Do You Look At Porn - Serious Question

Do you look at pornography (Playboy standard and above)?

  • Yes on a daily basis

    Votes: 29 21.8%
  • Yes regularly

    Votes: 41 30.8%
  • Occasionally

    Votes: 41 30.8%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 14 10.5%
  • Never

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • Uh what?

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
Just how prevalent is the use of porn?
I want answers people!
And what are you going to use these answers for?
PM a mod to add a poll.

Edit: ignore post
Didn't we have one of these threads a week or two ago.
Anyone who gets the chance to scope at porn will do so, its unnatural not too. As kids its a way of learning about the opposite sex, and sex itself. Imagine if you'd never seen muff before and your first girlfriend wanted you to have sex with her, you'd be crapping yourself, and would be more intrigued than turned on.

And as an adult, well, sometimes your imagination just dosen't cut it. I don't use porn a lot, but I have a bit, and use it once in a while.

Why do you ask?
Pressure said:
Didn't we have one of these threads a week or two ago.
Most likely... Anyone got a link to that porn survey. The one where it tells you how many % you're addicted to porn? :LOL:
before long we will have threads about this topic every day of the week.. :(
Apparently 97% of males do.... why do another survey
nope, when i just started to surf the net, yes i did. But now nope bores the crap out of me.

Got a wife, real time beats pixels any day.
Mmmm... *dreams of such things that will never enter his life*

Erm sort of, I try not to now. Usually something I do to get rid of boredom, im wasting time that I could be playing games tbh
btw, if u voted never, you are asexual. I saw a study that shows 1 in 100 people have no sexual desire at all so the results here seem a little high.

Maybe hl2 causes a shrinkage of the libido. I HOPE NOT!
babyheadcrab said:
If your male and have internet acsess you most likey do :D
Very true.

Yes, I do, and I see no problem with it.
When talking to a girl my answer is only occasionally.
When talking to a guy my answer is very frequently.

hey who voted never??!!! lies!

ahem ...oh ya that was me :E *watches wife walk away*

whispers: lies lies lies!!!
The Mullinator said:
When talking to a girl my answer is only occasionally.
When talking to a guy my answer is very frequently.


My friend said one time,"Sex is great but it's not as good as the real thing",(refering to mastrubating)
johnmedz said:
btw, if u voted never, you are asexual. I saw a study that shows 1 in 100 people have no sexual desire at all so the results here seem a little high.

Maybe hl2 causes a shrinkage of the libido. I HOPE NOT!

maybe they think their ...ummm ..member ... is only for pee pee :p
CptStern said:
maybe they think their ...ummm ..member ... is only for pee pee :p
It can pee? Ive heard mention of this phenomenon.

I think it's very common for men to watch porn. It's a part of the passage to adult life... and the porn shop down the street :naughty:
Not often, simply becouse when I have a lot of stuff going on I pretty much dont think about sex at all. And I hate boredom.

So when I am bored I do sometimes.
Does it count as porn if it's homemade?

*refuses to vote until told answer*
I doubt many people have never seen any porn at all.
Sam2k said:
I doubt many people have never seen any porn at all.

Are you being sarcastic...I am currently watching Mature moms 5 thumbs up :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

Edit:^^jk bout the MM5 bit :LOL:
my porn habit has definitely increased and gotten worse as I've grown up, i think i've seen almost everything there is, save for gay porn, unless CSS sprays count... damn kiddies and their gay pron sprays
You just confused me there, I wasn't being sarcastic (unless I typed it wrongly in which case yes, I was being sarcastic).
Yeah, sure. Somewhere in between Occasionally and Regularly, I guess.

Sucks, cuz I can't get the real thing. My girlfriend doesn't do that no more, I guess :( ;( :( ;( :(
Does a pope shit in the woods?

No but seriously, porn is not that interesting, generally pretty boring, more humorous than horny actually :D

I don't think the general porn bimbo with F cup is hot, and certainly not when she's getting banged in the ass by some big hairy guy...

But some is nice :D