Do you want Uwe Boll to make your Half-Life movie?


Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Because he generally sucks. Anyone who has seen House of the Dead or Alone in the Dark will know this, and he is going to make the Far Cry movie as well as other computer game adaptations too.

And he is in a bidding war for rights to the Half-Life movie as well.

But look up the ratings of all his movies on IMDb, and you'll see he sucks as a director, with all the films having low user ratings.

More info here:

Maybe a petition is needed?
Online petitions are useless :p

Everyone knows Uwe Boll sucks, nobody likes him, and he won't get the rights to half-life either. Factamondo.

On being asked if Uwe Boll had approached Valve:

Originally posted by Marc Laidlaw
It happens to everyone I take it, its like being mugged.
Uwe Boll looks scarily like my uncle, and therefore gets my vote for doing the HL movie.

-Angry Lawyer
But it makes no shens! :eek:

Marc Laidlaw said:
It happens to everyone I take it, its like being mugged.


But Dungeon Siege. DUNGEON SIEGE? HOW CAN YOU MAKE A MOVIE OUT OF DUNGEON SIEGE? It's like making a movie out of nethack for christ's sake.
Doesn't Uwe Boll get money from the German government for making shit movies?

Anyway, no.

Seriously, that guy looks like he's related to me, therefore gets default AWESOME.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:

Seriously, that guy looks like he's related to me, therefore gets default AWESOME.

-Angry Lawyer

He doesn't. You lie Lawyer :O
Get Angry's uncle to direct. He'll probably do a better job than Balls.
I think Valve is smart enough to give the rights to make a HL movie to a director who knows what he's doing. ;)
Uwe Boll should be shot or confined so he can never ever make a movie again.
He is a disgrace to the filmmaking world.
From the upcoming issue of CGW:

Computer Gaming World said:
Has Uwe Boll (House of the Dead, Dungeon Siege) approached you about making a HL2 movie?

Marc Laidlaw said:
It happens to everyone, I take it. It's like being mugged.
Mr. Boll knows nothing about making good movies. All he has going for him is that he is able to pump out movies in a cheap manner that despite always being t3h sux, manages to turn out a profit.
House of the Dead and Alone in the Dark blew.... and the trailer for Bloodrayne doesnt look any better. But hell i'll watch it anyways. Im a sucker for cheesy movies.

btw, is he doing the Doom movie? I dont feel like googling right now.
He's out of the question so....

Do you want-

1. Quentin Tarantino
2. M. Night Shamaylan
3. J.J Abrams
4. Ridley Scott
5. Bryan Singer

-directing/producing a HL TV show or movie series?
No, he's not doing the Doom movie, so we're spared his incompetence.
Gabe Newell on his 1up interviews compared the Half-Life games to TV shows due to the episodic content.
My god, I hate this guy! This nazi director is megalo-maniac and kitsher!
No HL movie with this bastard!
Oh, GOD, Bloodrayne has got HIM in it!

You know, "You MUST call me SIR" Ben Kingsley.

What a twat! :sniper:
I don't know why people are spewing so much hate at him. Admitted, his movies aren't the best, but to compare him to a nazi because he's not very good at what he does? To me, telling Uwe not to make a movie would be similar to telling someone not to try mapping because they're not good at it. I mean, he enjoys it, and not everyone can be good at what they do. Why hate him? He's just a normal guy, like me or you.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, he could start making original films as opposed to destroying the popular reputations of games that have very devoted fan followings...
Sulkdodds said:
Well, he could start making original films as opposed to destroying the popular reputations of games that have very devoted fan followings...

Then follow on from that by seeing why his movies are crap, and not blaming their terrible ratings on dumb audiences.
I say no to any HL film unless the screenplay is writen by Marc and with Gabe as the Director.
By the sounds of it, Boll would make a far better producer than director.
Sulkdodds said:
Well, he could start making original films as opposed to destroying the popular reputations of games that have very devoted fan followings...

He paid good money for the licenses for it. Money out of his own pockets. Doubtless that Sega got a fair penny for the rights to to House of the Dead. Everyone wins, especially Uwe, who makes movies because he enjoys it.

Once Zombie Master becomes popular, I'm *giving* him the rights to make a movie about it, just to spite you all!

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Once Zombie Master becomes popular, I'm *giving* him the rights to make a movie about it, just to spite you all!
-Angry Lawyer

You just know I won't let you get away with it.