Do Yourselves A Favor: Skip "King Arthur"


May 9, 2004
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Part of the reason I wanted to see this film was because it was to be a representation of the "true" King Arthur minus all that Sword in the Stone and magic hookum.

The film isn't necessarily a bad one, it's just not a good one - it occupies that middle ground - perhaps the worst place for a movie to be. I thought the acting was passable (though Arthur's knights - supposedly from Central Asia - speak English either with a Cockney accent or as if they were educated at Eaton).

The film lapses into "Braveheart"-itis several times, right down to the "inspiring" (more like insipid) speech Arthur gives his troops before they face thousands of Saxon warriors. You know this speech by heart now (you're heard it in "Braveheart", "Return of the King", "Troy", "Gladiator" etc). It's the one where the king says: "If this be our destiny to die upon this day, then let us embrace that destiny and meet it with courage, honor, and blah blah blah". And then raises his sword above his head with a thunderous yell. This might have been great a few years ago - but enough already.

The battle scenes themselves are not bad - but in its quest to get an PG-13 rating, ALL of the gore (and thus an R rating) have been exorcised from the film - further adding to the sheer mediocrity of the film.

Ah well - maybe Oliver Stone will do a better job with "Alexander".
From the trailers I've seen, the worse acting has to be with the fella who plays King Arthur. Keira is probably the only reason to see it, but she's always a great excuse to watch a movie ;)
What about "Tristan"? How does he play? Good, bad?
Even if it is bad I have to see it... because its "King Arthur". Same reason I was suckered into seeing the newest episodes of Star Wars :-/ Because its well... starwars. How could I not see it?
did anyone read once and future king, that books amazing, if you want the *real* king arthur story you really need to read that book
I will see it, but only because it is free. Is anchorman any good?
Ya, I left the theater with my face sore... always an indication of a good comedy!
what is it about historic war films at the moment?
Letters said:
Ya, I left the theater with my face sore... always an indication of a good comedy!

Or the movie sucked so bad you bashed your face into the seat in front of you to mask the pain?
I was only half-considering seeing "King Aruthur" because Kiera Knightly stars in it. :p Thanks for the info.
It's dumb really. The director filmed it with an R-rating in mind. That means blood, gore, hacked limbs, and some Keira. ;)
But feeling a need for a more "family-oriented studio movie", the Higher-Ups shackled a pg13 rating on it.
Fuqua (director) complained, stating "If I knew it was going to be PG-13, I would have filmed it differently."
So yeah, bad idea. Now we wait for the Un-rated version. ;)