Do you think the 6800 will be faster in HL2 than the X800?


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
With the release of the Doom 3 benchmarks, Nvidia has the upperhand in the D3 benchmarks. In the past with the 59xx and 9xxx series of cards, ATI clearly had the advantage in HL2.

My question is this: do you think ATI still has supremacy in the HL2 benchmarks with the X800 series of cards? We haven't heard anything about HL2 performance under these new cards, now that Nvidia has leveled the playing field.
I think Valve have already said the x800 performs better. How much better we don't know.
No, Doom's Open GL codepath just works better on nvidia chipsets. And d3d works better on ATI (this is what i'm told)
The x800 series supposedly run Half-Life 2 40% better than the 6800 series, but I'd take that with a huge grain of salt. I imagine the advantage would go to the x800, though... it's just a case of how much.

Sorry ATI is faster is DX9x games but with a Nvidia gf6800(ultra) you wont be that much slower than people who have a ATI X800(XT). So there,s no problem.
They will both be about the same, if valve implements ps 3.0 before ati has a gpu that supports it then nvidia will take a pretty big lead in both performance and image quality

The 6800 is just a superior gpu compared to the x800, it gets the same performance average as the x800 running apps that the x800 can supports and it has support for the dx 9.1 feature set such as ps and vs 3.0

Anyone that buys a x800 now is still caught up in the hype over the dx9 benchmarks when the FX series was out
nc17 said:
They will both be about the same, if valve implements ps 3.0 before ati has a gpu that supports it then nvidia will take a pretty big lead in both performance and image quality
Yeah, just like in Far Cry 1.2. Oh wait, there's no graphical improvement and the x800 XT-PE still leads in the benchmarks. Silly me.
nc17 said:
They will both be about the same, if valve implements ps 3.0 before ati has a gpu that supports it then nvidia will take a pretty big lead in both performance and image quality

The 6800 is just a superior gpu compared to the x800, it gets the same performance average as the x800 running apps that the x800 can supports and it has support for the dx 9.1 feature set such as ps and vs 3.0

Anyone that buys a x800 now is still caught up in the hype over the dx9 benchmarks when the FX series was out

Where is this big lead and superior image quality with SM 3.0?

I havent seen it yet.
crabcakes66 said:
Where is this big lead and superior image quality with SM 3.0?

I havent seen it yet.

What is even more funny is that most of the SM 3.0 performance increase in Far Cry can be done on ATI hardware. You just have to enable SM 2.0b (\R_SM2BPath 1) and wait for the ATI to release the Cat 4.8 drivers. Even the R300 series of video cards can pick up some performance increses too.
i need help help getting this parts cheap(im broke)since im dumping my...dont laugh...emachines away and building a new one,so i need sites/stores that have:AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 2.13 ghz,Biostar Nforce2 400 mobo,Kingston DDR SDRAM 512X2 mb 400 mhz PC 3200,Enermax CS-5171LBFS-B case,Radeon 9600xt,Cooler Master Aero 7+cpu cooler,Complete rounded system cable set,ill apreciate if anybody can post some bargains.
And then add-in 3Dc's performance boost.
Abom said:
Yeah, just like in Far Cry 1.2. Oh wait, there's no graphical improvement and the x800 XT-PE still leads in the benchmarks. Silly me.

HAha, that was funny :E
I can't WAIT til ati's new opengl codepath is released in their driver release. the x800 is going to shit all over the 6800. (or so i heard)
guinny said:
I can't WAIT til ati's new opengl codepath is released in their driver release. the x800 is going to shit all over the 6800. (or so i heard)

Then what will nvidia be able to beat ati at????
The new OpenGL path won't be released for a while. There have been rumors saying that the new OpenGL code is in the 4.8's, but they appear to be started by rumor mongers. With that said, it appears that the new 4.8's have a small performance increase for OpenGL games. It also appears that ATI is slowly releasing their new OpenGL drivers. Like they said they would. I expect to see a substantial difference in OpenGL performance by the end of this year.
wayne white said:
i need help help getting this parts cheap(im broke)since im dumping my...dont laugh...emachines away and building a new one,so i need sites/stores that have:AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 2.13 ghz,Biostar Nforce2 400 mobo,Kingston DDR SDRAM 512X2 mb 400 mhz PC 3200,Enermax CS-5171LBFS-B case,Radeon 9600xt,Cooler Master Aero 7+cpu cooler,Complete rounded system cable set,ill apreciate if anybody can post some bargains.
I think my x800 PRO will perform well in HL2 but I'm getting a bit worried about how it will do in DIII with all these latest benchmarks being revealed. I can't see myself getting under less than 60fps on 800x600 full detail in DIII and HL2 though.. Am I wrong?
riTuaL said:
I think my x800 PRO will perform well in HL2 but I'm getting a bit worried about how it will do in DIII with all these latest benchmarks being revealed. I can't see myself getting under less than 60fps on 800x600 full detail in DIII and HL2 though.. Am I wrong?

Have you read the reviews? You are dead wrong.

I have an X800 Pro, I am planning for 1024 by 768 with 4AA and 8AF with high detail levels. My average FPS should be in the 40 range.

If you want more than 60 FPS, good luck. Doom 3 fps is capped at 60 so it won't do you no good to have it higher.
Yea well I forgot to mention that I take AF and AA off completely so that will give me some more, other than that 40 is bareable, at least in single player. I'm not too concerned about DIII MP anyway because I'm sure CS:S and DoD:S will be taking up most of my mulitplayer gaming..
riTuaL said:
Yea well I forgot to mention that I take AF and AA off completely so that will give me some more, other than that 40 is bareable, at least in single player. I'm not too concerned about DIII MP anyway because I'm sure CS:S and DoD:S will be taking up most of my mulitplayer gaming..
The other cards seem bottleneck to me.
Asus: Did you ever know that your my heeeeerrooooooo...
Hey recently I bought a Radeon 9800 XT thinkin it was the best card for HL2. Now I find out that the x800 pro is the best ati card and costs 100$ less! WTF! how good will my 9800 xt be? and why does it cost more if it doesnt perform as well? It even has the "perferred graphics for HL2" on it with a free voucher. how come the x800 doesnt have that? Im really confused please help.
The 9800XT is more expensive because I don't tihnk they're producing it anymore, I may be wrong though..
why does that review show fps up in the 70s when 60 is the max?
then were all set

i dont think there is a diff between 60 and 100 limit

i sitll have no prbolem if ur running a game at 60, full settings it stays at 60 never drops during explosions and shit, this is fine

but when ur droping FPS, YOU ARE NOT FINE!!!

so 60 constant or 100 constant is fine for me, i dont htikn theres even a diff is there?
The 9800XT was the top card of it's time.
They just recently released new cards (X800 series) which perform better.
The 9800XT still costs a lot because those stores have not dropped their prices. They don't want to take a loss on how much they paid to get them. They will drop over time though, they have to get rid of them somehow.

The 9800XT is a great card. lol
Asus said:
The 9800XT is a great card. lol

great or not, 1 thing is for certain, it got owned by the x800 series, just like hte 5950s got owned by the 6800s. talk about performance gain.