Do you care how long valve take to make episode 3?

Well Doug did say we'll get a trailer once Duke Nukem Forever goes Gold: this will be a long time then
I don't really mind about the wait, but I thirst for some media. Anything. Screenies, trailer, concept art, interviews, OH GOD FILL ME UP VALVE.

And I don't see what's wrong with the episodic label. The episodes are coming quicker than HL2 did. HL2 took about 6 years, whereas these episodes are taking roughly 2 years each, I think, which is about right as each is meant to be a third the length of HL2. I'm not sure if the length of them is in the same proportion to the waiting times as it was for HL2, but someone else less tired and lazy than me can work that out for us. Apart from that, there's all those benefits that Valve went on about when they first announced episodic releases. Stuff like getting feedback from each episode and learning from them, that sort of thing. So I don't think there's any reason for them to necessarily abandon the episodic style.
Well in a perfect world i would want the game right now in top notch quality, but this ain't gonna happen anytime soon... I'm expecting the game in late 2010. I don'T mind going back to Half Life 2 and replaying all three episodes when i miss it, there's always something new i see each times. So i just hope the game will deliver, so they can take their time if what they want, is to create another masterpiece from the serie.
It's really not like it matters whether we care or not...Valve could pull a "TF2" and suspend development for eight years and we'd still all come back eight years later and play it. ;)

Besides, we've got the forums to pass the time.
Please don't scare me like that, Darkside.
Is E3 still the biggest venue to debut a game like Episode 3? I've wondered if they might choose PAX or something a little more fan friendly.
Industry leaders from all over have been saying that this is going to be one of the largest E3's in terms of software announcements, and that developers are banking on the event to release their titles this year.
E3's going to be big this year.
Thanks for the answers, guys, I'm a little more hopeful now.

And would you look at that, three posts in a row from forum members who registered all the way back in 2004, in successive months no less!
Combo breaker!

It would be a real shame for them to announce anything else at this E3 because I really hope that they don't have anything else on their plates until HL2 EP3 is complete.
Combo breaker!

It would be a real shame for them to announce anything else at this E3 because I really hope that they don't have anything else on their plates until HL2 EP3 is complete.

Well they are working on Portal 2 and updates for TF2 and L4D that we know off. Valve could very well be working on another completely new game aswell.
Something tells me that they've done a classic Valve and have scrapped Episode 3 and are redoing it. Valve said at the beginning of the year that me may get some info, that must mean that they had some stuff almost ready to show. It's been months since then and still nothing. So i think that what they have mustn't be up to scratch yet.
Do you care how long valve take to make episode 3?

Not in the least.
Considering it's the last of the Episodes, they should make it longer than Ep. 2 and with even more varied environments and maybe new enemies and an actual weapon.
I heard they were bringing back visitor access and booth babes. I'm hoping so because thats what made E3, E3. Its just be boring the last 2 years.

Booth babes... :naughty:
I can definitely wait for Valve to make the best game possible in whatever time they need...since getting a new computer, I've got pretty much every game made between 2006 and 2009 to play, as well as new releases.
I'd rather have EP3 out soon and while we have that, they spend time on HL3.
I can wait....I just want to know what the hell is going on. It's been a year and a half, going on two years. We deserve a few screenshots or a few tidbits of information. Please Valve, we love TF2 and L4D, but stop acting like EP3 doesn't exist.
If they released Orange Box on XBOX360 & PS3, it would seem really retarded to not release EP3 on the same platforms.
I really don't care as long as its amazing and longer than ep1. But if its not so hot..........

there will be riots
i think it will be completed 2012 but i want them to take as long as possible so they can make it perfect! i suppose ive always been worrying that someday they might screw up and make something bad so i just want to give them room you know what im saying?
I can wait....I just want to know what the hell is going on. It's been a year and a half, going on two years. We deserve a few screenshots or a few tidbits of information. Please Valve, we love TF2 and L4D, but stop acting like EP3 doesn't exist.

Hoping it will rock. Especially the types of improvements to source in general
Hopefully they won't release it on consoles because nobody likes people that play games on consoles.

It's common knowledge they're pussies.
The longer the better.

That's what she said. :naughty:

But seriously now...

Let Valve take their time. Anything that's labeled as "ambitious" will take a little longer to put together.
why would they release a new box with portal 2 and ep3, we know little or nothing about both of these games and i really doubt they would tell us at the last moment, oh hey guys we included ep3 and portal 2.
Do you care how long valve take to make episode 3?

Originally, no.

But since L4D2 has been announced I figure if they can waste time releasing a game so suddenly and early after the release of its predecessor Valve can release episode 3.
Originally, no.

But since L4D2 has been announced I figure if they can waste time releasing a game so suddenly and early after the release of its predecessor Valve can release episode 3.

yep what trying to say eariler as well, quite happy if it was taking time but now it seems a little bit of a joke :( half life way better to!
Yes I care. But only because of the Half-Life 2 delays which traumatized me and the Episode Two delays which killed me.

Yes, I am a ghost.
No not really. The more they they take to make it will allow me to upgrade my PC for the big occasion.
Not really though usually the longer it takes meens its gonna be great when it comes out...hopefully o.o
Hope it doesn't trn out like Duke Nukem Forever...the team was taking forever to get it done and now, during the crisis they got sacked due to budget cuts. I think it's a very different story with valve, but you never know...
not really but they have had a long silence though, i can't wait for episode 3 to come out. But if they take thier out, they are going to make it the best it can be so its better, thats if they are secretly working behind the scenes all this time. Expect announment at E3 2010, Or trailer.