dod:s needs idiot-proofing



I was playing on a server the other day, I cant remember what map it was on but you spawn in a little room with only 1 doorway as an exit. There was some idiot that stood in the doorway and wouldnt let anyone out for a good 10 minutes. The servers all need to have votekick or something to get rid of these people.
Honestly, 10 minutes and you never once came across the thought of changing server?

I wish Jondy's comment could be true.
This can happen in any FPS game... not DoD specifically. Play on a server with decent admins.
What map/side has only one exit? Not anzio, not flash, not donner, not avalanche. I think your whole team was just retarded.
friendly fire.

if its on u can kill your teamates, if its off, you cant.

surely they had one or more exit out of that room... :S
Hyperion2010 said:
friendly fire?

I'm sorry I don't mean to be a jerk, but your really didn't know what friendly fire was? I didn't think that was possible, especially if you've posted 220+ times on this site or played on any game sever related to HL. Sorry :bonce:
Couldn't you just respawn? I don't think any map out now has one spawn location.
junks said:
I'm sorry I don't mean to be a jerk, but your really didn't know what friendly fire was? I didn't think that was possible, especially if you've posted 220+ times on this site or played on any game sever related to HL. Sorry :bonce:
It's pretty damn stupid to apologize for a post that had absolutely no purpose other than implying the other person is an idiot. Notice how I'm not apologizing in this post.


that was a question as to a possible answer to the problem of idiots....


i didnt notice that the staff that comes to my aid is also from NC, lol
;) durham.

I get touchy sometimes, and take it out on random forumites who i've never before seen if they do something i think is stupid. so junks, nothing personal.
yeah no kidding :p few other members are around here, disturbed's in greensboro and absinthe's at NC State.
Ennui said:
It's pretty damn stupid to apologize for a post that had absolutely no purpose other than implying the other person is an idiot. Notice how I'm not apologizing in this post.

Thanks for your input.
bobsaq said:
I was playing on a server the other day, I cant remember what map it was on but you spawn in a little room with only 1 doorway as an exit. There was some idiot that stood in the doorway and wouldnt let anyone out for a good 10 minutes. The servers all need to have votekick or something to get rid of these people.
hahahah i useto do that in the old dod!
I actually scared off a guy who was blocking. Told him how Valve was rolling out permaban for blockers. Guy got scared and took off. It was great!
^ lol, that works on like 1 out of 200 people sadly : (
Eh, I figure about 2/3rds of the blockers are under the age of 13. Why else would they do it? I figure the other 1/3rd are drunk. So the kids get scared easy.
Hyperion2010 said:
haha, durham for me too, wtf, small world
Oh. In the U.S.A.

If it wasn't it really would be a small world.

[On Topic] It's pretty common mapping practise to always make entrances at least two players wide (or allow an alternative exit) in teamspawn rooms. I seriously doubt there wasn't another exit (like a window or door in another part of the room/building, like upstairs for example) to use instead of the one with the idiot in the way. FuzzDad & co. wouldn't be rookie enough to create problems like that.