Do you got a girlfriend=Life ?

Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
yup, i got led on by some chick for a long time. So i asked her out and got shot down. Considering she always told me "you've got such a nice ass" and all these compliments and then shuts me down "lets just do stuff as friends" ugh what r they thinkin

Maybe shes playin hard to get, they like to play little mind games and shit i hate that. Like this one asian girl, malay, that i used to know used to think she could have men at her command doin shit for her, and one night she threatened me that she would go home if she didnt get her way in this argument and i just pointed at the door and said "go then" and she shut up lol. Then shes all like "im sorry" :cheers:, just be assertive they cant fight back or be like "look i dont wanna play your little childish bullshit games if you dont like me dont lead me on"
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Maybe shes playin hard to get, they like to play little mind games and shit i hate that. Like this one asian girl, malay, that i used to know used to think she could have men at her command doin shit for her, and one night she threatened me that she would go home if she didnt get her way in this argument and i just pointed at the door and said "go then" and she shut up lol. Then shes all like "im sorry" :cheers:, just be assertive they cant fight back or be like "look i dont wanna play your little childish bullshit games if you dont like me dont lead me on"

yeah true enough, but my case was a couple of years ago and got a gf now that i'm crazy about, so it worked out for the better in the end :D and good job with that asian chick haha, way to lay down the law
hmm. to be rather blunt, fishstick, you sound like this geek that suddenly got a girlfriend and attention and now suddenly looks down on everyone else who doesn't. No offense or anything, you just seem to work in the fact that you have a girlfriend whenever you can.

I don't think having a girlfriend is that important. Nor having friends, its all about how you like to live. some people I know really don't prefer the company of humans and prefer to play games and stuff by themselves, nd I can see why. Go to an average highschool and everyone is a total asshat. Some days I just want to grab a flamethrower and set whole crowds ablaze between classes when everyone is outside.

of course I'm not denouncing having friends and a girlfriend either. There is a girl I like whom I haven't asked out and probably won't, due to aforementioned psychological problems of mine, and the fact that she probably already has a boyfriend or something. I'd like to be her boyfriend, god knows I deserve it for being such a wonderful, nice, caring, intelligent, just plain awesome dude, but prolly won't happen :P

Anyhow, yeah, don't rate people so highly based on their social status. Its this stupid mentality thats been ingrained in peoples heads for so many years, and its just not right. You can't really judge someone based on how many friends they have, how many debts they have, or anything like that.

Everyone knows a person's worth is based on the size of their penis and/or breasts.
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
hmm. to be rather blunt, fishstick, you sound like this geek that suddenly got a girlfriend and attention and now suddenly looks down on everyone else who doesn't. No offense or anything, you just seem to work in the fact that you have a girlfriend whenever you can.

I don't think having a girlfriend is that important. Nor having friends, its all about how you like to live. some people I know really don't prefer the company of humans and prefer to play games and stuff by themselves, nd I can see why. Go to an average highschool and everyone is a total asshat. Some days I just want to grab a flamethrower and set whole crowds ablaze between classes when everyone is outside.

of course I'm not denouncing having friends and a girlfriend either. There is a girl I like whom I haven't asked out and probably won't, due to aforementioned psychological problems of mine, and the fact that she probably already has a boyfriend or something. I'd like to be her boyfriend, god knows I deserve it for being such a wonderful, nice, caring, intelligent, just plain awesome dude, but prolly won't happen :P

Anyhow, yeah, don't rate people so highly based on their social status. Its this stupid mentality thats been ingrained in peoples heads for so many years, and its just not right. You can't really judge someone based on how many friends they have, how many debts they have, or anything like that.

Everyone knows a person's worth is based on the size of their penis and/or breasts.

I agree with what you said! You and timmy would make a fine couple, mwahahahaha...haha.. fine I thought it was funny

My breasts are really small :(
Me and my gf have been going out for 3 years and 4 months today!! Thank you for reminding me!!!

Heres a pic of here with her cousin when we all went to Knotts.

She is really not into computers and hates the interent (they have a crapy computer with a modem and her grandma screws it up constantly). So she kinda keeps me in the real world :).
har - I haven't even looked at the first page of this thread, didn't bother to read the poster's name.

I got, you got, we all gots lots got gots - hell, who doesn't got a girlfriend?

It's time to move on into the numbered gradations of public education, sonny. Do you have a girlfriend, mate?

Nobody cares, and your grammar sucks.
Originally posted by Fender357
Me and my gf have been going out for 3 years and 4 months today!! Thank you for reminding me!!!

Heres a pic of here with her cousin when we all went to Knotts.

She is really not into computers and hates the interent (they have a crapy computer with a modem and her grandma screws it up constantly). So she kinda keeps me in the real world :).

You two look very happy together. :)
Originally posted by Fender357
Me and my gf have been going out for 3 years and 4 months today!! Thank you for reminding me!!!

Heres a pic of here with her cousin when we all went to Knotts.

She is really not into computers and hates the interent (they have a crapy computer with a modem and her grandma screws it up constantly). So she kinda keeps me in the real world :).

Umm.. Odd pic, I dunno why but it looks like her cousin is eyeing her up.

Freaky :eek:
Originally posted by The Terminator
I have no friends, and girls hate me. Im gonna go kill myself now that I think about it.
me too.
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
i got a gf, w00t! Infact, in one week, we'll have been together for 7 months. Those of u with gfs, how long have u been together?

Too damn long...

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
You two look very happy together. :)

Thats her cousin and you know it!!!!!

He is givin her a weird look though.
Originally posted by Frank
I need a girl, who's lastname isn't .jpg
jenna.avi is mine!

I had a girlfriend, does that count?
I need to go pick up. I know a couple chicks at work I could pick up but Im just not into them, and It would be mean of me to just go and lead them on when I dont really like them. Ive had one girl so far, but it didnt last long. I got sick of her fast, about 1-2 weeks. And I have lots o friends, I was just joking before, lol.
Originally posted by CyberSh33p

I don't think having a girlfriend is that important. Nor having friends, its all about how you like to live. some people I know really don't prefer the company of humans and prefer to play games and stuff by themselves, nd I can see why. Go to an average highschool and everyone is a total asshat. Some days I just want to grab a flamethrower and set whole crowds ablaze between classes when everyone is outside.

Watch what you say now! A 13 year old got fined or put in juvi or some shit like that for jokingly writing that she wanted to kill her teacher.But anyways yea i agree most are ****in immature asshats, and they really dont change as you get older. I only have a few true friends, which is really what i want anyways cause i dont trust people openly..mainly cause people have this sudden urgency to stab me in the back :\.
Originally posted by The Terminator
I was just joking before, lol.

listen, you're a friendless liar with no friends living in a state of ultimate denial, wallowing in a friendless lonely misery that your weak charcter can't accept. all your neuroses are giving me a headache.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy

listen, you're a friendless liar with no friends living in a state of ultimate denial, wallowing in a friendless lonely misery that your weak charcter can't accept. all your neuroses are giving me a headache.
:eek: can we say slam...?
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy

listen, you're a friendless liar with no friends living in a state of ultimate denial, wallowing in a friendless lonely misery that your weak charcter can't accept. all your neuroses are giving me a headache.

Ummm...Right only has one i, Timmy.
Get it right! ;)

McHammer75040: Slay until your heart is content. :)
I have friends, quite a few of them but none of them ( at least, anymore ) meet my personal requirements of the term "close friends".

Although they may think they are, they have qualities that can seriously piss me right off.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Ummm...Right only has one i, Timmy.

yeah, you're, umm, correct. but riiiiiiight has 7 of them. thanks anyway. :thumbs:
Originally posted by D33
I have friends, quite a few of them but none of them ( at least, anymore ) meet my personal requirements of the term "close friends".

Although they may think they are, they have qualities that can seriously piss me right off.

I take it these are the friends that drive like crap?
One doesn't drink or do anything social, one acts mature half the time then out of the blue becomes a complete immature fcknut, one has gone to china, one I've lost contact with cause he went to uni, one is a lazy bum, another was a real close mate until he went to uni and now all I see is a very immature, pathetic side to him.

I'd like to meet someone who's like me, male or female but I fear my mental and physical likes and dislikes are way too unique.
Originally posted by D33
I have friends, quite a few of them but none of them ( at least, anymore ) meet my personal requirements of the term "close friends".
what a humorous way to put it. you should let them know that they don't meet your criteria. be like, "tommy, we're going to need to renegotiate this setup, mmkay? if you could give me a few more 'shoulders to cry on', 3 extra 'buy me a beer's and maybe one more 'get toasted on friday nights together' each month, then we can think about moving you back into 'close frined' consideration. oh and lemme **** your sister once, that'd be great. okay, we'll talk to you later then, yup, umm hmm, byebye."
Originally posted by D33
I'd like to meet someone who's like me, male or female but I fear my mental and physical likes and dislikes are way too unique.

Disliking America is something a lot of people have in common, D33. Maybe you can connect with one of the local forum goers...there are plenty of people who hate America...Or, you could begin talking to people who hate me; There are far more of those! :)
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
what a humorous way to put it. you should let them know that they don't meet your criteria. be like, "tommy, we're going to need to renegotiate this setup, mmkay? if you could give me a few more 'shoulders to cry on', 3 extra 'buy me a beer's and maybe one more 'get toasted on friday nights together' each month, then we can think about moving you back into 'close frined' consideration. oh and lemme **** your sister once, that'd be great. okay, we'll talk to you later then, yup, umm hmm, byebye."

heh, every person has friends and close friends. Friends become close friends by their attitude and actions, we then judge those things and consider them to be "better" or "closer" friends.

We all have a certain "criteria" we hold against our 'friends'.

Mine don't meet mine anymore.
Shame on you GhostValkyrie, you trolled this discussion right into another "I hate America" thread. And you call yourself a mod :)
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Disliking America is something a lot of people have in common, D33. Maybe you can connect with one of the local forum goers...there are plenty of people who hate America...
not to be one to go OT (haha, right), but since when does questioning the ruling government equate to hating america? did it happen the at the same time that blind devotion to the warlord came to pass for patriotism? do you think any criticism of el presidente should be tollerated? "love it or leave it" ehh? nothing could be more unamerican.

now, let's go back on topic! i like pussy too!!! what are we talking about?
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
not to be one to go OT (haha, right), but since when does questioning the ruling government equate to hating america?

I wan't talking about your rebelious ramblings.
I was merely joking with D33.

You know, jokes?

Anyway; I need to go to bed. Goodnight, all!

BTW: I agree, love it or leave it is essentially un-American. This country was founded on the people diagreeing with their Govt...whether or not I agree with this generation's arguments is another matter.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Shame on you GhostValkyrie, you trolled this discussion right into another "I hate America" thread. And you call yourself a mod :)

Actually, rec was the one who started calling me that. :)
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
BTW: I agree
<sigh..> sometimes i get tired of being right. but then i just remind myself that i'm better than everyone else, so it's ok to be correct all the time. greatness is such a heavy burden.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
:eek: can we say slam...?

you could say slam. If he didnt have like an hour to think of it... Anyway, Timmy, you suck at life, kill yourself.

btw, i only spent like 1 minute on that, i even misspelled character. genius.

edit: accent aigu