Do you tHink this hoax could aCtually worK In our favoR?

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Oct 6, 2003
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Think about, Gabe could infact feel sorry and see how much this game really does mean to alot of people and just might decide to work over time in our favor to make the game in fact Gold within the next week, This is just my 2 cents...
I think you should stop writing like that in topic titles :p (the caps thing)

Also, I doubt that they let something like that influence them.. I mean, if their own promises don't even influence them.. ;)
If Gabe felt sorry for us, the game wouldn't have been delayed so many times...
Doubt it..

Yea thats about it, I doubt it.
Not really, Gabe is just a man with a plan, He is funding this project and so are the people working on it, if he spent a reported 30 million or something then thats his money, (money he made with halflife1 and other projects) right now his main concern is make a product that is polished and has no bugs, this ensures that he will make back the money he has spent on the game, which i think he will.
Yup, they work for 6 years at their own pace and then, when the game's immenent and spurred by someone faking a statement from them, then they decide to speed up and work really, really, hard. Because of that happening. It does sound incredibly plausable.
Ok, Everyone knows the game is nearing completion, basically its down to the nitty gritty of finding bugs and squashing them, the fastest way to finish this is to work longer hours, all im saying is maybe they will indeed just go overtime to get this damn game out of their hands before something else bad happens, its like they are working on a nuclear bomb and everyone around them is picking at it trying to make it explode, if we just relax and let them do their job hopefully we will get a safe product and not something delicate that will blow up in our face.
D@Linkwent said:
Think about, Gabe could infact feel sorry and see how much this game really does mean to alot of people and just might decide to work over time in our favor to make the game in fact Gold within the next week, This is just my 2 cents...

You wish. They already are if anything.
If you worked on a project for 6 years, and knew you were almost done, you would probably work overtime on your own.
Exactly but im just trying to put a positive spin on this impersonation which has a lot of us feeling like FOOLs :) and its not even April :(
Honestly, I'm kind of tired of everyone acting like Valve is ignoring us, because they're not. Don't you guys think they check these sites? of course they do, and a bunch of people ona forum screaming 'hurry it up you guys suck!' is not going to make them go any faster. It's not an issue of Gabe 'feeling sorry for us', he's just trying to put out the best game possible. And I'm willing to bet anything the entire team has been sleeping the Valve HQ for days.
Him feeling sorry for us won't make the game come out faster, sorry :(
Not a chance. This is detrimental to it's completion.
Maybe Gabe will update us on the real status of HL2. Like when he expects it to really go gold.
Nope...when was the last time they suprised you with legitimate good news? ummmm....ummmmmm never ?
this hoax won't affect development either way. this isn't like the hack into valve, this is really miniscule except to those who got hyped about it. all this will do is create more buzz about hl2, good or bad, but will most likely lead to more sales.
NickOuellette said:
Honestly, I'm kind of tired of everyone acting like Valve is ignoring us, because they're not.
Hey - if ignoring us means they can focus on their work and get the game out faster. By all means... ignore away.
Why the hell did you make the topic-title like that, D@Linkwent(CAPS)?
He's spelled HCKR with the letters in caps. Maybe he's subtly trying to imply that he's some "leet" delinquent hacker?

LMao, very nice. Dabs Figured me out, IM sorry im the guy that made all the specualation happen. And i just wanna say, HA HA and HAPPY APRIL FOOLS BIOTCHES!!!!!!

Of course he is working overtime anyway

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