Do you guys know any ways to make time seem faster.

Jun 30, 2003
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I was just wondering. Know any tricks? I was really thinking of ways to make jogging seem more "quicker", "painless" and enjoyable. Listening to my MP3 player helps and not knowing the time helps but do you guys know any other ways? Tell me things that you guys do and I could try it out. It doesn't necessarily have to be for jogging.
chewing gum, thinking about a OREO COOKIE BLIZZARD

*me faints
*carefully avoids treading on lemonking*

pass time? I sleep. or read.

mostly sleep... <_<
Chewing gum? Does that really work or are you joking?:P
Que-Ever said:
*carefully avoids treading on lemonking*

pass time? I sleep. or read.

mostly sleep... <_<

lol sleep while jogging.

yeah chew gum. the bigger the wad the better, just be careful its not so large you cant close your mouth and/or breathe.
oh. oops. I swear, I must've read his post three or four times and must've somehow missed the jogging bit. ah well... my original post is still valid, though.

btw, read me sig...
reading does the job, or staring at the clock....haha
be sure to try mine!

anyway, when jogging, I think about...stuff. really hard. I like to think about words- specifically the english language. it's rather interesting, and confusing. think about word origins, and how they really sound. I eman really, really hard about how they work and stuff. I guarantee you'll start finding certain words stranger. like "delight". weirdest word ever.

...I realize I may sound like some sort of stoner, but I tells ya, I aint! not saying you have to believe me, though...
If all those tricks fail you can always use that flashy thing from Men in Black and keep erasing your memory a few minutes at a time until you finish... although, if you erase too far back you might forget what you were doing, when you were supposed to stop, or where you are. So, be careful.
Prince of China said:
Okay. Thanks, guys. I'll try some of them.

Novel or magazine?
Novel is what I usually read, magazines are cool if they're like car magazines or game magazines but they dont last that long. depending on where you're at, I usually play c-s to pass time lol
Que-Ever said:
be sure to try mine!

anyway, when jogging, I think about...stuff. really hard. I like to think about words- specifically the english language. it's rather interesting, and confusing. think about word origins, and how they really sound. I eman really, really hard about how they work and stuff. I guarantee you'll start finding certain words stranger. like "delight". weirdest word ever.

...I realize I may sound like some sort of stoner, but I tells ya, I aint! not saying you have to believe me, though...
I try to think about ninjas and listen deeply to the music. The Red Hot Chili Peppers' Flea is one of the best bass players and the same goes to John Frusciante. I can really hear their magic better on an MP3 player.
ah, yes... flea. My idol, in a way. I aspire to be as great a bassist as him, but I must settle for mike dirnst-level playing... *sigh*

yishhh...ninjas. I'd much rather think about words.
Think about how horrible or great your life is. It works extremely well.
how about screw jogging and have some quality HL2 time? :P

On a stranger note, I was convinced I was the only person who thinks 'delight' is a strange word until I read this thread. Why delight instead of belight? It makes no sense!
When I run/jog, I usually picture myself getting stronger and healthier. It really helps going throught my run.
try jogging with someone else, like a mate from school. Just talk while you jog. That should do it.
Time yourself, and try too beat your best.
Que-Ever said:
I like to think about words- specifically the english language. it's rather interesting, and confusing. think about word origins, and how they really sound. I eman really, really hard about how they work and stuff. I guarantee you'll start finding certain words stranger. like "delight". weirdest word ever.
Yeah, just say a word over and over and it looses it's meaning. Doesn't even sound familiar anymore. Then you wonder what does it REALLY mean...even though you know.
I don't know about the listening to music thing. Most songs are between 3 to 4 1/2 minutes long, so it's safe to say after about 15-20 songs it's been an hour. But then again that may just be me. I think about things far too much.

Try setting all your clocks forward.. then just play pretend.
Do some really complicated math stuff. It helps for me when I can't sleep :p
Sit on the couch and time how long you can stay awake, or stand looking at the clock/watch. Read these forums and post a lot works. Phone a friend and talk... it actually works, though, I don't really like doing that.
Prince of China said:
I was just wondering. Know any tricks? I was really thinking of ways to make jogging seem more "quicker", "painless" and enjoyable. Listening to my MP3 player helps and not knowing the time helps but do you guys know any other ways? Tell me things that you guys do and I could try it out. It doesn't necessarily have to be for jogging.
Drugs can make time seem faster, cant say I've ever jogged(at all, lol) or worked out while high, but hey it would be fun!
On a slightly more serious note, jogging with someone, or maybe taking different routes each time so it doesnt seem like such a boring task.
1. Decide you're going to build a time machine.
2. ???
3. Profit.
Sulkdodds said:
1. Decide you're going to build a time machine.
2. ???
3. Profit.
1. Decide to copy an episode of South Park.
2. ???
3. Profit.
Play games
Talk to a friend while working out or something
Check forums :p
For Jogging:

1. To delay your focus on time, try your jogging with a friend. Preferably a lady friend. :naughty:
2. Don't start jogging on the hour or half-hour but on some random time (i.e. instead of 12:00 or 12:30, try 12:13 or 12:17). That way you'll be tricked into thinking time went by quickly when you reach an hour/half-hour mark.
3. Jog out longer distances before returning home.
4. Don't wear a watch while jogging. When you focus on the time, it always goes by slowly.
5. Jog either early in the morning or in the evening when the sun isn't as strong. The heat makes you distressed and time will seem to pass slower as a result.
Que-Ever said:
be sure to try mine!

anyway, when jogging, I think about...stuff. really hard. I like to think about words- specifically the english language. it's rather interesting, and confusing. think about word origins, and how they really sound. I eman really, really hard about how they work and stuff. I guarantee you'll start finding certain words stranger. like "delight". weirdest word ever.

...I realize I may sound like some sort of stoner, but I tells ya, I aint! not saying you have to believe me, though...
I do the same thing, try to over analyze things.
I'll find out in a few weeks, when I make a 6 hour car drive to NYC and 6 hour drive back every single weekend. :)
Do you guys know any ways to make time seem faster.

Don't suppose you've tried a Time Machine?

EDIT: Oops... that was already mentioned. bleh.