Docean [MAP&ART Dump]

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Hi there! First time posting, hopefully I'm putting this in the right place. I'm working on a mod called Docean and I would like to get some feedback from some other people other than those from the team. Enough letters, more pictures.

The Hud

I want to put some more detail into it, but basically this is it. The hash marks represent how close the player is to overheating their weapon. They add up and change from green, yellow, orange and then finally to red.

The Splash Screen

I want to keep it nice and detailed, but not complicated. I have this in game at the moment but it doesn’t scale very well @ 1600x1200.

The Maps and Textures




That's a test level, no means a representation of the mapping skills. It's just something I threw together as I created the textures to see how they looked in game.

Crits are welcomed and appreciated! Thanks! :p
Looks cool.

P.S I just pmed you, please read it and tell me what you think.
it was tempting to copy that texture and use it myself. nice work :)
the textures look great so far. The map is... a vehicle for textures, so probably isn't worth comment. The hud: are the 2 shots supposed to be different? Is the "no damage/not being threatened" part of the HUD? If the 2 shots have different graphics, you may want to think about using more then color to differentiate them (which I'm assuming is the case, because I see no difference). I'm going to assume that they're supposed to be different, and the fact that I'm partially color blind is preventing me from seeing it.
pur3r4ge said:
the textures look great so far. The map is... a vehicle for textures, so probably isn't worth comment. The hud: are the 2 shots supposed to be different? Is the "no damage/not being threatened" part of the HUD? If the 2 shots have different graphics, you may want to think about using more then color to differentiate them (which I'm assuming is the case, because I see no difference). I'm going to assume that they're supposed to be different, and the fact that I'm partially color blind is preventing me from seeing it.

Yeah, the difference is from green to red. When you are low on health, it turns red, and begins to pulsate when you're close to being killed. Green is for when everything is dandy. I don't really want to have a number read out for health or armor. The only thing that players will be able to see by a number readout is on their gun. I want the HUD to look good, be small and not get in the way.

Hopefully I can find a way or make an alternate setting for colorblind people.

Nostradamus said:
Oh a polycounter :)
Looking very delicious and stylish ;)

Hi there!
Thanks for the comments. I really wanted to keep the detail that a lot of the HL2 textures already have, but in a totally different setting. Hopefully I can continue with it through out the mod.

bbyybb said:
Very nice work.


:E Thanks!
It actually looks a bit like NS. I think NS:S will have a more distinct look than NS for HL1 had (Seperating it from other mods).
dude, that splash screen looks soo sweet..
Sorry for the huge pictures!


(The reason why the long green screen is like that is because it is an animated texture that looks like a computer glitch)


(The yellow screen in this picture is useable. It opens up a door.)
wow. pretty nice stuff there. that riveted-metal texture doesn't fit perfectly... but it's probably just a test map.

looks cool tho :thumbs:
are you using env_cubemaps ?


edit: ooeeh ! look, i posted right under one of the neotokyo mappers ! I <3 Neotokyo. and yes, i think its a ":|" too...
ooghijmiqtxxa said:
I want the HUD to look good, be small and not get in the way.

Sounds like something I would say. :smoking:

Anyway, these look fantastic! I don't really have a good idea of what the mod is supposed to be like yet (visually it kinda reminds me of Natural Selection meets Dystopia) but it's looking great. Keep up the work!
Looks very promising. The texture work is excellent. :afro:
Hello necrothread!
Looks awsome, I love the splash screen too. I love space pics. :) Anymore infomation on the mod it self???

Keep up the excelent work.
/me bangs face against wall repeatedly

I've been really surprised by the lack of normal maps in user-made maps/mods. They are not that difficult to make and the payoff is exponential. This map looks all right the way it is, but it would look great if there was depth to the textures, along with specular reflections to give the unrusted parts of the metal a metallic look.
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