dock is surrouded by sand bank?

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Ok, the Oxford Dictionary defines a pond as "a fairly small body of water", that's a bit vague!

The ecology/limnology definition is:

"small bodies of shallow water in which rooted plants can grow even in the deepest parts. Water movements are slight and temperature and oxygen levels tend to flucuate widely".

Ponds aren't always spring fed - the most common type of pond in much of Canada for example is the beaver pond. In this case you usually have a chain of ponds fed by a small stream.
Originally posted by Calm_Blue_Ocean
... the most common type of pond in much of Canada for example is the beaver pond.

Be careful, you might catch beaver fever.
So why the hell is the water level dropping? Global warming would cause a rise in ocean levels due to melting of the polar ice caps. Perhaps there has been a global nuclear war??!
Originally posted by Mountain Man
A little off topic, but what exactly is the distinction between a pond and a lake?

A lake is huger.
maybe its a harbor, think about it.

"A sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships."

Hmm, no waves getting in there to screw em over.
why would a nuclear war cause water levels to drop :\
On the docks movie it looks like the wood planks are not bumpmapped.. I thought almost everything in half life 2 was going to be ? Mabey its just an early build ....
Global warming causes the ocean levels to rise because the polar ice caps melt.

Global cooling (i.e. ice ages, nuclear winter) causes water to drop because more water is locked up as ice and snow.

Evaporation can lower lakes and land-locked seas but it does not lower ocean levels. The atmosphere can only hold so much water, and any water that isn't frozen makes it's way back to the sea.
Maybe some artificial movement of continenetial plates raised the land in the HL2 world. Most of the water could have run off.