Do you guys think this one is real of fake?

the city hall looks way to good and youshould have done a better job with cutting out the manipulator than i would have been fooled too
silverstealth89 said:
the city hall looks way to good and youshould have done a better job with cutting out the manipulator than i would have been fooled too

are you dissing my leet paint skillz? :p
I have a real ingame HL2 screenshot!!!!!1111111one!1!

(Yes, I spent too much time on it :p)
bliink said:
no.. heres a screenshot i took!!!
its me shooting a town hall building with the gravity gun!
LMAO that is the best pic. You can't even tell it's fake.
Apart from all the dumb things like the red line crossing out the name of the section!!!! hm.....they're alll REAL!!! HL2 IS RELEASED!!!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!
if it were real why wouldnt be just take a in game shot, or of the main menu....FAKE
Fake, and I hate fake things.... Like fake boobs and fake screenshots...
Yes it is a map on CS. Its a loading screen from the Fusion Pack for CS1.6, and the map is CS_Militia, so yes, this is fake. Valve wouldnt release it before release.

Yeah valve released the game early to css players with photoshop only. Its on CNN.
Arrowhead said:

I'm calling fake, but hey, you never know... :bounce:

That picture is older than my grandmother. It's just a render, not in-game.

... wait, are you talking about Steam? I can't see any of it because this retard browser (of the library) automatically resizes images so you can't see anything.
t3h f4k3 0n3!!!!

Like others have said, HL:S will be unlocked same day as HL2, so why would there be a HL:S - coming soon on the screen?
kaf11 said:
its fake, why the hell would you take a screen of the steam loading screen instead of a screenshot of the game?
best argument in this thread:p
Its fake no one will get hl2 early. Wow people stop these threads!
Even if testers would get it early, they'd have to sign an NDA and they wouldn't show shit b/c it's their job and a lot of money they'd lose breaking the rules...that's just an if scenario although we all know that there is a key for HL2, right?
It's easy to make fake Steam screens :)

The font is 13px Tahoma with no AA, and the icons can be extracted from the GCF.

Then you just shuffle the rest around.
Iced_Eagle said:
lol I don't think you were trying to be funny but that was kinda funny :imu:

People should just stop posting these.

1) Never seen one of them that has not been fake... Steam is more secure than to randomly unlock a game, and valve would apply some liberal boot to ass to whoever leaks out any sort of screenshot (if that was legit valve would be upset, but its fake so who cares)

2) what would you do if it WAS real? I mean you could do nothing.... Which is why you shouldn't get your hopes up... We have like 2 weeks left to go, things like these will keep increasing as the date comes nearer, just ignore them people.

3) The main files needed to play HL2 itself prob have not been preloaded yet...

If I was valve pre-loading stuff, I would send the main bulk down then on activation a small selection of HL2 critical files are downloaded to actually play HL2. Makes sence really.
yeah, try to load the hl2.exe and you will get dll errors if you haven't unlocked.
double post, dunno why. Can't delete though?
BrimStone04 said:
if it were real why wouldnt be just take a in game shot, or of the main menu....FAKE

The other night Aliens landed on earth and they let me go with them to their own planet! I took loads of video and pictures of everything I saw, and they let me go forward in time to play Half Life 3... look here's picture evidence of them landing in my city!!!
uhm... thats nice Wraithen... real nice. you know those pills in your bathroom? stop mixing them with your cornflakes...
(Ook)Toasted said:
uhm... thats nice Wraithen... real nice. you know those pills in your bathroom? stop mixing them with your cornflakes...

Damn-it, if forgot to put in a ";)"
Wraithen said:
The other night Aliens landed on earth and they let me go with them to their own planet! I took loads of video and pictures of everything I saw, and they let me go forward in time to play Half Life 3... look here's picture evidence of them landing in my city!!!

Holy shit, what do we do?
Okay, I can't keep it secret anymore, here's the proof :naughty:
I'm sorry, I couldn't keep the facade anymore *breaks down crying*...

here's the key to unlock


Now go to play while I'll go shoot myself before the gman and his "employers" arrive...
i've laughed numerous times at these awesome ss's of you guys unlocking HL2! I mean, they ALL look so real! even the ones of the ingame screenshots!! I'm fapping to the city hall right now....brb
soooooo fake. look at the "f" in the launching HL2 window in teh middle then the f in the steam games window. different, I could do a much better job.
Yeah, I just reached the cityhall level (Without spoiling: it's a flashback to City 7 :)), too many snipers and Neo is down to 10% health :p
That looks like a standard BASIC Windows job to me. All you have to do it make a window and insert the text. That simple.