Do you buy/play games underage?

Do you buy/play games underage

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May 5, 2004
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Most fps are rated M but I know that many of you dont follow that guideline fact I'm willing to bet that every single member here has played a M rated game when they were underage

Please explain why as a minor you feel it's justified

wait for the poll
I still remember playing Duke Nukem 3d and Doom back when I was like 10 or around some age like that. Pixelated Strippers FTW!

I have always played games that were rated too old for me at the time. Now that im 18 though it doesn't even matter anymore.

My parents let me because they could see it really wasn't effecting me at all. If they saw that they were effecting me then I guarantee they would have put a stop to it.
Retailers don't care, and since I have a debit card the internet doesn't either.
i go to the store, and buy it. People don't care if I buy 18+
I'm of age to buy Mature now, but i bought GTA3 when it came out a few years back.. i guess I was about 14 at the time? Walmart doesn't give a shit, and EB games would sell you a pack of cigarettes if they could.
Well... yea. Retailers don't care, as long as you buy, they're willing to sell.
Somehow I doubt a retailer would sell an 18 rated game to a 10 year old.

When I was under 18, my parents would buy whatever game/movie I wanted regardless of the rating. It's not that they didn't look at the rating, it's just they didn't care. If I ever have kids, I wouldn't care either.

I played 18 rated games when I was around 7. It's no big deal.
My mother used to care when I was ten and played GTA2 and Carmagedon, but she doesn't care anymore.

She knows now how a sweet boy I am.
WHSmith's here do. Although I wasn't buying a game I was 15 and trying to buy a WWF Wrestling video rated 15 :upstare: . Went to the counter and was asked for ID but didn't have any so they said that I couldn't be served. I think they do the same in GAME here.
My parents used to buy games for me, they didn't ignore the ratings but they knew I was fine with games. Just like if I watched at 18 rated film at 15/16/17.
In the Uk we have ratings 15 and 18, this emans its illegal for these to be sold to you if youre under the specified age, my parents buy me 18+games.
I've played 18 rated games all my life. My mom knows that i aint gonna go copy what i see.
I bought HL2 off the counter wearing my school uniform, so that should tell you something. For some reason games aren't regulated at all here whereas its not even legal to sell R-rated dvds here regardless of your age, so if I want to watch a movie rated R either I ask my cousin to buy it back from Canada where she studies (which is much more expensive) or I get a friendly copy off a torrent, if you get what I mean :naughty:
I always bought games that were M when i was underage, the stores never cared. But my parents always knew what i was buying, and they trusted me with what they taught me. Plus my dad was into them when i was young, so i was exposed to some of it, but I was never just given games i wanted with no supervision, which is what i feel the problem is with these idiot parents nowadays.
Yesterday for the first time in my life.
I was denied a game!
I went to Best Buy, I figured... Hey I actually liked the Far Cry demo, I think I'll pick it up.
I go grab it, It's $20 now so I figured what the hell.
Go to the register, They ask for my id, I show it.
I'm of legal age to buy games too.
And they don't let me buy the game.
What. the. ****?
I ask for the manager and HE denies me the game too.
I was pissed for the rest of the day.

It has NEVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE ever happened.
Several things really depending how i get the game. i have all the GTA games and im 17...been playing since what..15 or 16. But i'll usually order online with parents details or tell them to pick it up for me on the way home from work because its convieniant, for me (no problems with ratings) and one of them works near next door to the game shop. The guys in that shop are good though, they don't sell games for under-aged gamers.

My parents are not bothered with what i play, they see me killing combine on the pc or playing GTA and don't like the killing, but they won't do anything about it. I don't think its a problem though, i'm not impressionable and they know im responsible enough to play those games.
the only game that i got my mum to get was perfect dark on the n64. Thats the only game i have had to get her to get for me, think it was an 18 at the time. Its not a problem now since i'm 19.
Parents bought me HL2 off Steam, went to buy the Prima guide about a week later from GAME. They wouldn't let me buy it because the actual guide was 18+ as well. :-/

Went to another GAME shop not that far away and bought it no problems.
always played games i was too young for - parents didnt mind, often bought them for me and my dad even played a lot of them...
xlucidx said:
Yesterday for the first time in my life.
I was denied a game!
I went to Best Buy, I figured... Hey I actually liked the Far Cry demo, I think I'll pick it up.
I go grab it, It's $20 now so I figured what the hell.
Go to the register, They ask for my id, I show it.
I'm of legal age to buy games too.
And they don't let me buy the game.
What. the. ****?
I ask for the manager and HE denies me the game too.
I was pissed for the rest of the day.

It has NEVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE ever happened.

Which Best Buy was that? The one in Nashua and the one in Worcestor have let me purchase games underage...
lol im only 15 and i love playing gorey games, i always get a kick out of lighting people on fire in Garrys Mod or sumthin. Ya so i cud probably by any adult game with gore in it, but if it had really bad sexual stuff in it probably not. lol is there even such a game? O well I like the killing better anyway.
:sniper: :E O and if you don't want to get denied a game then buy from like staples or some game place like gamestop or sumthin. The smaller places often dont care
DreadLord1337 said:
Which Best Buy was that? The one in Nashua and the one in Worcestor have let me purchase games underage...

It was the one in Darthmouth.
Never happened to me there before either.
Could buy all the bad movies and games I wanted.
My brother buys them, will I vote parents or me buying them?
It's not like I've learned anything from them, Jack probably thinks that everyone under 18 is good and pure and doesn't know what sex is.
"I bought HL2 off the counter wearing my school uniform" <--- Who gives a flying ****?

Further cementing the fact that retailers will sell to anyone to make a profit? Maybe?
Don't be an ass. Like me.
My mother purchases my games. Thus it's perfectly legal.
CptStern said:
in fact I'm willing to bet that every single member here has played a M rated game when they were underage

OK, I am in. Let's bet for the right to give the other a bitch-slap.
CptStern said:
ok ....but I'm not taking off my shirt ;)

Don't be prude, you know you like it :naughty:

On-topic: over here in the Netherlands age rating isn't very strict. Every 12 y.o. is playing GTA:SA. You can recognize them by the way they try to make long wheelies on their bicycles.
I'm now an adult, but when I was a kid, at about the age of maybe 9 or earlier, one of the first games I played on the Mega Drive/Genesis was something called The Immortal (also on the Amiga, I believe). Excellent game! But the gore level for the time was pretty immense - goblin heads popping, heads cut in half, bodies split down the middle, enemies melted, devourment by spiders, impalement, decapitation, etc etc. I can't remember whether I bought it myself or whether my parents bought it for me, but I think it came out before classifications began to apply to games so legally and technically it doesn't fall under the subject of this poll, I guess.

However the effect it had on me is relevant, I think. For a little while after first playing it I was overwhelmed by the violence, and the naughtiness factor of seeing content which my parents wouldn't have been too happy with. After the initial thrill, though, I think it had a generally GOOD effect on me. I got used to the gore, learnt to enjoy it in the context of the game and came to see it for what it was - exaggerated, fantasy violence which had no bearing on real life. Thanks to early exposure I was able to see game violence for what it was and grew up playing lots of other games I technically shouldn't have been, while massacring hardly any babies IRL.

I was affected far more by violent films I saw when underage than I was by games. Hell, there are films I've watched even as an adult that have screwed me up more than any game ever could, and I accredit that e-munity (:cool:) to my becoming acquainted early on with exploding heads made of pixels.
i work at a store.. i just have the eletronics guys give me a pass.