Do you have a pet?

CptStern said:
I have a dog :) a scared of his shadow, 72 pound black dog that barks at every person that comes within a 100 metres of my house ...nice when it happens at 4 in the morning :x

Well, dogs are probably the #1 anti-burglar thing, according to most "ex-burglar" books. Just a "beware of dog" sign will help to scare off thieves in some cases. :D
i have a black cat named rizzo. i think he is special or something because he never hisses or gets mad, if im sleeping he just jumps up and curls up in my armpit and licks me, if i ball up a little piece of paper and toss it, he will go get it and bring it back. i love my lil kittycat.
CrazyHarij said:
Well, dogs are probably the #1 anti-burglar thing, according to most "ex-burglar" books. Just a "beware of dog" sign will help to scare off thieves in some cases. :D

ya ..I would never get a gun or an alarm system ..a dog barking up a storm does a much better job. Whats funny is that my dog is very timid ..but if a stranger comes to the door he sounds like he wants to tear their throast out ..can be annoying when guests come over ..some people get scared ..but I he wouldnt bite unless he felt threatened I'd never give him the opportunity to bite someone