DOD:S entering beta soon, release 'not too far away'


Looking forward to it! :)

edit - also, thanks for reporting this ;)
Not too far away in valves terms lol :p

I'll see you in 2006 :D
Wow, I never thought it but that guy actually saying
actually resulted in something for the community :eek:
They're kidding if they think i'm paying for this. I remember before 1.0 with the nade bug on dod_avalanche, and the good crosshair. I hardly ever play DoD on the HL engine anymore. Ah well, good times.
StardogChampion said:
They're kidding if they think i'm paying for this. I remember before 1.0 with the nade bug on dod_avalanche, and the good crosshair. I hardly ever play DoD on the HL engine anymore. Ah well, good times.

Her is a suprise for you, this is Source
if it's in a state of near-beta-testing, why no screenshots? c'mon valve, show us some screens, maybe only one... a sexy one... so you've got everyone's attention. Pleaase
I paid for it I want it know...I hope they let us Beta test it
Wow, "Soon" and "Not to far away"... give me a break, this is no update this is another gear in the propaganda machine set to appease the lifeless. So when you get a real update let me know.
Everyone knows they are meaningless. The real news is DODS approaching beta.
switch said:
Wow, I never thought it but that guy actually saying
actually resulted in something for the community :eek:

He had a point though.

Cannot wait for DoD:S.

Think about this for a second. CS:S grenades barely do any damage. DoD grenades do loads of damage. Add that with ragdolls and eventual graphical improvement a la CS:S, you have one of the most fun games ever. w00t

I've been waiting for this game for ever!!! :thumbs:
HOw am I supposed to get it if I bought HL2 from a store? Is there like no way to get it? YOu should be able to upgrade to gold or silver if you want...
They should let us Silver/Gold package owners beta test it.
Thank goodness, maybe the weekly steam news will have a release date! And maybe Hitler is having a snowball fight in hell!

But seriously, it's nice to get some news I can't wait for DoD!
Muhahahaha said:
HOw am I supposed to get it if I bought HL2 from a store? Is there like no way to get it? YOu should be able to upgrade to gold or silver if you want...
DOD:S will be avaliable standalone.
they didnt spend very much time on it by the looks of player models.. looks like it maybe ported but i might be wrong
Shane said:
Ok, Valve has very generously said that DoD:Source beta testers can speak publicly about testing (but no pics or any other content, see the stickied post).

I was able to play for about 2 hours tonight, here's a few tidbits:

*So far we've seen dod_flash and dod_avalanche. They look INCREDIBLE. There are objects in the maps, yes, but they only add to the "immersion". Funny thing is, I'm not a big "I want dod to be like SPR" type, so this really impressed me.
*Sound is incredible. Distant, muffled sounds, multiple, distinct voices
*You can deploy on ANYTHING that is of the proper height.
*No Brits, but the team has not commented on whether or not they're coming later.

When I'm a bit more comfortable w/ the weapons, I'll give some info on them.

Also, the makeup of the testers:
*Valve personnel, duh!
*Many/most dod forum mods/admins
*Several CAL admins
*At least 2 CAL-I level players
*Several top individuals from the custom community

I'm sure my fellow testers will add to this as they see fit. :)

Lastly, tx to the Dev Team and Valve for letting me have this opportunity. Its very humbling. :)
All right,after a few weeks of beta we can play the game ^_^.
Never judge a game based on a beta, epecially when you are just looking at screenshots and not playing.
although it would be nice to have upgraded models, Im thinking this is what we will get initial release (which is fine).
imo the game looks awesome in the vids I have seen, old ass models or no.
You'll get it when it's finished and not that buggy...

OK?! :thumbs:
question: why is it that some people already are testing the beta, and other people cant? is it already released? or is it an uber closed beta
I would have thought the reasons behind allowing "Valve personnel, many/most dod forum mods/admins, several CAL admins, atleast 2 CAL-I level players, several top individuals from the custom community" pretty self explanatory....

Valve personnel: They're quite obviously making the damn thing
Many/most dod forum mods/admins: Priviledges are good :)
Several CAL admins: Knows what makes good competitive balance
At least 2 CAL-I level players: Demonstrates what makes good competitive balance
Several top individuals from the custom community: Can provide many creative suggestions, submit new artwork/sound/maps/models/etc and look at bugs from a very indepth and yet lateral point of view