Do you watch porn?

Do you enjoy good ol' porn?

  • Yes i love it! downloading some right now!

    Votes: 22 26.8%
  • its ok time to time, its an occassional thing

    Votes: 47 57.3%
  • i might try watching some once in a blue moon, but usually no

    Votes: 11 13.4%
  • i find it disgusting and degrading, i would never consider even glancing at it!

    Votes: 2 2.4%

  • Total voters
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looks like i'm the only person that voted for the last option :dozey:
This isn't a question of whether real sex or porn is better. Obviously sex is much better.

But since logistically sex is so much harder to achieve, it makes the use of porn both necessary and prudent.
Originally posted by dfc05
looks like i'm the only person that voted for the last option :dozey:

Don't feel bad, girls don't like/need to watch porn.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
This isn't a question of whether real sex or porn is better. Obviously sex is much better.

Depends on who your haveing it with.

Oh and masturbation prevents prostate cancer... according to the daily sport or some other scummy newspaper.
dont need to watch porn???

Everyone needs to watch porn!

dfc, really? i though girls lokked at porn anyway, just secretly.

prostate cancer? thats bollocks, because it is the same act as sex, its just one of those guys that say crap, like with video games.
Originally posted by dfc05
looks like i'm the only person that voted for the last option :dozey:

I didn't vote any of those.

I would have checked an option like: "It shows industrialized sex, produced on an assembly line, and is degrading women to sex toys."
Originally posted by nietzsche
I didn't vote any of those.

I would have checked an option like: "It shows industrialized sex, produced on an assembly line, and is degrading women to sex toys."

did u read the last option?
I download a lot!! And yes, I do "enjoy" it....
I always Fastforward to the ****ing part of the "movie"... after i've got my *hmm-hmm*.. well you know... I somehow find the porn disgusting and throws it of my computer...
Then 10 minutes later i am finding myself cursing for throwing that sweet piece of art that took 3h to download... ;(
Originally posted by nietzsche
I didn't vote any of those.

I would have checked an option like: "It shows industrialized sex, produced on an assembly line, and is degrading women to sex toys."


You're such a pansy :devil:
lmoa! :laugh:

most people have the sense to realise what they are doing, noones stupid enough to think women are actually that sexed up,

but one can hope....:rolleyes:
I havent yet come across any examples of women who were degraded by porn.
Originally posted by D33

You're such a pansy :devil:
I tell it how it is. No need to justify it. Sex has been satisfying and energizing enough for me and it didn't degrade women.

Wanker! :D
I do find it disgusting, but it's like an urge to watch. I feel like guilty when I watch it, like i did something really bad. :\
who are the 2 morons that votes its discusting?

i hope they burn in hel!l!

Signatures should be no more than 4 lines. Size it down.
I think he was just interested in how different ages respond to it.

Oh and you do know you should'nt be looking at porn at your age lol, its illegal.

But hey, why should I give a rats ass!!

Go ahead, its a stupid law, you can have sex at 16 but can't watch porn until your 18.

weird eh?!?!?!
I think at a young age most of us ended up thinking that porn, masturbation and in some cases sex was disgusting.

You'll grow out of it mate. Sex itself is a beautiful thing. There's obviously some awful cases of porn being naturally disgusting anyway, child porn, unconsentual porn (i.e. rape), violent etc. but most porn itself is beautiful too. As long as whoever is in the porn is there because they want to and they're of a decent age, porn is just as natural as sex.
OH LORD lol i can only imagine what the 5 girls on this forum are thinking while reading our posts. :dork:
What kind of porn do you watch man? Pornography is sex.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
its a stupid law, you can have sex at 16 but can't watch porn until your 18.

OMFG your jokin right?? ohh F*CK i literrally based up a 16 year old cause i used my logic thinking that well if your not able to watch porn intil your 18 then it should go for sex too...omfg thats the stupidest shit ive ever heard...btw im not a raper or 18 and ive known her for 3 years and i could have got with her before she moved...omfg F*CK THE GOVERNMENT YOU BASTARD GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*shots self getting chunks of brain on timmy :o*
Originally posted by Chris_D
What kind of porn do you watch man? Pornography is sex.
what kinda high-gloss, shaved-orifices, buckets-of-lubrication, 90%-chance-it's-anal-and/or-lesbian sex do you have??:rolling:



can i get some?:thumbs:
holy crap i leave for an hour or so and all the pervs come out of the woodwork.

neistchz (spelling?), i don't think there's any point trying to preach to these lot because mostly they watch porn because they can't get any, or they're watching it to supplement their sex lives. i did that a few months ago when i was attached. had a nice setup, only had to glance down at my trousers for them to be removed etc. but for some couples porn livens things up. but right now i'm single, so getting vertical with a woman is a rare event. i'm normally pretty busy with work sports drinking etc, but every now and then i have to 'release the valve' as it were. is this hard to understand? lots of people are either too young or simply don't have a woman to get hold of. i'm happy that you've got sex on demand (the way it should be), it's just difficult to preach like that. i don't mean anything by it don't take it personally.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
yeah, we're hoping you just kinda fade away hammer..
lol alright well..........

**fades out....................................................................................................................................................did you notice i quoted you in my sig?......................yea it was super funny when you posted it....................................oh what? you want me to keep fading?...well alright.....................................*fades a little more fading.........officialy faded..............
wow, never thought it would have been so easy. i'll take that check now christopher_dee.
Originally posted by mchammer75040

OMFG your jokin right?? ohh F*CK i literrally based up a 16 year old cause i used my logic thinking that well if your not able to watch porn intil your 18 then it should go for sex too...omfg thats the stupidest shit ive ever heard...btw im not a raper or 18 and ive known her for 3 years and i could have got with her before she moved...omfg F*CK THE GOVERNMENT YOU BASTARD GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*shots self getting chunks of brain on timmy :o*

That's the law in England however I don't know what it's like elsewhere. Isn't it 14 in France?
I think you can legally have sex in the U.S. at 17, someone check me on that. To get porn I think it's 18. Hmmm,...not sure.
I love porn, infact i'm watching some right nowwwwwwww, oh sorry my keyboard is a bit sticky...
Originally posted by eraser
EDIT- I'm not gonna lie. I do download a lot. :cheers:

Likewise. Im not embarrassed, I tell my friend that I download porn, and im 16. What are they going to do, put me in jail.
Dedalus: I don't take it the wrong way, but you're misinterpreting my comments.

I'm not preaching morality to those who masturbate regularly by watching porn, nor did I ever force a woman to have sex with me at my command. I was simply stating my personal opinion on the topic, without judging what rocks your boat. Masturbation is a natural act. Have a go at it when you feel the need to do it.

On the other hand, when you take a step back and watch porn without having all the blood pumped out of your head into your dick, you have to acknowledge that the way porn is produced and how the actresses are depicted, leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth.

As I said before, porn industrializes and commercializes sex and is produced on an assembly line. It depicts women as sex toys, always available at one's disposal for sexual adventures. It's in most cases always about women giving a blow-job to men, performing various forms of sex and getting an ejaculation straight into their face. That's a degrading act.

A young watcher gets an alienated picture of what it means to lead a sex life with respect for his partner. He might be tempted to force his girlfriend to act in the same way as professional porn actresses do. There are less women who cheer at the thought of giving a man a blow-job or having anal sex than what these movies suggest.

That's what I'm having beef with.
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