Do you believe there's life elsewhere in the universe?

Do you believe there is life elsewhere, and an overall government cover-up of this?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 90.2%
  • No

    Votes: 6 9.8%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
I was watching another show (okay, two) on the whole Roswell incident, and they only reinforced my belief that extra-terrestrial beings have visited Earth before. There seems to be an awful lot of evidence pointing to a government cover-up.

Numerous official statements regarding false UFO claims provide explanations that are plainly, and sometimes painfully obviously fake, especially the one explaining that "Any bodies that were seen at or near the Roswell crash site were anthropomorphic dummies used to test aircraft ejection seats." The only problem is, the military didn't use the dummies until at least six years after the crash.

And the declassified documents are extremely suspicious. The government dodges requests for declassified documents, and when one does get publicly released, any possibly useful information has been blacked out. One of the recently-"declassified" documents was approximately 75% blacked out, which leaves one wondering why the government would need to hide thre quarters of declassified information.

And one last thing... The program also mentioned that one of the US presidents (I forget which one already... It was on like half an hour ago :(), immediately upon his election, called the head of the CIA/FBI/I-forgot-this-too (the head was George Bush Sr.) and asked to be briefed on all UFO and ET-related materials, and his request was denied. This lends itself to the old hypothesis of the "shadow government" (a.k.a. The Majestic or something...) running things in the background. Which also makes me wonder how George W. Jr. won the election with less than a 50% popular vote... That could have been the shadow government as well...

So yeah. Thoughts on this?
Bush won because of the Electoral college... and yes I believe there could be life on other planets, I mean c'mon, there are TONS of planets out there with similar solar systems as ours, so I mean its all probable and possible.
I do believe there's life somewhere in the universe...but the government may not necessarily be covering it all up. The universe is huge, we can't be the only life in the universe. But internet slang may destroy our chances our contacting intelligent life. An alien would probably intercept an MSN message and see that we can't form simple sentences in our own language! The aliens would probably want to ignore us.:(
Tredoslop said:
But internet slang may destroy our chances our contacting intelligent life. An alien would probably intercept an MSN message and see that we can't form simple sentences in our own language! The aliens would probably want to ignore us.:(

Very true one look at a post by =1nfiltrat0r= and our planet would be destroyed. No but what would really be funny is if the aliens actually spoke 1337 talk.

Anyways back on topic. I do believe there is life in the universe and yes I do believe the government is covering something up, what it is we obviously dont know for sure.
I take the Carl Sagan (I believe it was Sagan...) approach, basically:

"Well, if there's not, it would be a pretty big waste of space."
yeah, i beleave there is life out there, somewhere in the universe.... there is jsut too much out there that the freak chance that is life wouldn;t have happened again....

I doubt it is as advanced as we are... or it might be compeltly different...

and I seriously doubt the goverment is covering anyhting up.... I perosnally belive that we'll never find the other life out there.... jsut too large..

(though i do run SETI@home as my screensaver... :) )
i think there probably is extra-terrestrial life, i don't put much stock in the "cover-up" idea. i have to admit that i have very little reason to believe that either extra-terrestrial life exists or that aliens have ever visited earth. the first proposition seems likely (although much of that seeming is based on logical falacy), however i feel much less commited to the second assertion.
SidewinderX143 said:
(though i do run SETI@home as my screensaver... :) )
Me too. Have you ever thought of trying to create an team for it? Because I run it too.
stigmata said:
I was watching another show (okay, two) on the whole Roswell incident, and they only reinforced my belief that extra-terrestrial beings have visited Earth before. There seems to be an awful lot of evidence pointing to a government cover-up.

Numerous official statements regarding false UFO claims provide explanations that are plainly, and sometimes painfully obviously fake, especially the one explaining that "Any bodies that were seen at or near the Roswell crash site were anthropomorphic dummies used to test aircraft ejection seats." The only problem is, the military didn't use the dummies until at least six years after the crash.

And the declassified documents are extremely suspicious. The government dodges requests for declassified documents, and when one does get publicly released, any possibly useful information has been blacked out. One of the recently-"declassified" documents was approximately 75% blacked out, which leaves one wondering why the government would need to hide thre quarters of declassified information.

And one last thing... The program also mentioned that one of the US presidents (I forget which one already... It was on like half an hour ago :(), immediately upon his election, called the head of the CIA/FBI/I-forgot-this-too (the head was George Bush Sr.) and asked to be briefed on all UFO and ET-related materials, and his request was denied. This lends itself to the old hypothesis of the "shadow government" (a.k.a. The Majestic or something...) running things in the background. Which also makes me wonder how George W. Jr. won the election with less than a 50% popular vote... That could have been the shadow government as well...

So yeah. Thoughts on this?

Look, this is not a flame, but it seems to me like you're just repeating everything from that show. A lot of the government blacked out stuff has to do with national security, and probably has nothing to do with aliens. I'm very interested in UFOs and the Majestic - 12 (aka Majic 12, MJ12, etc) is NOT a shadow government. The MAJIC-12 documents were several typewritten pages that appeared to be a government report, classified top secret eyes only. I have copies of them somewhere... but anyway, they list an advising council of 12 very intelligent men who, according to the documents, are the government's council on extra-terrestrial activity. No one can tell if they're forged or not.

GWB Jr. won because the electoral college is not a perfect system. I'm not happy about it either, but there is NOTHING suspicious about it.

The government, if it isn't covering up actual aliens (Nellis Air Force Base, aka Area 51, is more likely then not a experimental aircraft facility, not a UFO base - if the government were to fly UFOs, they would not do it close to people), is covering up what they think is evidence of aliens, or even just speculations about them, IMHO.

I do believe in life on other planets, it's inconceivable that in an infinite universe we are alone.

The shows like you watched on sci-fi or whatever, they're all very propaganda-ish. Facts are bent all the time... I've seen a lot of them myself. But they ARE on to something.
I do believe in life on other planets. The universe is so huge the likelihood of aliens visiting our planet is next to nil.
I think that yes, there is life out there. I mean, God creating one planet? Yea..right.

I also don't think they have visited earth. I've yet to see anything to convince me it's anything other then the USAF playing with their top of the line experimental aircraft.
mchammer75040 said:
Very true one look at a post by =1nfiltrat0r= and our planet would be destroyed. No but what would really be funny is if the aliens actually spoke 1337 talk.

actually, I can just picture this.

aliens want to make contact, look at our language, and send a text message to all the world leaders: "\/\/3 c0|\/|3 in 934c3!"
DarkStar said:
I take the Carl Sagan (I believe it was Sagan...) approach, basically:

"Well, if there's not, it would be a pretty big waste of space."

Same. If were talking microbial life then its almost 100% certain that life exists elsewhere than this rock. Back in 1996 when nasa made the announcement that they had found evidence for life on mars there was one important fact you have to consider. Whilst the evidence presented is still bieng disputed the fact that the rock in question was not found on mars but in the frozen wastes of the arctic shows that life could spread so easy throughout our galaxy! Nasa estimates that over a tonne of martian rock thats been blasted from the surface of mars by impacts falls to earth intact each year. Isnt it out of the question that an asteroid or meteor impact on earth could fling debris out into the universe carrying bacterial life with it and that some of that debris will eventually be caught by the gravitational pull of another planet? Wouldnt it also be feasable that life could start afresh on that new planet if conditions were favourable for life to flourish?
I believe in them. There's all kinds of information on this website that I know. Some of it is disturbing, some is interesting, some is convincing, an some is completely far-fetched.

There's also lots of cool articles on secret government aircraft, Area 51, futuristic weapons, alien spacecraft, and other creepy government things. There are witnesses of some highly advanced government aircraft that go Mach 6 and witnesses of some higly deadly weapons.
Do you believe there is life elsewhere, and an overall government cover-up of this?

Yeah, but nothing like ours. Becuase they didn't evolve or weren't created in the same conditions as us, so they won't have lungs, head, arms etc. They will be completely defferent
The universe is just to big for life to only happen once.......

I know that conditions have to be just right..... but when you think about the possible 10trillion billion planets in our own galaxy........
and not to mention the fact that we think that the only intelligent forms of life should come around on planets like our own,, how do we know that for sure, we dont have much to go by. and weither we believe it or not i guess is here nor there, because its all relative. who knows there maybe a race similar to ours, wondering the same thing ... a few thousand light years away.
I think that there is too. The universe is too big for nothing else to be out there.
I believe there is life out their, probably not much life that is intelligent but it is out there. However I don't think any of this intelligent life has ever come close to visiting us and I don't think the government is covering anything up. The whole UFO craze was started as a result of US military experiments in unique aircraft designs and from there the public just made it worse.
Life is likely out there, but the universe is so vast and sometimes so empty that life is likely few and far between. Another distant planet surely has life and maybe is entering a dinosoar type period. I think people expect that there are big green guys with floating discs too much, its just sillly. They are probably much different from what you would expect ETL's to look like.
It would be very suprising if there's no life except us in this huge universe.. No matter what religion you're a part of. wouldn't be a surprise if you didn't believe it Crazy...

Anyway, if there is life out there and it has visited our planet. What makes you say the US government is big enought o cover it up? Who is to say they would even contact the US government? If something of the aliens did crash, wouldn''t they much rather retrive it than let the humans get their gruby hands on it?
How do I join? I have SETI. It is doing something though. 0 units. :|
I used to be into all this stuff many years ago. I do still believe the American goverment has covered up the crashes etc. I believe Area 51 and the supposed S4 buker which is hidden in a mountain nearby holds the evidence. Bye the way the president is just a figurehead and he knows ****all. Theres probably a cabinet of ppl deep behind closed doors in the dark that control the country (like the patriots in MGS2).
Bah, I voted before I read the government coverup part. Now I'm a conspiracy theorist. :p

I think that aliens certainly do exist, but they're a damn long ways away.
From all the reading I've done into sightings & alien abduction, I think the whole 'seeing aliens' thing is a result of a widespread and complex mental problem that is not yet fully classified.
Cylleruion2012 said:
The government, if it isn't covering up actual aliens (Nellis Air Force Base, aka Area 51, is more likely then not a experimental aircraft facility, not a UFO base - if the government were to fly UFOs, they would not do it close to people), is covering up what they think is evidence of aliens, or even just speculations about them, IMHO.

I think you're confused... I believe that Nellis Air Force Base and Area 51 are in difference places. Nellis is the base from which they fly most of the experimental aircraft - for example, back in the day when Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier, he was based at Nellis.

From what I've heard, from fellow Air Force folk, Area 51 is actually an hour or so's plane ride away - the people that work there aren't allowed to actually drive there for obvious reasons, but they are shuttled in 3-day shifts in a plane with blacked-out windows.

Of course that could be all myth, but I do know that they aren't the same place.
I'm not so sure about aliens visiting our planet before, but without question in my opinion there must be life out there somewhere in the Universe. There's just too much space for there not to be some form of life existing somewhere.
OMGWTFLOLBBQ TEH GOVENRMETN IS HAxxX0ring USS!!!!11111 oh noes!!1111~~~~~~
in my opinion, aliens have neither visited nor even come near our planet. especially none with flying saucers and lazer beams.

but i do belive, that somewhere out there, there are more than one planet with similar life on it than ours. maybe not intellegent like us- hell, maybe not even awake, but even if theres a few worms crawling about on a rock- i think its there. hell, there might just be a whole civilisation out there....