Do you drive stick or automatic?

Do you drive stick or automatic?

  • Stick

    Votes: 32 40.5%
  • Automatic

    Votes: 22 27.8%
  • Both

    Votes: 11 13.9%
  • I don't drive (yet)

    Votes: 14 17.7%

  • Total voters
Stick. I feel like I have more control.
i remember the first time i double clutched....good times
Anyone that can drive stick can also drive automatic. So what the hell? Are you asking if we drive both? Like own 2 cars? Or if we know how to drive both?
I think he was talking about regularly driving cars of both sorts, Virus.

To answer the question, I don't have a car, but all cars I've ever driven save for one has been manual. Never saw the point of automatic.
Wow, I thought stick was far less common than automatic... Wtf?

Never driven a stick...
The cars that I drive are all automatic but I can drive a stick and would prefer to.
Do you all drive humvees or something? I've never seen a manual gear car since the age of 10.

And no, I don't drive. I'll prolly get my license along with conscription.
Anyone that can drive stick can also drive automatic. So what the hell? Are you asking if we drive both? Like own 2 cars? Or if we know how to drive both?
As the monkey said, "both" means that you have two cars of both sorts that you regularly drive.

Here at home we have both, but I only use the one with stick (Ford Focus) because it's more fun.
stick. automatic cars just feel weird; it's like the car has a mind of its own. i don't even have/like cruise control.
Do you all drive humvees or something? I've never seen a manual gear car since the age of 10.

And no, I don't drive. I'll prolly get my license along with conscription.

The vast majority of sports cars are manual, same goes with economy cars and pick-up trucks.

Mini-Vans and family cars are usually automatic, because they are made for women. /troll
I see.

I'd love to learn to drive manual, though. I thought they had all died out.
Have a manual license, but I stick with automatics.

I prefer the chillaxed method of driving. Plus it took me ages to stop stalling every time I pulled away, amazed I got through my test.

Did a manual so I could have the choice of either.

If I can, I'll stick with an auto.

Power and acceleration differences dont interest me. Insurance and fuel bills do, so by going slower, Im saving money I guess.

Not what you drive but how you drive it..or something like that.
Well, (~99.9% of the time) you have less gears with an automatic, so right away, automatic uses more fuel. Plus it's heavy as ****, with further increases fuel consumption.
I drive like a real man should. With a his......ha-

Ah shit.


With manual transmissions, you can control the revs much better. Speed doesn't matter completely when talking about fuel consumption. You have RPM, speed and fuel delivery. You need to be in the highest gear at the highest speed that uses the right amount of fuel to get good gas mileage. Like my car, which according to the EPA gets 16 city and 24 highway, I have gotten 29 MPG on the highway, while everybody else struggles to hit 22. Why? 6th gear at 60MPH. That is DIRECTLY before the secondary intake ports open up, and the engine begins to require more fuel, so I'm using just enough to cruise by on the primary ports.

So in essence, no, automatics don't automatically mean better gas mileage because they are slower.
Manual. It's way more fun and I like to feel that I'm in control, and not the car
Automatics these days are classed as 'semi automatic'. Some manufacturers still call them automatic, but the same below applies.

Essentially yes it changes gears for you, but you CAN just flick the stick to the right/left and change up and down like a sequential gearbox in a rally car.

Gear change isnt as responsive of course though, but you can get more control over revs and get the right gear for overtakes etc. Drop it to 2nd and floor it.

Back in the day, autos had a clock in place of the rev counter. These days, the dashboard is exactly the same as a normal manual.

[Edit] AND with more people living in urban areas than ever before, I know I would get sick of changing gears up and down between lights and in the inevitable congestion on the way to work.
Haven't gotten my permit/license yet, been putting it off. I want to learn on a stick, that way I won't be unprepared if the opportunity or situation arises in which I must drive stick. Plus, it looks like way more fun.
Manual, I really dislike automatic...the feeling of less control I guess.
Manual, I really dislike automatic...the feeling of less control I guess.

Agreed. With the manual, you feel like you are telling the car what to do, like it's your bitch. With an automatic, you are the one that has the ball-gag...
Never owned an automatic, and for the two vehicles that I've ever actually purchased, I went out of my way to get a stick shift.

...prefer that level of control for driving in the snow.
I drive automatic even though my current car does allow me to switch over to manual control if I want... I've never seen the point, though. Why the **** would I want to put in all the that extra effort into paying attention to gears when my car can just do it for me without ever ****ing up? No reason. Not speed, not control (I put the gas pedal down and it goes the speed I want), not anything.
I find it ironic that at one time, an automatic was the fastest road-car in the world (McLaren Mercedes).

And, although this doesnt apply to anyone with an average wage of course, most if not all supercars these days have paddles for manual shifting and usually default to an auto setting.

Take the DB9 for example. It drives in auto, but flick down a gear and youre into manual.

Guarantee all cars for the masses will be like that in the future, and not just in big shiny guess-how-small-my-**ck-is cars.
Drive a motorcycle so naturally it's manual, but when driving cages I like to drive manual. Not nearly enough control in an automatic....
well you should. it's the most fun one can have while destroying the environment.
I don't race, I just want to get to where I'm going, drive auto.
Manual. Never even driven an auto and I'm happy with a manual box, even if they can be more work than autos for city driving (which I don't do and manual is much more fun for enjoying twisty country roads)
I said some silly comments in a driving thread a while back regarding manuals. I was just starting off driving and kept fecking up changing gears and stalling the car and hated my clutch. Much prefer a manual car now. I don't trust the opperation of my car to computers.
Holy ****, I just went tobogganing in my car to the bank. Mother****in' sideways, G.

Manual rules.
well, to be fair, you can say the same thing about manual's more work than an auto
It's not more work at all. Once you get used to it it's as easy as looking in the rear-view mirror. Manual really all things in favour of it. It's more control, better milage, less risk or malfunction, and it teaches you to plan your journey further ahead, as you will need to gear down in time.