Do you Get Aggrivated by People...


Space Core
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
That Don't know how to use computers or don't know what's good or bad for them?
(Yeah it's a long title)

I would say I know a fair bit about computer Hardware and Software (From my dad, because he started off with the invention of them). I know that dust is one of the most overlooked problems that computers face that most people don't bother with fixing. I know which antivirus systems are good (Basically anything but AVG or Norton), and I what hardware is good depending on what you are going to use the computer for.

But does anyone else here get annoyed or (for lack of a better word) depressed by people that think that computers are magical devises that can be set up and not taken care of for years and then wonder why it's starting to fail on them or get slow (yay, run-on sentence ftw)?

I was thinking of making a poll to this question, but I realized it wouldn't really work. So just... how about telling your stories of people that didn't know what they were doing that you could've helped, but couldn't (Or could, I don't care).

For example, my good friend who used to be into computer games such as tf2 and Garry's mod had a LOT of computer problems. He had a small Dell computer with an integrated graphics chip and 512 Mbs of RAM. when he got the orange Box, Ep 2 would always crash at the big blue explosion at the beginning. So he ad to play through Ep 2 using Garry's Mod. Which got rid of all scripted sequences and (i think) most dialog. When he finnaly got an 8800 GT and new power supply, he could playeverything, and was very happy, but was still having some problems. I KNEW it was from the 512 Mbs of ram and overheating. He had his computer on the floor in between his desk and the wall with nothing more then a couple fans in the computer to cool it (which wasn't enough).

This summer, I got him a Gig of RAM for his birthday. Before, it took forever just to open Word or ANYTHING. When I finally got his computer disconnected, i looked inside it and was appalled by the state of his computer. He had never, NEVER dusted it. anything that was supposed to by black was a dull gray and there were even COBWEBS INSIDE OF IT. It was DISGUSTING. That's when I knew why his computer was failing on him. I told him that he should "have more cooling and keep the side panel on the computer, because taking it off messes with the air-flow by the fans. And that you should dust it out thoroughly every few months." Of course he didn't listen to me, but at least he can use his computer again.

TLDR: Write a story of someone or people you know that don't know what they are doing when it comes to computers
yeah my sister in law had about half an inch of dust in her PC and tried a million software fixes and it took me literally 5 mins to find out she had wayyyyy to much dust in her PC. i told her to use Opera or Firefox too and she has yet to call me up. no viruses since i went over there to look at it
I don't mind people when they don't get computers or don't take care of them/work them properly (as long as it is there PC and not mine we are talking about).
And if they ask if something is a good idea to buy or upgrade, I'll help them out a bit. They are open to suggestions.

What I do find annoying is when someone second guesses or argues about computers and yet they know they don't really know about computers themselves. But I have learned to leave them to their own frustration if they discourage help or point them to some info showing examples, proof, or information etc and let it be.
Example, if someone asks why their PC doesn't work right but they are trying to run big apps and Vista with 256mb ram OR a high end video card with a 250watt PSU (extreme examples) yet they outright refuse to believe your suggestion of upgrading a RAM or PSU would help in those cases. Maybe based on money that they don't want to spend and then go on to think a new $200 PC would solve their problem.
The conversation about what is causing or what would fix the problem with these kind of people is...annoying. has a good back to school guide for the less obvious folks out there but i think the majority of users on this site are sell aware of their computers and how to operate/clean/love them
Wait, I use AVG and have no problems. Why do you say its no good?

maybe it was another anti-virus program i was thinking of. AVG popped into my head. Just, must AV progs are heavy resource hogs on your computer (Like Norton)

I found Avast! and am liking it a lot.
maybe it was another anti-virus program i was thinking of. AVG popped into my head. Just, must AV progs are heavy resource hogs on your computer (Like Norton)

I found Avast! and am liking it a lot.

i wouldn't use norton or mcaffe at all, they take more resources then anything. avast ive never found to be useful at all. honestly the only software i use is CCleaner,SB S&D, and AVG free. my pc has been perfect.
anti-virus is generally over rated. We have macafee enterprise on all our machines at work and I've still had probably a half-dozen dells get infected, and this is from standard user accounts too.

If you're stupid enough to download the 3.8mb file "Dark Knight-DVD Quality.exe" and run it...then you deserve whatever happens to you.
i will send u halflife3_full_install.exe


Anyways, my mom is quite computer illiterate. The other day i had to explain to her the concept of "tabbing" in internet browsing. I also had to explain to her that just because a window is ontop of another window it doesn't mean that the bottom window is "gone", she cant understand the concept of having multiple windows layered ontop of each other. Everytime i try to help her she yells out "NO WHAT DID YOU DO ITS GONE IL NEVER GET IT BACK WHY DID YOU EXIT OUT?!?!?!" and i have to calmly explain to her "jesus ****ing christ calm down all i did was to move it to the side".

Dont even bother talk about MINIMIZING windows.
i also get aggravated when "friends" go on vacation and only mention it like 1 day before going across the entire country. makes me really jealous and angry. unless it was spur of the moment but maybe i'm just last to know everything now
i also get aggravated when "friends" go on vacation and only mention it like 1 day before going across the entire country. makes me really jealous and angry. unless it was spur of the moment but maybe i'm just last to know everything now

What does this have to do with computers?
on facebook people post their thoughts and they never think about just telling you in person
That's not really relevant to the thread. The thread is about people not knowing how to use computers/software/etc and the rage it causes us nerds.
I have a couple of stories... sigh, I hate typing.

Over the summer I had volunteer work at the local library. Today (at least where I live), the library's mainly a place for kids with not enough money to play games on the internet than to read books. I had to look over the Homework center one day, which was a room with 8 or ten computers in it to do homework with, since it's away from all the crying babies in the main room. When I came into the room, I noticed that all the monitors were set to 1024x720 instead of their native resolution of 1280x1024. When I changed it using the Intel Graphics thingy, the screen flickered a few times as it reset itself, and the lady who unlocked the door saw it flickering and wen't "What are you doing?" in a sorta stern voice. I said that the computers aren't set up right and that I was changing the resolution to what it should be. She said "we have people to do that job and they know what they are doing. Leave it alone." I sighed and helped the Chinese dad help his kids plug in a pair of headphones. After she left, I compulsively set all the computers in the room to it's resolution. I so wanted to tell her that I knew what I was doing...

Another day, I was working in the main room, giving out prizes to kids that have read 2, 5, 10, 15, or 20+ hours. It was a slow day, and I was given a rack of books to shelve. As i was walking to the books, I saw who was apparently one of the computer techs that worked there. He was dusting out the computers, and it was DISGUSTING. he unscrewed a heat sink probably from the processor and blew out a crap-load of dust. I went over to him and looked inside the mini-computer. It was horrendiously dusty inside of it. I just sighed and moved on.