Do you exercise?

Pfft, short recoil takes one of them to bed, just to make getting out in the morning a bit more challenging.

Why not crawl under a truck face down and THEN try and do a press up.

"Hey buddy, you been living under a rock for the past few years or what?"

"Well, I have been benchpressing several large boulders..."
Work out (as in lift heavy ass weights) for 45 minutes 5 days a week, and do karate 2 days a week (hour long sessions)

I don't eat as well as I should but my metabolism keeps my fat around 5%. Since I've started working out I've gone from ~150 lbs (6'4") to 180-185 lbs (6'5").
I did 30 push-ups per day for a while and now have pecks. Next I'm going to play Wii Tennis more often, do 30 sit-ups and 30 squats per day to build up my legs a bit.
Walking, cycling and up and down my stairs 40 times per day as fast as I can (at a resonable speed so that I don't lose my footing and go tumbling). I'm joining my leisure center do to swimming and the gym. Need to lose weight.
It really doesnt take that much. Just do two sets of 30 butterfly (I think thats what its called?) lifts a day with some kind of weight for your chest. It wont take you five minutes. Same for sit ups, push ups, what have you. All depending on what youre going for.

Thats what works for me anyway. As for keeping weight off, one word: swimming.
Not any more, should start again, even running after the bus/train puts me out of breath atm. I even paid for 2 months at the gym about a year ago but haven't started yet.. :frown:
Well at my job I sometimes push up to 15 carts at once (Well I have pushed over 35 carts at once with my co-worker steering it away from cars in the parking lot) which can count as exercise. I used to do traditional exercise every other night but lately I haven't really had the time nor inclination to do it. Unfortunately I'm still pretty light, I wanted to pack on a lot of weight (muscle) but doing physical work at my job has made me seem to lose weight.
I weight about 58kg being 181cm high, so I'm definitely not going for losing weight :| And I eat as much as the average person.
Genes probably do have a part to play. But for example, I've got a mate who's pretty well built and this guy eats so much shit you wouldn't believe, goes to my college so everyones always like why isn't he fat? But actually, he plays football at lunch with me, runs in the evening. If you do a lot of exercise your metabolic rate increases for the next couple of days afterwards. I'm not sure how much credence there is to this theory, but I reckon that the best way to keep a good figure is through exercise, diets rarely seem to work, girls are always on them and never lose weight. All it takes is exercise imo, since I started college I've been playing football every lunch and my figure is well improved. You'll find very few overweight people who do high intensity exercise on a regular basis (at least 3 times a week).

It's got everything to do with genes. You can change it even if you have bad genes, but you won't get quite the same results as somebody else with better genes.

Your genes make you genetically predisposed to your body type. That's why some people are able to pig out on all sorts of stuff, do pratically nothing, and stay skinny. That's the sort of crap that would kill your metabolism, but theirs still goes strong.
What I dont get is that my stomach muscles are very good, I could do 200 situps at any time not to mention the countless times I have been hit in the stomach area, and had to hold a small pad against really hard hitting guys, and we had the times when the instructor would stand us in a row and hit us bare knuckled in the stomach (not at full throttle lol), but just get em to pop out naturally, if I tense up they show quite a bit.
On the school wrestling team.

But the season ended this past weekend : /
Thanks to the creator of this thread. The thread got me motivated to exercise today
I always plan to, but there was only ever this period of 3 months last year where i excercised on a regular basis.
Yeah i go to the gym a fair bit

My job often involves a lot of walking each day however
Do stretches and jumpingjacks for morning exercise.
- Few push ups here, few sit ups there.

- 2 hours of Lacrosse training, one game (per week)

- 1.5k walk every weekday.