Do you think valve is going to port any games to Source 2?


Feb 5, 2013
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Just thinking out loud here. we did see them try to port games over with CS and HL1, though HL1 was handled so badly they decided not to bother with any other games. So do you think they will port any source games over to source 2?

I Think Dota 2 would be the most likely candidate for a port after a few years, considering how long developing a dota 3 would take, same for TF2. Personally I'd love to see the all the HL games get ported to source 2, maybe even have HL2 and episodes combined to form 1 massive game.
I doubt it, and I don't really see what the appeal would be tbh. Not unless they'd completely redo the games ala Black Mesa
I doubt it, and I don't really see what the appeal would be tbh. Not unless they'd completely redo the games ala Black Mesa
better lighting, better load times, less latency in multiplayer.
I'm sure they have them running on Source 2 already.
Considering that the Source 2 Engine will have a lot of source code from the Source Engine, I actually think that's going to be a possibility.
I think so, And even if they don't I imagine the community might.
Probably Dota 2, CS:GO, L4D2, and TF2 - the more popular and widely-supported titles. That way the Valve developers aren't spread too thin trying to support both Source and Source 2 titles down the road.
I could see them porting the code over to the new engine to decrease load times, but I doubt they'd completely re-do all of the original source games.