Do you feel bad about throwing away food?

Do you feel bad about throwing away leftover food?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 45.6%
  • No

    Votes: 22 27.8%
  • Somewhat

    Votes: 21 26.6%

  • Total voters
I dont feel bed when having leftovers, but i do feel bad when throwing away vast amounts of food. Like when was coming home from Spain, i had tons of food in the fridge that i couldnt just leave there, so i threw it all away. Hopefully some hobo will find it.
I feel bad more when I think about the money wasted than it's potential affects.

But Im the kind of person that clingfilms the leftovers, set aside for a few hours to cool, and only then do I put it in the fridge as it saves energy (fridge doesnt have to work harder to lower the temperature, saves the planet..yes, I hug trees.).

Things like bolognaise etc are so easy to re-use. I love having wraps with the bolognaise, lettuce, cheese etc. SOOOOOOOOO good.
About a year ago I realized that I was spending like $50 extra on food every week that I could not eat before it expired. This is something I've been working on. I was buying things I enjoy, but I bought too many things. For example, fruit and vegetables expire quickly, so you can't stock up on them. Especially because if I have other choices (like frozen pizza!), I may not even feel like eating them.

I really won't throw away food unless its really terrible (this is unusual since I know what I like) or spoiled/stale, or there is only a little left or it doesn't re-heat well. I don't lick my plate, but I try to finish what I made.
For my work placement module at Uni in my final year, I ended up working for the county council waste management unit.

Relatively small office, only about 15 staff in total.

The things I learnt about how much we waste, and what actually HAPPENS to that waste, blew my mind.

Regards to food, we throw away, not recylce, we throw away 1/3 of ALL food we buy. 1/3. 33%. Its disgusting.

Almost all of this is down to stuff going off in the fridge, and the other variables include throwing away frozen products when the power fails or the freezer packs up when you're away from home etc.

But thats still a ridiculous amount of food, and the main product we throw away is vegetables, but thats not surprising as they're decomposing from the second they get collected.

We throw away bread when it goes stale or grows mould. Just stick it in the freezer. Taking frozen bread and putting that in the toaster makes 0 difference to the time it takes to toast. Making a sandwhich? Put the bread in the microwave for 30 seconds, ding, warm, oh-so-nice bread.
I feel bad knowing that there are people in the world who would thoroughly enjoy what I throw out or want to throw out.

I also think that refrigerators take partial responsibility in some of this waste. Yeah, they can preserve foods for a long time, but I see my parents/myself/others leaving food to rot in the freezer, claiming it's for future use. Hell, there are probably some things in my freezer that are from 2001, it's that bad.
so that you wont feel bad for throwing away your food you should give your half eaten burrito to the first homeless person you see

hey here's an idea, PUT LESS ON YOUR PLATE ..jebus H christ on a pogostick
And if ANYTHING is even on or one day past the expiration date, he won't eat/drink it.

I wouldn't either. MAYBE if it was on the expiration date, and i was really hungry.
Making a sandwhich? Put the bread in the microwave for 30 seconds, ding, warm, oh-so-nice bread.
This is untrue. Defrosted bread is no where near as good as fresh bread. It toasts fine though.
I try to eat everything but the nastiest parts. like if there is some steak with extra extra fat on the side i will cut it away but rarely will I throw out food. If its expired or spoiled, I will toss it. no need to be shitting liquid out of my ass amirite??

Ah I hate when there's pure solid fat on my meat. I've obsessively picked that stuff off my whole life. Ironically, I now have high cholesterol (but am simultaneously underweight). I was telling someone about this earlier and we decided some creep must be sneaking into my room at night with a bag full of fat and a drip tube and injecting it into me.
Can't feel bad if there isn't anything left to throw away, proper portions people c'mon now. It's another reason why I hate eating at restaurants, far too much food.
I'm horribly spoiled, so no. Most the time I finish my food however.
I wouldn't either. MAYBE if it was on the expiration date, and i was really hungry.

What kind of dog are you? A lap-dog Poodle? Need some Fancy Feast, bitch? :laugh:


A lot of those dates are sell by dates, or best freshness dates. I've eaten shit that expired over a year ago and its fine. You can smell rancid from a mile away. 'Specially if you are really a dog and not a spy.
Not at all. I SHOULD because that's money in the garbage. But I'd rather be a stereotypical American that wastes money, not a stereotypical American that is obese.
Yes, but I rarely throw any away.

Yanks tend to throw away food a lot from what I've seen. Slobs, the lot of em.

It's not like there's only a certain amount of food on this planet, if you have the money you will always be able to buy it. The reason that Africa is starving is becuase there is no money to buy food, this is why programs that give money to the poor are alot better than just giving them food, as they stimulate the economy.

I'm honestly not surprised to hear this drivel from you.
I always heard stories when I was young about how 50 years ago people would eat the leftovers from US Army encampments because they didn't have anything else to eat, possibly because 60% of farmland was now a burning crater. And how little kids would chase around US jeeps to get something to eat, like a piece of candy or anything. I think that might have influenced the way I think.
I always heard stories when I was young about how 50 years ago people would eat the leftovers from US Army encampments because they didn't have anything else to eat, possibly because 60% of farmland was now a burning crater. And how little kids would chase around US jeeps to get something to eat, like a piece of candy or anything. I think that might have influenced the way I think.
That never happened. Or if it did, it was maybe a couple hundred extremely brave poor people.
It's not like there's only a certain amount of food on this planet, if you have the money you will always be able to buy it. The reason that Africa is starving is becuase there is no money to buy food, this is why programs that give money to the poor are alot better than just giving them food, as they stimulate the economy.

yes the grocery stores in africa (all of africa, the entire continent) are overflowing with food albeit at sky rocket prices which only white people can afford. too bad so many many famers are poor albeit it stupid because they should be rich or at the very least fat from eating the food they cant sell to anyone except rich non africans which for some reason only solaris knows is plentiful in africa ..the continent slash country