Do you look at porn?

Do you look at porn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 88.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 12.0%

  • Total voters
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Given this forum is comprised of mostly teenage boys, I thought Id pose this question and see whos a liar and who is confident with their sexuality.
Don't need it.

There's an adult video store located inside my head.
lol darkstar, you naughty! i wont answer this question, but im intrested about the results
I used to when I was in my early teens but now I don't. I find it kinda degrading and morally wrong.
Yeah i do now and then. nothin' wrong with the fine art of a naked lady in motion :)

(damn i sound like a right pervert :p)
No, I don't. I also think people that do are pathetic losers who really need to go out and get some. It's not that hard to pull someone, even a complete munter, and poke her for a few minutes. I do this all the time, and I just laugh at the complete tits who sit there masturbating over a pic of a girl they have never known, and never will know. It's so sad, so very, very sad.

Did I mention that I'm a religious black man with a huge penis and 50 cars? Oh, and a liar.
Yes. Is there any justification I can give that won't make me sound nasty or dumb?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Yes. Is there any justification I can give that won't make me sound nasty or dumb?

Just say you have parkinsons, and you might as well entertain yourself while you sit there involuntarily waving your hand about.
burnzie said:
Not anymore...

I got over it a few years ago.

Thats when you were arrested yeah?

*A few years ago*

"Hello, my name is Burnzie - and I'm a porn addict"
"This is a girl scouts meeting, please don't hurt us"
Yeah, I was at that meeting too!

...not for any particular reason. I wasn't under a chair, chanting about the ensuing reign of Chaos itself while I was pelted with poorly made cookies. You can't prove a thing.

Now what do I say- the truth, a witticism to draw attention away from myself, or a lie to sound hip and uncaring of anyone else's opinion (as well as being as sad and lonely as the rest of us)?

Semi-asexual weirdo, jackass or git, the endless question...
kirovman said:
Used to, I got better things these days. :D
Damn, I really wish I could say that for myself.

Of course I look at porn. My computer is connected to the internet, is it not?
Really? I'm so fecked up these days I can barely distinguish my actual opinion from my attempts at humour. This is what happens to long-term unpublished writers, kids! Tell your parents! to buy my book

Wait a minute, what's your answer Farrow? Don't try and sneak out of it!!

(Notice how doing that let me avoid the issue? And they say the Politics forum can't teach a man anything!)
If I told you, I'd have to kill you...or at least find some way of pretending I didn't say it. Alternatively I could do this and dart around the issue.
Fair enough Farrow, I'll leave your dark secret alone if you leave mine untouched.

hot pollen-on-plant action

...god damn copy paste.
It may sound innocent but some of the footage is disgusting and demeaning to both the participants and the viewer... bumble bees mass-swarming an innocent tree until they're postiviely coated in the yellow stuff.

...and yes, I thought that'd be funnier than the old alternative of "pasting" something about stockings or positions :p
ok everyone admit it, you all saw some pron at some point in your lifetime. face it, everyone sees it :| or the majority of people who are normal :p
I do

but I am stoping a bit

and will stop completly when I get a girlfriend
Yes i do, 2 hours/7

PS: (No wanking, just looking)
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