Do you reget seeing some spoilers?

Do you reget seeing the spoilers?

  • YES! ;( why did i let myself?!

    Votes: 37 28.2%
  • Don't Mind. It doesn't make a big deal to me either way.

    Votes: 43 32.8%
  • Nope, i'm glad i saw them, they r0x0rs!

    Votes: 23 17.6%
  • I have successfully stopped myself peaking. i R teh king headcrab.

    Votes: 28 21.4%

  • Total voters


Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Do you regret seeing the (if any) spoilers?

I'd like to think it's only softened my appetite for hl2 and stopped me knawing off my arm :)

But what bouts u?
Thank God I do not know what spoilers are you talking about ;)
Mr-Fusion said:
No i don't.

(to mods> when you click add new topic (when it takes you to your poll question/answers) does it post a topic without a poll then when you click ok or whatever it adds the poll? people have done this ^ before)
I'd like to see some spoilers, where where where?
Avoided. I've been doin my best to keep it all fresh.

I remember first going to Xen, and how it totally blew my mind (I'm really suprised so many didn't like it). I'd hate to miss out on that kind of excitement in HL2.

And still I obssess over this damned game.
I need a vacation.

**edit - Gino,. check out the thread on the fileplanet movie pack
Geno said:
I'd like to see some spoilers, where where where?

The screenshots/binks/this forum/scans if you can find em on google
meh.. i dont care..
i just want to buy the game even more.. after seeing those ""spoilers""
oh, i thought you meant like.... other stuff. meh.
Yeah, I cant believe I allowed myself to read the review spoiler that said the Gman was gordons father :( . Completly ruined the entire story

just kidding
Bongfarmer said:
Yeah, I cant believe I allowed myself to read the review spoiler that said the Gman was gordons father :( . Completly ruined the entire story
But thats just the half of it! It turns out, Alyx was adopted,. and yes,. shes Gordons sister!
I haven't run into any spoilers yet, thankfully. As soon as I think I might be getting into one, I close the thread before I can read it. I probably miss out on some good threads, but it'll all be worth it when I play HL2 for the first time and every new feature and level is something I didn't expect.

It kind of depends what kind of spoilers you are talking about. I tried to stay away from the major ones that revealed a major chunk of the story but I don't mind looking at a few new screenshots. As long as there is no huge part of the game in the spoiler, I don't mind reading it.
The anxiety that revolves around spoilers makes me laugh. Honestly. People "ruin" good books, movies, and games for me all the time. The "oh yeah this happens, but it's so ironic I just had to tell you about it". It bothered me alot when I was younger. But I've grown used to it. Now, most spoilers usually make me want to get ahold of the media in question even more. Just to see that rad explosion, or tense action sequence spook show, plot twist whatever.
skumbuzzul said:
People "ruin" good books, movies, and games for me all the time. The "oh yeah this happens, but it's so ironic I just had to tell you about it".

It's true that knowing a few minor spoilers isn't a big deal, but a lot of people have been looking forward to HL2 because it really will have an exciting story where you can't wait to find out what happens next. I'm sure we'll see a good number of plot twists along the way, as well.

It's one thing if someone spoils a movie for you, you can smack 'em and you'll probably have at least one other good movie to look forward to. However, HL2 is the last great FPS story we have to look forward to for a while. Also, the original poster was referring to you spoiling yourself, rather than someone else doing it unwittingly.

I so regret looking at the spoilers, I have learnt so much and now I am sad :'(
A little but the one thing I wish I had never seen was the strider. Imagine if valve had never shown it in any binks and suddenly your playing and that comes round the corner :eek:

Story does not really bother me I am in it for the action.
Not really.

It actually makes me want the game more.
EDIT: DO NOT look at DigitalAssassin link!!!!

Would you of enjoyed the movie pycho less if you knew the secret plot twist? Or starwars?

Yeah, but they are still kickass movies!
DigitalAssassin said:
OMG... the half life 2 spoiler!!
You just ruined the game for me ;(
Bongfarmer said:
EDIT: DO NOT look at DigitalAssassin link!!!!
Yep,. it is the definitive HL2 spoiler
Yeah... The screenshots. Not exactly plot spoilers, but just ruining the first time I'll see things like the
Strider dropship
among other things.
depends what you consider a spoiler but the screenshots have been more "teasers" really
ive forgotten nearly all the spoliers ive seen lol. So I didn't vote since none of your things are right for me :p
I'm note sure if the spoiler(s) I saw are/were real or not.
Someone actually posted the ending on a forum, without warning. So I`m not too happy about spoilers...
That bastard should have been banned
(not a real spoiler)
That thread with the supposed spoilers in just a minute or so ago... Please tell me those weren't real. :( :( :(
I'm a nosy bastard so I've been inspecting a few spoilers. Felt like a kid opening presents before Christmas afterwards.
Yes... But did that muppet a minute ago just spoil a large portion of the storyline in his thread title?

For those of you in the know? I've just had a large part of my enthusiasm crushed. :(
It wasn't real. At least I hope not. Just forget about it, erase it from your minds :)