do you believe the porn industry does a service or a disservice to society?

Do you believe the porn industry does a service or a disservice to society?

  • Service

    Votes: 97 82.2%
  • Disservice

    Votes: 21 17.8%

  • Total voters


Sep 13, 2006
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We were discussing this question in class the other day. When the teacher asked my opinion, I said it did a service to society because without porn there would be a lot of rapists out there and more people engaging in promiscuous sex which increased the risk of unwanted children brought into this world. She didn't like my answer. She said porn was bad because it was rotting away our minds and converting us into perverts. I believe it's the complete opposite; without porn I would probably be a pervert. I'd be more likely to expose myself whenever I saw an attractive woman walking down the street. lol. What do you think?
service, definitely. the reason your teacher responded that way to your answer was because she's narrow minded. also, what kind of a teacher doesn't like an answer when asking for an opinion?
Lol. First of all, how many people don't like porn, and how many people do. Think of all the men (yes, the men, cause most women don't like porn) who do like it, and the ones who don't. The don'ters are in the minority. The porn buisness will live for a long time, cause it gathers so much money daily, even hourly. But now, with the invention of limewire and other P2P programs, people are getting their porn for free, which is bad for the industry. Good day.

service, definitely. the reason your teacher responded that way to your answer was because she's narrow minded. also, what kind of a teacher doesn't like an answer when asking for an opinion?

Service, for the reasons you have stated. Although you will always have people that will become rapists/perverts because of this. But if you turn the system around, so will the figures; non-rapists/perverts will become the exception.

In short, pr0n ftmfw :p
It's keeps all the riff raff out of the real jobs.

We should get more mexican pornstars, lolz

j/k, btw.
I like pron, a lot. It's been good to me in the past. Only since a couple of months all I want is a 16" cock and a very small big breasted woman. Is that a healthy thing? So I can't decide whether it's a service or not.
We were discussing this question in class the other day. When the teacher asked my opinion, I said it did a service to society because without porn there would be a lot of rapists out there
I guess what you meant is that there would be more rapists out there. Proof?
It's no more a disservice or a service to society than malls and carwashes are. Apparently, there's just a demand for it, a HUGE demand.
Probably Service, with all the reasons mentioned here already. But if you remember that case. Can't remember the guy's name - American, and famous fooooor... Singing? Well he became kind of psycho, apparently through his Porn fetish. I saw a documentary on him a while ago.

But overall, I'd say it's a good thing. In a perfect world, it wouldn't exist, however.
Although pornography undeniably provides a sexual outlet, it also glorifies sex and sets unrealistic standards for what sex should be. It also puts women in, almost always, an ojectionable role. I see sex as a private, intimate act between two individuals, and pornography removes the mystique and emotional intensity from the act, transforming it merely into an outlet for pent-up sexual tension. Sex is and should be seen as so much more than that, in my eyes..

Tell that to the 30 something, socially inept, overweight "kid" who still lives in his parents' basement and who is probably never going to get laid in his lifetime.
-it also glorifies sex

Sex isn't terrorism.
Some very good points there Sea, good post. I feel people do complain that pornography is a bad thing as it causes these misconceptions of sex and creating 'poisoned minds', but I'm sure that is a case of having the cart before the horse. People have such thoughts and sexual tension = demand for pornography. You see Bill? :P
Service. I can't get other people to get into the idea of double anal penetration, so at least I have an outlet on TV.
The thing is, sex can be just sex - it doesn't always have to be emotional and meaningful. Sometimes it's nice to just ****.
Service. I can't get other people to get into the idea of double anal penetration, so at least I have an outlet on TV.

Let's not forget that pornography has raised sex standards quite a bit. 60 years ago fellatio and anal sex were practices not as widely accepted as they are today. I call that a service to society.
service, evidenced by the fact that it's a multibillion dollar industry
I am fully aware of this, and I don't really have anything against people who do it, but I personally would never engage in such a thing. I'd take love without sex over sex without love any day. Of course, my opinion could easily change within the next several years, but that is what I feel right now. Maybe I am too idealistic in my youth.

See, personally I think a lot of people build sex up to be something it's not... that said, with someone you're close with, it's a whole lot better. That's a fact... I've experienced both - I prefer the relationship sex, but like I said, sometimes it's nice to chat a girl up in a club and take her home .. quite thrilling :E
It's bad for your psychological state imo, well if it's readily available all the time that is.
A little bit dosn't do any harm tho.
"service" or "disservice"? it depends on the person.

EDIT: btw i'm seeing lots of new faces, and i mean a lot. where is everybody i knew? badger, where are the others?
Porn is a boon to society.

Not some of that nasty stuff though.
Depends. On one hand, I've seen convincing evidence that porn releases sexual tension, lowering the instance of rape. And there's a good amount of relatively non-objectifying stuff out there. However, there's plenty of porn that makes women seem like furniture, or possessions. And I'm not down with that.
Either guys get their porn suit from something legal like porn, or illegal like prostetutes, get an STD, and spread it through society.
Some porn is a service. Other porn is a disservice. Like Bukkake.
As a Scotch Egg eating Puritan I'm going to have to say that you're all going to hell.
Depends on the porn. There's some pretty sick s**t out there that should never be tolerated, and definately does a lot more bad than good.
Although pornography undeniably provides a sexual outlet, it also glorifies sex and sets unrealistic standards for what sex should be. It also puts women in, almost always, an ojectionable role. I see sex as a private, intimate act between two individuals, and pornography removes the mystique and emotional intensity from the act, transforming it merely into an outlet for pent-up sexual tension. Sex is and should be seen as so much more than that, in my eyes.
True dat.

Women are often portrayed in negative, submissive or otherwise objectified roles in pornography, and while this is obviously kind of "the point", it isn't realistic in any way to shape your view of the sexual woman around this tool-like portrayal. I realise that most porn stars probably enjoy their jobs quite a bit, and that most people who raise objections to the treatment of women in porn are not porn stars themselves, but this is a moot point since the grand majority of women are not going to become porn stars, nor do they want to, and as such porn stars can't set the bar for what sex should be for society as a whole.
That's not true, there is quite a bit of femdom porn in the world and even then, men are portrayed wrongly in porn aswell, as one member here said before it often dehumanises them and reduces them to human dildos.
Porn does a service for people to let their sexual rage go onto their keyboards and not build up until something bad happens.

However, people still wank off without porn so is porn depicting people in a malicious way and therefor desensetizing kids to this act causing them to have sex younger or think less of it? Or perhaps its turning them into perverts since they surround themselves with those ideas and pictures. However, without seeing a scientific study there is no way to tell the effects porn has on the population so we can't say either way. I still like porn though, so keep it!

Not having the porn industry would assume that porn must be deemed against the law in some way, which would cause a blackmarket.

Pornography has been around since people were able to illustrate thousands of years ago. Its just something that we naturally have a demand for, and banning it in some way will only give way to a larger underground of pornography.

At least with the porn industry, we can help secure large standards and policies. One good example is all porn stars must be screened for certain STDs prior to work.
Although pornography undeniably provides a sexual outlet, it also glorifies sex and sets unrealistic standards for what sex should be. It also puts women in, almost always, an ojectionable role. I see sex as a private, intimate act between two individuals, and pornography removes the mystique and emotional intensity from the act, transforming it merely into an outlet for pent-up sexual tension. Sex is and should be seen as so much more than that, in my eyes.

Women are often portrayed in negative, submissive or otherwise objectified roles in pornography, and while this is obviously kind of "the point", it isn't realistic in any way to shape your view of the sexual woman around this tool-like portrayal. I realise that most porn stars probably enjoy their jobs quite a bit, and that most people who raise objections to the treatment of women in porn are not porn stars themselves, but this is a moot point since the grand majority of women are not going to become porn stars, nor do they want to, and as such porn stars can't set the bar for what sex should be for society as a whole.

Ultimately, though, pornography is a positive force in our times, even if it has negative qualities that cannot be ignored. Pornography does serve a purpose for both sexes, and can serve to introduce new concepts and ideas into peoples' love dictionaries as well as an outlet. This does not excuse it of its flaws, though, and ultimately, our acceptance of pornography may well lead to acceptance of all its negative traits.
Very well said. And this was why my girlfriend found sexual activity to be very unappealing at first. Her only real knowledge of sex was from pornography she downloaded from Kazaa. She was 13, 14 at the time (a few years before I went out with her), and this idea of meaningless domination by some random, hairy guy scared her.

In the first half year of our relationship, she was very uncertain and scared about the things we were doing. She was afraid that the sexual activity we engaged in was promiscuous and meaningless. As our relationship continued and as our sexual activity progressed, she became more comfortable and confident about being herself sexually with me. I really believe that she is the one for me, so everything I do with her means so much to me. I guess she was afraid that all of this sexual stuff would trivialize the relationship, but it didn't; it strengthened it. Being able to hold her up close to me as humanly possible is one of the most amazing feelings I have ever felt. She would agree with me.

I took her to see Marie Antonette a few nights ago, and she was extremely turned on by the movie's portrayal of sex. It sent her into this amazing nymphomania. She seemed liberated, and my goodness, this turned me on so much.

What I think women really need to know is that sex is for them, too, and not just for men. I think pornography often sends messages to women that the comfort is only or usually meant for men, and that makes them feel very reluctant to engage in sex. I know these are generalizations, but I'm simply speaking from personal experience and experience from good friends.
I agree with whoever spoke against bukkake. It is very very very wrong.

I saw a movie once in which one guy inserted his fist into a woman's vagina while another guy inserted his fist into her anus. That stuff made me sick and I wish I had never seen it. Another nasty movie I saw involved a woman peeing on some man while they were having intercourse. That's also very wrong and dehumanizes men. And let's not even talk about bestiality.

Some porn is ok, some other is just plain wrong.
I agree with whoever spoke against bukkake. It is very very very wrong.

Certain forms of pornography are banned in some countries such as Japan, so they've resorted to alternative forms of sexual imagery like bukkake. Its hardly worse than what you could easily find in public pornography stores around here... How is it any different than what we do already at the end of just about any porno?
What? Women love porn just as much as guys, they just have control not to tell everyone "Hey pron is good!111!! lolz"

Yeah you beter belive it.
/me pulls bliink and shippi into this
I'm confused as to why people think pornography actively reduces rape. Rape itself has very little to do with sex IMO, it's about excercising dominence over another, not finding sexual release.

In the absense of porn, a healthy and sane individual would simply masturbate or try that much harder to find a spouse. Not quest to ruin someones life.
Captain M4d, I found your post really interesting about the development of your girlfriend's psychological maturing on sex, are they assumptions or from discussion with her? I really connected with the not trivializing but strengthening of a relationship, when sex is adopted in that way, it's an incredible feeling of unification I think.
Well relating to the fact that porn must satisfy millions or I dare say, billions of people worldwide and considering the porn industry gets A LOT of money, then it must be providing a service. Ill admit I used always look at porn hehe, but as I have gotten older my moral standards have drastically changed and I dont really tend to look at porn anymore, personally I find it shocking that anyone can sell their looks and their body to an industry and show it off to the world for money, I see it as a perverted, waste of a life, but I also believe strongly in freedom of choice and thats what they want to do so so be it. However, I think everyone needs to be into porn for a distint period of their lives, preferably at pubity as I think it introduces everyone into sex, what its all about and what it involves, and stops you being embarrased when your mates say a dirty word that you dont understand hehe. However, as people have mentioned, I think it portrays sex in a bad mannor because sex is so much more than what you see with porn, and I think if people get too much involved and get much into porn then they will always see sex as nothing more than a pleasure experiance that you can just turn on and off when you feel like it, and who knows where it will lead then. Plus I agree, there are things that are shown in porn that is just plain wrong. Im almost 18 and I have had girlfriends and I the relationship I am in at the moment is getting serious, so really I have no use for porn anymore, I do actually see it now, and a lot of my mates agree with me, as being perverted, well if constantly looked at anyway. But its just my opinion on it.