Do you skip cutscenes?

Do you skip cutscenes?

  • Yes, everyt time. Gameplay > plot

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
gameplay over plot? plot over gameplay ..this poll should tell us what we prefer
Hell no.

I do however skip logos, or even delete them if they can't be skipped like EA's.

I don't like the options in the poll. Why would watching the cut scenes mean you think story is more important then game play?
I skip them if I've already seen them.
I skip if I've already seen them, or if they are boring and the story is complete wank. Generally though, I'd never do it.

Also Stern the poll is slightly flawed. I appreciate gameplay/plot in the same capacity.
only when I'm bored by them which includes if I've seen them before
I skip if I've already seen them, or if they are boring and the story is complete wank. Generally though, I'd never do it.

Also Stern the poll is slightly flawed. I appreciate gameplay/plot in the same capacity.

ya I kinda missed a neutral poll option
I watch all cutscenes, unless I've already played through them.

Even the bad ones can be humorous.
I said I don't skip them, but I disagree with "Plot > Gameplay." If a game chooses to have plot, it should enhance the gameplay (and hence, as an integral part of the total experience, should not be skipped). Likewise if a "movie" chooses to have gameplay (making it a game), the gameplay should enhance the plot and shouldn't be skipped either.
the cutscenes in mgs2 blew me away the first time i saw them. i'd never seen anything like it

i remember watching the bit where he jumps off the hudson river bridge and was like ooooooommmmmffffgggggg

little did i realise that i'd hardly need to pick up the control pad much after that
Heh I enjoy watching cut scenes, hate it when games drop you into the midst of the action without any warning before hand. Resident Evil was a bastard for this, I'd be watching a cut scene and then BAM! I'm given control again, with a shitty camera angle and I'm being chewed up a licker in no time.
If I've seen 'em, skip 'em, unless something really good happens in them. Example, I never skip the first Ninja encounter in MGS even though I've seen it a few times, but I'll happily skip the Sniper Wolf/Otacon/Meryl cutscenes. (In MGS2 I never skip the first Vamp encounter because that also kicks ass)

However, in COD3 you HAVE to watch the cutscene before the level your on when you load it. So you exit the game half way through the level (at a checkpoint) and when you load the game later you're forced to watch the cutscene that happens at the start of the level. :|
i skip them on repeat playthroughs, i generally always watch them, even on repeat playthroughs i'll watch them alot of the time to remind me of the plot etc...

also i hate that too in cod3 antipop
Where's the option for "Only when the cutscenes are shite/I've seen them 1000 times before"?

Voted 3 (Yes but only if the plot is boring/unnecessary), BTW.
Ehh, I always watch them. The first SupCom cutscene in the UEF campaign where you first get in the mech thing is awesome.
If I've already seen them/voice-acting is shit/not worth my time to watch them.

In general though I watch cutscenes.
I watch them once if I find the plot interesting enough, and after that I will decide if they're worth watching again. Cutscenes are usually meant by developers to be a reward for passing a certain level or area, but whether or not they're appreciated depends on the game.

I'm glad HL doesn't have any cutscenes, being told completely from Gordon's POV. The story is well-enough told that way, thanks to interesting plot development, script, and voice-acting, even though you could gain more information through cutscenes.
I'd say I pretty much always watch them, but only because the games I play I love. I'm very selective and picky about games I play, so unless the game is just a huge letdown, I give them all time to impress me. However, I voted for the third choice simply because it's the truth. If I play some really crappy/boring game, and I don't care about the story, I'll skip if I really feel like it.

Also, when replaying a game, I'll almost always skip the cutscenes, unless a specific one really caught my eye last time through. A few good examples would be Metroid Prime and any Metal Gear Solid Game. While replaying any of those, I'd definitely stop and admire the great cinematography and graphics.
I'd say I pretty much always watch them, but only because the games I play I love. I'm very selective and picky about games I play, so unless the game is just a huge letdown, I give them all time to impress me. However, I voted for the third choice simply because it's the truth. If I play some really crappy/boring game, and I don't care about the story, I'll skip if I really feel like it.

Also, when replaying a game, I'll almost always skip the cutscenes, unless a specific one really caught my eye last time through. A few good examples would be Metroid Prime and any Metal Gear Solid Game. While replaying any of those, I'd definitely stop and admire the great cinematography and graphics.

I usually sit and watch them, even if I've seen them and they are boring :(
Me neither. Not sure why, most of them are complete shite.
Woah, never seen a poll with so many legit votes, I can actually trust it! :D

I skip if unnecessary, or I just want to play the damn game.
Only if I've seen them before and I don't feel like watching it again (replaying a part in an RPG after dying, etc).


If the plot and cutscenes are so horrible I want to stab myself in the eye.
usually if it's the millionth time I'm playing it. Never the first time.