Do you consider "American" a race of people

Should Americans be considered a race of people?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 9.7%
  • No

    Votes: 82 88.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 2.2%

  • Total voters


Apr 12, 2006
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I, like most Americans, have roots that extend back into different races of people, such as Irish and German. But I, being born in America itself, no longer see any significance to my racial heritage; I feel that I, having been born in America, am of the race of American. So, what do you guys think? Should Americans be considered a race of people? We display unique characteristics, such as accent as well as a language that is somewhat unique (different words and meanings than British English or Austrillian English). Also we're fatter than any other country.
A race all have similar features, traits and background. In order to say Americans have the same background you'd have to ignore their family tree before they came to America. And they still would have a mix of traits. It's still easy enough to tell someone's background if they are of mixed races. So I voted no. Americans would have to be pretty isolated for many years before their characteristics would be 'unique'. We are going in the opposite direction. People are traveling and moving to other countries and mixing races even further.
are you kidding? exactly what are american racial characteristics? slanted eyes? hooked nose? flat nose?
No. We're a mix of all the worlds races.
So would you consider the british a race? A mix of Roman, Celtic, Saxon, and more?
You can't categorize in different races because the difference (DNA wise) from each other as so small.

And besides... Why do you want to make your own "race"? Why the need for categorizing? You're American, isnt that enough categorizing? :P
My answer is "no"!

In my opinion, US American is who has the US citizenship (are there any better definitions?) ...
the mullet Mullet LAWL:E

American's can generally be recognised by their large, oversized bodies, mullets, a poor understanding of the English language and a generally unhealthy odour of beer, cigarettes and burger fat. :cheese: :D.

Of course they're not a race, the only race is the human race.
Race, by definition, is a group of people related by common descent (of which Americans are most definately not) or united by common history, language, and cultural traits (also of which Americans are not, with the exception of language for the most part).
Admittedly, what you're trying to say is that the word "race" should stand for something less generalized than a species. But chew on this for a while: like most existing cultures and countries, the United States is made up of an amalgamation of various "races" as determined by varying genetic physical traits. The United States has not existed long enough for a single homogenous "race" to materialize out of its "melting pot" stage, which is still going on as we speak, believe it or not.

But all in all, nationality and/or heritage/culture should be the replacement for this "race" concept because frankly, we're all of the same race -- the human race -- whether we're European, African, Asian or any number of generalized genetic trait categories. Logically dividing up behavioral, cultural, religious and ethnic groups into nationalities or general cultures/heritages makes more sense if you want to make the average Joe American his or her own category.

So think of the human race as ice cream (since you're American and you might understand a junk food analogy better... :P ). It comes in different flavors, added ingredients, colors and brandnames, but it's all the same kind of food.

Plus, if you go by the definition of race being a generalized category based on genetic physical traits, Native Americans might win as the TRUE American "race". :P

My bi-yearly post has been fulfilled. Now I must retire back to the depths of... stuff.
So African Americans, Latin Americans, Caucasians, Asians, Native American's are all the same if they were american...afraid not.
Strong no. White Americans are typically European, while the ethnic groups are whatever region they originally came from.

-Angry Lawyer
Yes, a wacky race.

You might be able to consider Native Americans a "race" of Americans.

But they probably wouldn't like that much.
They're just another colony, like australia and ... err ... iraq?
That's why Hitler wanted an alliance with Britain to fight America. Or he at least predicted such a thing.
As stated before, us Americans came from many places and therefore we are not our own race.

[deep dramatic voice]
[/deep dramatic voice]
For a long time the american colonies had a truly unique culture found nowhere else in the world. So at that time I would say yes, a distinct culture, but not a race.

Today our culture has pretty much evened out with the rest of the west, so culturally we are only a minor variation of western culture, but certainly not a "race"

a race implies genetics, not culture.
Holy crap, there is no "American Race", a race is cocasian (sp?), black, asian, etc.. A country cannot be it's own race, it's a country where different races live.. A race isn't determined by where you live, it's your skin colour/eye colour/accent/hair colour/cultural heritage/whatever else.. The "American Race" is non-existant, I hate when Americans say they are their own race, some of them are so full of themselves, nationalism ftl.
On "American Dad", listen to the theme song to it..

I've heard it a couple of times when I was in the states.. (Like 2 times)
Which has gotten FREAKIN' HILARIOUS by the way. I mean, it used to suck but now it's pretty funny. I'm liking it more than the current Family Guys.
What the meet the fockers is 'Austrillian English' ?