Do you play paintball?

The Bear

Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering if any of you guys played paintball? If so, what kind of gun do you have
Any general discussion about paintball is cool too...
Oh yea I just purchased an Omen with a pipe set and a 68ci 4500psi tank... It's not much but its better than my model 98 I have right now :)
i quit, was getting too expensive for my blood :\ i would play more if i had the money tho heh
Tippmann 98 Custom
20oz CO tank
Samrtparts TearDrop Barrel
Double Trigger

i like paintball
Yea I still have my model 98 w/ flatline. The flatline always got a lot of heat but I thought it was awesome and it never let me down... what kind of gun did you have x84D80Yx?
Hmm, i never played :(

But someday i will play paintball... and i don't have enough money. I spent all the money on my Fx 5600 256mb...
98 custon 20oz tank with a flatline. Double Trigger and full auto and reactive fire conversions. :)
I play quite often. I have a Spyder E99 with a semi auto, three shot burst or full auto firing switch. Full auto sucks, it chops balls real bad. Three shot burst is decent but inaccurate. Semi auto is very accurate, I use it the most often. The gun is nice except for the fact that in order to change firing modes you have to mess with small dip switches inside the guns handle.
Everyone I know has super-nice tricked out Vikings... I fired ione of those babies and it VERY nice...
Most of the clan i'm in (for gaming) do paintball, competing in some stuff (as you can tell i dont really understand much about the paintball world)

One of them got really excited about and E-Blade or something like that he had bought :/
Originally posted by Murray_H
Most of the clan i'm in (for gaming) do paintball, competing in some stuff (as you can tell i dont really understand much about the paintball world)

One of them got really excited about and E-Blade or something like that he had bought :/

And E-blade is an electronic upgrade for an autococker which is a pretty good upgrade, in case you watned to know
You guys use full auto? It's illegal in the UK. But I think that's a good thing...

Anyway, I've got a -

Stock Impulse (gonna get a Vision and a Blade trigger for it)
20oz Co2 tank (I'm getting air soon)
12" Smartparts Progressive barrel (but getting a Freak)

And for my backup... :P

Inferno Terminator T3 (in chrome and red :cool: )
Double trigger
10" Hellfire barrel

But I might be selling the Inferno soon, I need money for upgrading my Imp.

Paintball rules.
I rather play airsoft, but that's quite an expensive hobby too. :(
Yea SHIPPI we have a whole slew of full auto markers and upgrades here in the US... there is a legal limit to how many balls per second a gun can shoot though... I think its 20 but thats still really fast
Yeah. Didn't one of Team Dynasty shoot over 20bps in semi-auto mode?I can't remember who, I think it was Greenspan, but I'm not sure.

Anyone here play tournaments? I've just joined a youth team thing, and our first tournament's on the 2nd November. It's gonna be great. We're gonna get our asses kicked, but still, it's gonna be great.

Any paintballer's here from around Hull/Sheffield?
What's airsoft btw?

Me and my mates know a guy who dropped out of uni and set up a paintball centre so we get good deals :-) And don't have to abide by any stupid laws. Often go out into the forrest in the back of his tranny van.

I don't know the specs of the guns, but they seem pretty accurate, and pack a punch.

I remember the first time i went (never even shot a round before)... when we were kitting up in our jump suits i fired a shot at my friends ass. He jumped, and shouted.... i laughed and popped another in his thigh. I called him a moaning pussy for making such a big deal. Oh how big i felt....

...ten minutes later i realised whre his shouting came from.

Thats what i like about it though, it hurts enough to be scared... and that makes it fun.

*looks down at red welts*
Paintball in Australia is in some kind of legal Twilight Zone. The gun laws here are ridiculously tough ;(. Bloody knee-jerk reactionary government...

I'd like to play, but here you can only do it at a licensed paintball joint, and the nearest one of those is about 250Km away. And me with no transport.;(

I'd get a Tippman if I had a license. They look awesome, and they get good reviews.
Originally posted by The Bear
Yea SHIPPI we have a whole slew of full auto markers and upgrades here in the US... there is a legal limit to how many balls per second a gun can shoot though... I think its 20 but thats still really fast

why is there a limit?? it's just paint balls.
I've never fancied Airsoft, I'm not into that kind of military stuff. I can't stand woods ball, it just bores me. I'm only into the speedball style of paintball.

Originally posted by WARLORD
why is there a limit?? it's just paint balls.

I don't think there is a legal limit, but it's restricted by how fast the hoppers can feed paintballs. I think the fastest is the Halo hopper, which can feed 22bps reliably. I don't know, it could be a legal thing.
I don't have my own paintball gun, and I've only been three times. It was brilliant each time though, there's so much adrenaline involved.

Especially when you find five of the other team in a transit van and proceed to fire thirty paintballs in through the back door. Overkill yes, but funny at the time :p