Do you buy/play games underage?

Do you buy/play games underage

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As a sexy 16 years old FPS players, buying games underage is very common. I had always bought the rated M games by myself, but suddenly for Half-Life 2 the retail seller (Future Shop) refused. I had to ask a adult in the store to do it for me.

Actually, I don't see a problem with buying games underage. The rated level is in my opinion symbolic. Since the age is a physical and temporal factor of your life, it can't make you being more able to suit with the game's contents.
What about the option "My parents know about the rating but don't care"?

Edit: Id HL2 M in America/Canada? Over here it's 15+.
I buy the games underage, store policies aren't enforced, even so my parents don't care because I'm not mildly retarded and influenced to believe video games are real life.
When I had to buy games underage, most of the time they didn't even ask. Sometimes they would say, "You 17?" and I would say "Yup." Other times they asked for ID, I just gave them my drivers license. Most of them are too stupid/don't care enough to do the math.

As for why I felt justified doing so ... why not? I like certain games and I wanted to play them, so why wouldn't I? I saw Pulp Fiction when I was 10, and a lot of other violent/vulgar films when I was at a similar age. I love these types of movies and some games ... I wanted them and I had the money to buy them, so I did. There's not a whole lot more to it. It takes a very fragile mind to be strongly affected by forms of entertainment.
ratings ? what ratings ?
these things have ratings ? .....never heard about them ....
Also there aren't many sex games out I bet if you bought say Leisure Suit Larry you'd have a lot more trouble getting it from a store clerk as opposed to Doom 3. Violence in games is just violence, not really a big deal here (maybe to crazy lawyers but I mean on a wider scale) as opposed to other nations.
Neither my parents nor the retailer seem to care what the ratings are on the games that I buy.
I played GTA when I was 10. God I can't believe that was 18+, should have been 15+. Maybe even 12+.
When i was younger i tried to buy Red Alert 2 from a store and wasnt allowed... because it was 18 rated. My parents would never buy me an 18 rated product... ofcourse im old enough to buy my own now :)
My parents know the ratings, they dont give a ****, so they buy them, because they know the games wont affect me andthey dont have to worry about it.

RakuraiTenjin said:
Also there aren't many sex games out I bet if you bought say Leisure Suit Larry you'd have a lot more trouble getting it from a store clerk as opposed to Doom 3. Violence in games is just violence, not really a big deal here (maybe to crazy lawyers but I mean on a wider scale) as opposed to other nations.
In Japan there are many many many sex games.

Recent U.S sex games are dream stripper and virtually jenna. In dream stripper you control a stripper on stage and make her dance like you want and wear certain clothes. In virtually jenna you have to help pleasure the famous and much loved Jenna Jameson with tools. LEft click on the dildo in the tool box, now to pleasure jenna hold the dildo over her AREAS and move the mouse backwards and forwards. Jenna becomes aroused.

I know that's off-topic, but the people want to know about sex games. There is a demo of virtually jenna.

Ok have fun.
I chose the second one, but now I'm in my third f*cking decade, everything's legal for me, so soak that up.

/el Chi hits mid-life crisis and begins to sob uncontrollably
When I was young, yes I was allowed to play the games. I played Doom, which was recommended to me by my dad "Look at this son, it's the latest technology! Enjoy being the star in your very own film etc!"
Although when the games started becoming graphically realistic, my parents would voice their concerns.

I used to think of myself as mature to play the games without being influenced by them in anyway, after all, this is just a computer games right? Even when I was 12 I was smart enough to realise that.

Now I've been over the age for a few years so it doesn't bother me much anymore, but hypocritcally I think "Bah, look at all these youngsters playing these games whilst they're underage!"
I watch rated R movies and played rated M games "illegally" for longer than I can remember.

Erestheux said:
I watch rated R movies and played rated M games "illegally" for longer than I can remember.

The internet told me to hate people of other ethnic backrounds.

DreadLord1337 said:
Same, WOLF3D was my first video game, I was 3 or 4 at the time.

SAME! Except I was 6 or 7. JOIN TEH CLUB.

There are SOME games I could imagine my parents not wanting me to buy (GTA for example).

I was playing Diablo (which is a mature rated game) when I was 11 years old. My dad was playing it at the same time and never even mentioned he thought it was violent.

Today I don't play very many M rated games since my choices for gaming (HL2, BF2) are almost always rated T. However, my dad has played every game I've played, and aside from making a few comments about how violent hitman was and making fun of me for playing war games when I strongly oppose the war, he's trusted me with all the games I've wanted so far.

I think there is a lot of misdirected censorship in this country. Both coming from France, my dad and I have a much more open view towards sexuality and violence in the media. A few days ago for example, I was watching the Godfather uncut on spike, and I almost cried when they pixeled out Antollonia's boobs. Why? I just saw a guy get strangled, two guys get shot in the head and horse's severed head lying in a guy's head, how are breasts going to shock/influence me more than those? Censorship is turning breasts into a taboo, and making teenagers even more intrested in sex (because we all know taboos are cool). In France, breast-showage is gratutious, the godfather is rated PG-12 (no such thing in the states I know) and the crime and teen pregnancy rate is lower.

I do agree that M rated games should be played under supervision, but I don't agree with america's censorship system. A lot of teen rated games are great games for pre-teens (the sims, warcraft and starcraft...) and a lot of M rated games should be more strictly distributed (GTA:SA).

What the ESRB should really judge is "Are kids going to be influenced by that? and do they have the means?" With GTA, it's pretty obvious they'll be somewhat influenced: It's in a real setting, and the "gangsta" theme fits straight in today's mainstream world. However, games like Diablo II are going to be a bit less influencial, unless the kid has access to an axe and an interdimensional gate, and easily deserve a looser rating.

So far the only ratings I've been agreeing with are on FPS.
EDIT: Wait shit hold on, HL2 IS RATED M? What the phuck!
I think WOLF3D was my first game aswell but the first one I actually remember is Doom.
StardogChampion said:
Somehow I doubt a retailer would sell an 18 rated game to a 10 year old.

the only thing that matters is if you look 18.

same here with the stores not caring if you are 18 or not, i guess as long as they get profit then its no problem
I'm underage, and my parents know the age ratings - yet still buy them for me.
Although I am of age to buy M and AO games I will speak from past experiences. My parents would buy me games that were rated M and were violent because they knew I that I knew the difference between fiction and reality.
my parents don't mind me buying 18 rated games; they know I'm mature enough to handle it.
Mine allow some but not all. Lately they don't really care except for extreme games like GTA.

I also first played Wolfenstein 3d when I was 4 or 5. When I was nine or ten or so I started playing Starcraft, and Half-Life / CS came when I was 12.
2 out of 87 people used the ratings as they are supposed to be used ...sorry guys're all part of the problem ..Jack thompson would have a field day with this sort of information
well guys like Thompson, Leland Yee and Hilary clinton will make sure that ratings are enfiorced one way or another
Where's the option for 'my parents believed I was a well-adjusted youngster mature enough to deal with aformentioned material in a responsible manner' ?

However I'm 18 now so :P
What do I care, I can buy whatever I want. But then what about all the needy children? They're Rick James bitch, we can't let them not play their games.
CptStern said:
well guys like Thompson, Leland Yee and Hilary clinton will make sure that ratings are enfiorced one way or another
They're a recommendation, not a rule.

The most they can do is make sure parents are informed about the ratings.
why should I care? I've never played a game underage because there wasnt any when I was underage why would I care?

...if Thompson and crew get their way all violent games will be rated AO (adults only) ....90% of retailers wont carry AO games where does that leave developers? do you think they'll bother investing in a violent game that may only be released to 10% of their audience? this will eventually lead to self-censorship as developers are forced to create games that adhere to the rating ...which up to this point has always been the opposite of what they do
Ennui said:
They're a recommendation, not a rule.

The most they can do is make sure parents are informed about the ratings.

no, they are much more effective than that Illinois a retailer can be charged a $1,000 fine for selling/renting a game to a minor