Dod S


Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score

I have been tryin for ages to enable DODS to load up with my custom config, but it never does & it becoming annoying that i cant play with decent framerates, average around 40 with eveything on high. But i want more & sometimes i get stutters.

If i set to medium my frame rate drops!!, which i cannot understand.
6 ppl look at this not one answer. Cheers, we might aswell not have a help forum.
Try taking off HDR, it often causes quite a FPS impact.
Beerdude26 said:
Try taking off HDR, it often causes quite a FPS impact.

I have and i drop to around 20fps??

Its stupid is this game, i love playing it but i cant stand that silly framerates im getting.
A 6600 GT is not a super-card, you know. Don't expect too much from it, certainly not with AA on.

I have been tryin for ages to enable DODS to load up with my custom config, but it never does & it becoming annoying that i cant play with decent framerates, average around 40 with eveything on high. But i want more & sometimes i get stutters.

If i set to medium my frame rate drops!!, which i cannot understand.

6 ppl look at this not one answer. Cheers, we might aswell not have a help forum.

Make sure the config is read only, also have you tried manually exec-ing the config ?
And the 6 people that looked might not have known the answer so relax ok ?
A 6600 GT is not a super-card, you know. Don't expect too much from it, certainly not with AA on.

its a good card & can run full settings on HL2 & Episode one with 2x aa & 4AF @1280x1024, averagin 40fps. So i dont see why DODS can run these settings too.

Yes like i said b4 i have gone from running everything on LOW & the games stutters were than on all high.
just becuase you can run them at that resolution doesnt mean you should run them well.......6600 isnt too great...granted you can probably get somewhat good performance out of it. Id say 40fps is exactly what that is capable of at those settings.
just becuase you can run them at that resolution doesnt mean you should run them well.......6600 isnt too great...granted you can probably get somewhat good performance out of it. Id say 40fps is exactly what that is capable of at those settings.

exactly so why does DODS not allow for this?
HL2 and Episode 1 are also running purely through your computer, DOD Source will be running Server side and also Client side, and all this data must be sent back and forth via your internet connection. The higher your settings the more processing is required by your PC, you are insane if you think online games this demanding will run at those settings with your specs. It if obvious you needed to turn your settings down but you are blinded by the lack of logic. Turn the settings down, don't worry it won't look much different anyway :rolleyes:

To execute your config file you must go to properties of the game and add the launch parameters to the advanced option both to open your autoexec when the game launches. Do a search of the forum to find out the command you need to put into the advanced box and how to make a config file properly. Don't expect too much difference.
HL2 and Episode 1 are also running purely through your computer, DOD Source will be running Server side and also Client side, and all this data must be sent back and forth via your internet connection. The higher your settings the more processing is required by your PC, you are insane if you think online games this demanding will run at those settings with your specs. It if obvious you needed to turn your settings down but you are blinded by the lack of logic. Turn the settings down, don't worry it won't look much different anyway :rolleyes:

To execute your config file you must go to properties of the game and add the launch parameters to the advanced option both to open your autoexec when the game launches. Do a search of the forum to find out the command you need to put into the advanced box and how to make a config file properly. Don't expect too much difference.

cheers for that. BTW why did u say dont expect too much difference in visuals?

this is a screenshot of DODS on my system. Now i dont see anythign wrong with these gfx now do u?
Have you turned them down in that screenshot? I don't know what your asking really. I'm sure you have no problem running the game with nothing going on, but online games are very hectic and demanding. Your fps would decrease when more things happened onscreen, so when nothing is happening is irrelevant.

You shouldn't expect huge changes in visuals of the game decreasing AA and AF, HDR, some highs down to mediums or lowering of resolution even. The fact is when playing online games its about how the game plays over how nice it looks. I'm sure your not having much fun with excessively low fps right now eh? Play it on reasonable settings to allow for fps drops, graphics are not paramount. If they are for you, download some tech demo videos and watch them, and uninstall all your games.
Hey ! That report bad post button really does work :D
Actually, I ignored the report. He's being difficult, but it's nothing to cause reprimand. The post you reported wasn't changed by any staff, he must have edited it himself.
Yeah that was very odd, despite him insulting me i'm continuing to help him, i have a soul.
what report r we talking about? And is this related to this subject?
Well you were abusive to me, and now your doing the same to him as well as double posting, you are walking a fine line in a place where we are trying to help you.
what the hell, do i go in ur posts and report the for no reason? Arrogant git!
Now you're pushing it. People are helping you here because they want to, not because they have to. Show some respect, or you'll face the consequences.
Well you were abusive to me, and now your doing the same to him as well as double posting, you are walking a fine line in a place where we are trying to help you.

abusive to u? When..we'll i appologise but i seriously cannot recall this!
Playing ignorant isn't going to help i think we'll embarrass you with a nice screenshot of the post before it was edited.


Cool, thanks for the apology. Anyway, is that all the help you want?
lol i didnt realise i wrote that, i fought i just shouted it to the screen. oops. Sorry pal, yeh DODS is working ok now stable 40fps no lower than,
Yes, because after you shout at the screen you press the post button. I do it all the time, I can relate! Really! hehe
So basically you all have special monitors that type for you when you scream at em 0o

I have been tryin for ages to enable DODS to load up with my custom config, but it never does & it becoming annoying that i cant play with decent framerates, average around 40 with eveything on high. But i want more & sometimes i get stutters.

If i set to medium my frame rate drops!!, which i cannot understand.

40 is good enough.
Indeed, a steady 40 is playable, certainly for multiplayer games.

And the comparision between Dod:S and HL2 is invalid. Day of defeat has phong shading, for example, and relies a lot more on your CPU (see the amount of props and breakable stuff on an average DOD:S map), ...