Do you think it's disprespectful to..


Feb 6, 2006
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Pass a funeral line up of cars on the road? I got into a heated debate with someone on a car forum where he started saying I was a disgrace to humans and should be put in jail for a few days if I was ever caught passing a funeral line up of cars..

I think there's no disrespect in that whatsoever as long as you're passing in a safe and calm manner just like you would do when passing anyone.

What's's take on this?
i hate it when people drive down the road slow. and i'm sure the dead person doesn't give a shit considering their consciousness and brain are dead. the afterlife....pfffff

we're all made of bacteria and small organisms.
What the hell is a "funeral line up of cars"? I have never seen this.
What the hell is a "funeral line up of cars"? I have never seen this.

Are you serious? When the person is taken to the cemetery to be buried in a hearse, the attendees follow behind the hearse (which is usually going slower than the posted speed limit) with cards that say "FUNERAL" on them.

You've never seen this before?
Why the **** should you have to slow down permanently for someone you don't know? Slowly passing is more than enough.
they are usually escorted by police nearly stopping all other non funeral drivers at intersections and they drive like 15mph....its ****ing stupid
So long as its done in a safe and respectable manner (as you said it was), I have trouble coming up with a very good explanation as to why this shouldnt be done. Obeying the flow of traffic is quite important in preventing accidents, so having everyone slow down behind them sounds like a bad idea.

EDIT: Whoops, I clearly missed the better option, which is to take another route if possible.
Must be an America thing.


Canada, whatever.
I've only seen one-car funeral "processions". Anything larger and it's a state funeral.
how do you bury your dead?? is the funeral close to home?? do people get cremated often??

I've just never seen a cars full of dead people block the road, is all.
Oh yeah, I saw that on King of the Hill once.
they are usually escorted by police nearly stopping all other non funeral drivers at intersections and they drive like 15mph....its ****ing stupid

^ This. One time, I was coming from the gamestore when a line of cars going to a funeral showed up. I was at an intersection. A cop car lead them in and through the intersection while another cop car stayed at the interesection to make sure nobody moved a damn inch. It was lame as hell, since there were around 200 goddamned cars.
I've been to two funerals and both times the line obeyed the speed limit lol. I really don't see what driving slowly achieves.
We used to have cortège processionals through the streets. Police would block off sections of road to allow it to progress. As our city grew it stopped happening.

We still have the odd one for downed motorcyclists and public workers killed in the line of duty. These are respected and the police are called to manage traffic. I believe in our case there isn't public outcry/backlash because there is a degree of respect (not to mention a very human fear of retribution).
It happens in NI too. People generally refrain from overtaking and take another route if they're in a hurry.
It happens in NI too. People generally refrain from overtaking and take another route if they're in a hurry.
Same here. I've never overtaken or seen anyone do it, I think it would be highly disrespectful. Take another route.

I've also had the misfortune of following the hearse in the car behind on my way to a funeral and no one overtook. In fact I saw many people stop and acknowledge the cars en route, some even crossed their hearts. Kinda nice to see.
When my grandmother died we walked behind the hearse to the graveyard. Lots of old men stopped and took off their hats and watched us pass. I wouldn't consider it highly disrespectful to overtake a funeral procession, it's most likely that nobody notices and even if they did, it probably wouldn't be a priority for them. I would probably have other things on my mind in that situation.
The convoy of cars always take backstreets towards the cemetery; they have the courtesy to not interrupt traffic on main roads. Doing this you would think that they don't mind about an overtake; these are human beings, they know what it would be like. As long as you greet or solemnly tip your head towards anyone that may peer, you'll be in their good books.
This is a Southern thing I think.


My parents told me its considered disrespectful to drive past them. I usually just went around them any time I encountered one. Etiquette dictates that you stop in respect for the deceased. If you just pass them, thats considered pretty disrespectful to the family, much more so than just taking a different route.
just do what marge simpson said

"the road is for the livings ones"
I would say it's pretty disrespectful. I think it's bordering on illegal as well, as merely cutting a funeral line is.
Definitely disrespectful, very much so.
i usually join the line and attend the funeral. it's not everyday that people die.
The stupid "funeral convoi" tradition exists here as well. There is no police escort, they simply move slowly, obstructing trafic. Everyone will pass the convoi if the opportunity arises, disrespectul or not...
I just honestly don't see how it's disrespectful as long as you're doing it in the same manner.

It's not like I don't feel bad or that I'm not thinking about it. People need to understand that today =/= 50+ years ago when the population of cities was much much smaller and people lived a lot simpler lives.

Today time IS much more important than it ever was, so waiting behind a line of funeral cars when there is an opportunity to pass just isn't an option these days and I don't see how people can think that's disrespecting anyone.

Again, not like I'm honking my horn, driving erratically or endangering others...I'm simply moving over a lane or 2 to pass in a calm and normal manner.

Now tell me, how is that disrespecting anyone?
I actually see this quite often *Once every couple of months, since I live near 2 separate cemeteries* and I don't stop. I will slow down a bit, but stop? No. Why should I waste my time to watch people drive by?
The one time I was in an accident & held up about 2 miles of traffic for an hours was .... to me ..... a severe waste of human life. Last thing I want is other people burning the precious little time they have left when I'm dead.
My mum died last month and I had to travel in limos following the hearse. Everyone just follows slowly, let the hearse & limos out at junctions, or slow down if they are approaching it on the other side of the road. We never had a police escort.
I see this quite a bit. It's probably perceived as disrespectful to pass them or whatever the original question was. Personally, I think it's kind of ridiculous to drive that slow but it hearkens back to the original funeral processions where everyone walked solemnly to the graveyard trailing the deceased. Apparently slow is more respectful... I usually avoid them as much as I can. I try to either get in front of them before hand or, if that's not possible, I'll just do something to waste some time rather than join a line of slowness.
Yes, it's very disrespectful and I hope you have a pleasant stay in hell.