it also ever gets released)
Originally posted by famas_man
Out of all these new generation games, I'm looking forward to hl2 the most. Second would definately be halo 2 because of the gameplay (not as much graphics.)

most of the other games don't jump out at me nearly as much... stalker looks boring for some reason, doom 3 looks pretty cool.

I think it's the mods that do it for halflife2 but I'd buy it if it didnt have multiplayer, and I'd buy it if it didn't have singleplayer.

I agree! Games without singleplayer, or multiplayer, rock! ;)
In fact, I'm only buying Hl2 because of the box!!!

Sorry, bro. I couldn't resist.
After playing Halo for PC, I think HL2 will be just another game. Without a jetpack like T2, it takes forever to get to the action if a vehicle is not available. I got bored and went back to T2. Now I'm thinking the only game that will be fun is TV next year.
Halo PC.. compared to HL2? Huh.. did you JUST compare them? Halo PC is REALLY REALLY slow compared to HL, and they've already stated that the movement speed will be maintained in HL2.. which means, there's no reason the action will be slow paced, like Halo PC

Halo PC gives me a headache in single player after 5 minutes, multiplayer however is alot of fun
The fact some start to compare HL2 to Halo shows how desperate the situation is !!!
The question about HL2 beeing just another game gives me headhaches, what could it be ??? a new kind of potatoes, a new chemical to dissolve the shit on the restroom walls??

Wake me up when the game is out or if someone really has something interesting to say!
Possibly one of HL2's biggest downfalls is the amount of hype it's generated in a relatively short amount of time. It'd be hard for any game to live up to the expectations that so many have put upon such a high pedestal. This leak/delay buisness may actually help HL2 in the long run. As people start to lose interest and focus on other titles, it gives HL2 the chance to make a big spash, just like the original did five years ago.

Let's be honest, Half-Life basically came in under the radar and took the gaming community by storm. Similar to what the Matrix did to film audiences in 1999. Now take a look at the two following movies and how people have reacted to them. Personally I think the hype got so big for these two movies, that they could never catch up and deliver. A similar situation could occur with HL2.

I don't know that it will just crush the competition, but I don't think it will be just another game either. It will make it's own impact, in it's own way, amonst the gaming community just like other highly anticipated titles.
they didn't say it wouldn't be release till the supposed release date. hahahahahhahahahahaha
I wouldnt even mention Halo in the same breath as HL2, or even Call of Duty!

Halo is the worst game I have played in ages, very poor indeed! Unreal 2 was a marginally better game than Halo - and thats saying something!

Just my opinion mind you!

Originally posted by NoGodForMe
After playing Halo for PC, I think HL2 will be just another game. Without a jetpack like T2, it takes forever to get to the action if a vehicle is not available. I got bored and went back to T2. Now I'm thinking the only game that will be fun is TV next year.

Ugh...your comment of comparison makes my stomach cringe...

I was particularly excited about getting Halo PC, I played it for 3 days and uninstalled it. Somehow the game has lost its appeal and is now the coaster for my sodas.
It will OwN all Games Left and Right.. NUFF SAID!:cheers:

<page of blank space removed>

If it comes out LoL:flame:
i'm in the same boat as the 79 who voted "just another game". it seemed spectacular when it was initially previewed, and no other major games seemed to matter. then, its release date came and passed, a media black-out ushered forth, and i just lost pretty much all interest in it. games like deus ex 2, thief 3, uru, bloodlines, and even some old RPGs (icewind dale, arx fatalis) are now going to get my money before half-life 2 does. the only reason i come here anymore is for the community. if i do get hl2, it'll be to see what tf 2 will be like.

carry on :)

edit: also, games with amazing technology are also coming out before half-life 2 (apparently) making its large leap seem not quite as special as it used to. hell, even bloodlines might get released before hl2, and it uses the hl2 engine :p
Originally posted by bizzy420
i agree, i think if it came out in sept, it would of blown everything away, but now its just another game.

i was so hyped up for hl2, but now i just dont really care about it. is there even a definite release date for it yet???
Wow! 75 replies, and still on topic!!!
Congrats, you guys have evaded a Thread Closing.:thumbs:
Originally posted by DimitriPopov

ill have to agree with the september thing...they would have gotten THE BEST PC GAME EVER award from pcgamer they did for halflife
By my knowledge of Half-Life 2, I think or atlease hope it's as revolutionary as Half-Life 1 was.
i didnt play half-life untill about 1999 or 2000 but it was so laggy i couldnt play it....then i finally got a new computer...never thought about it and just played it about 6 months ago....i thought it would be i was wating for hl2...for some background...maybe i should get OP FOR and blueshift

but i hope it is just as good as half-life was...the intro in half-life was awesome back then... i knew it was going to be a great story