Do you perfer hard shell or soft shell tacos?

Hard or soft shell?

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Apr 29, 2004
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I personally perfer hard shell because you get the crunch. Soft shell might as well be a burrito with meat.
Should include the option "It doesn't matter to me, I'll take whatever". Taco is a taco to me...
Soft Shell. For exactly the reasons you put up there :O :thumbs:.
Soft shell, because the hard shell falls apart and i like to have my taco nice and neat. :)
MadHatter said:
Should include the option "It doesn't matter to me, I'll take whatever". Taco is a taco to me...

I choose this.
Hard is my favorite. The crunch is great!
Lil' Timmy said:
hard.. soft tortilas are for burritos and shit like that..

Agreed... Soft tacos are just poorly wrapped burritos!
they still have everything they need to be considered a taco
umm ... soft ... havent any of you ever been to pedro's tacos??? sheesh ...
Erm, they aren't called soft tacos, they are called tortillas noobs!

And hard(core) ofcourse :) I prefer them, easier to load and unload :P
hard shell aren't easier to unload. THeyre a bitch to eat
abconners said:
hard shell aren't easier to unload. THeyre a bitch to eat

No way dude, harder are definately easier, as long as you handle em right. Soft shelled falls apart and are awkward to eat
Soft Shell, they seem to have more stuff in them, like a bag of meat and sour cream other than a little hard shell.
Dalamari said:
Soft Shell, they seem to have more stuff in them, like a bag of meat and sour cream other than a little hard shell.

YES ...
God damnit now I want a Tacco. Where am I gonna find one of them at midnight on a Sunday?
hard shell tacos are bastards, they are unpredictable and fall apart. nothing beats a fresh warm tortilla
soft shell i dont like it when the hard shell breaks, if it didn't then i would like hard shell...they should make a elastic hardshell which does not break :thumbs: