Do you like milk by itself?

Do you like to drink milk by itself

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Jan 1, 2009
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Do you like milk just to drink by itself?

i do sometimes depending on what mood i'm in.
i used to drink alot of warm milk when i was younger but drinking alot of cold milk makes me feel sick
Not particularly. I know a fellow who drinks it in a pint, though. He likes to think he's manly.
Milk and beer are the national drinks of this country. I prefer milk.
its luke warm milk thats been sitting in the sun for 2 hours thats absolutely rank.

hot/ice cold is lovely most of the time
Milk and beer are the national drinks of this country. I prefer milk.

You know, that bit about milk and beer being a national drink doesn't really help us determine which particular nation you're talking about.
i have cereal with milk every day late at night but I sometimes like to just drink milk by itself.
Everyone here ****ing loves milk, stuff is gross, worst aftertaste.
You know, that bit about milk and beer being a national drink doesn't really help us determine which particular nation you're talking about.

If you really do care, Denmark. Not that it matters a whole lot, but apparently we have the most drunk youth in the world. But, I only drink alcohol because I find it tastes good, not to get drunk.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

I don't drink it very often anymore.

I mostly just consume water.
My friend drinks about 1.5 to 2 gallons every week and orders it at every restaurant we go to. We try to tell him that hes going to die from it, but he keeps on doing it.
All the time, preferably cold. It and water are my ambrosia.
Yes, I drink cold (what else) milk for lunch every day... pretty common here in Finland I reckon.

Glass of milk and chocolate-chip cookies = ftw!
A tall glass of ice cold 2% milk is one of the best things in the world.
Yes, in fact I prefer milk by itself.
**** you, ******.
Go drink your chocolate milk.
I crave nestle chocolate milk. I've only been able to have ovaltine for years.

I never remember to buy nestle whenever I go to the store myself.
Cold milk is a good wakeup beverage.
Water is the best thing for you, and sure as hell beats the shit outta milk. Milk becomes obsolete after around 13 years of age, because your body stops using its protein for bone growth at that age. Its a kiddie drink where they tell all the children to drink it and get healthy bones... water ftw
It's not obsolete for protein muscle growth though.

Everyone here ****ing loves milk, stuff is gross, worst aftertaste.
Milk is the greatest and best drink ever.
Hell yes. This is the only way it should be digested:

My friend drinks about 1.5 to 2 gallons every week and orders it at every restaurant we go to. We try to tell him that hes going to die from it, but he keeps on doing it.

That is bad ass as shit. A couple of friends of mine are planning to do the "Milk hour challenge" to see if we can drink a gallon an hour. If more than one person succeeds, tie breaker is running a mile.