
Back by popular demand (The thread was locked by mods because it was "Spam", thanks to the unbelievers who reported it), the DoD: Source thread. This time it will not be warned for spam. Revised and update, hopefully this thread will be better than before.

I would like to tell you a story that occured some time ago. The reason I am telling you this story is because I am very angry that DoD:Source has not been released. I remember the good old days when I would play DoD regular, having fun. So obviously, I was thrilled and shocked when I realized that HL2 was going to come with DoD:Source.

I had planned on getting HL2, but I wasn't as excited about it as say... Doom 3. It was just like .. meh, HL2, it's going to be good, but whatever. Doom 3 had me in childhood memories and such, you get the point.

So anyway, I preordered the GOLD pack seeing as I would get DoD Source with it. You could say that I was just buying HL2 for DoD Source (Though I enjoyed the singleplayer immensely.).

So, it came out, and no DoD:S, it said that the game was "Coming soon." I was very angry at this and I felt that I was ripped off, but I played through Hl2 and some CS:S afterward, but I was still angry.

You see, I promised myself that I would only play DoD again at Source, because it might be so much better!

So one day it was too much. I was just too pissed off, thinking about DoD Source and whatnot, it was on my mind. All I was thinking of was playing DoD Source, so I couldn't enjoy the PC or the TV anymore, so I decided that it was time to go to the park for a fresh clean air intake.

I was on the sidewalk just walking, not thinking about anything, and just out of nowhere, something happened. I screamed MOVE UP THE MG and MG POSITION AHEAD!!! (If you play DoD you know what I mean.)

Suddenly, 3 cop cars pull up from the sidestreet, and I'm thinking "Oh crap, the cops must think I'm some kind of terrorist or something." I freak out, confused by why I screamed out "Move up the MG", and terrified that I might get arrested (Hey, you know about those terrorists that don't have any rights and just go to jail without trial, I might become one of them)

I run down to the side into the interior of the parc, and I see the cops are running too. I get to about half way down a street that leads to a lake and I see that the cops just ran by me. I'm feeling rather stupid for trying to run away from the cops since I'm like right in the middle of a parc road, in the open, anyone can see me.

But I was still interested that the cops were running down the street so I looked down and saw that there were some cops apprehending a criminal, to this day I do not know his crime. I decided that it was enough for me, I didn't want to deal with getting in trouble (For jaywalking or some stupid crap like that, and I didn't want to be an eye witness and go to court), so I just went home.

When I told this story to my friends they made some images which I think are pretty funny, so it's all good.

Anyone else have any such urges because you can't wait for DoD: Source?

*Note to Admin: I hope this is good enough. It took me a long time (About an hour, give or take a few minutes) to write this with correct grammar and spelling, I had my brother proof read this story just in case. I don't think I swore in this story either. I tried my best, and I hope you don't find that this is spam, thank you for giving me a second chance.*

- JudgeWorm, Nick Miller


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LOL an hour, do you have the mental capacity of a toddler? Oh btw i've seen funny real life video game stories and this one isin't it just made me go :|
plenty of things to hold you off till then, like garys mod!! ....

you have 2 post's and 6 warnings already? what the hell is with that?

stop spamming!

btw, dont scream at the cops unless you REALLY mean it.
If you had looked at what comes with the gold package, you would have seen a * and a not at the bottom saying all games with the * have not come out yet.
JudgeWorm said:
Back by popular demand (The thread was locked by mods because it was "Spam", thanks to the unbelievers who reported it), the DoD: Source thread. This time it will not be warned for spam. Revised and update, hopefully this thread will be better than before.

I would like to tell you a story that occured some time ago. The reason I am telling you this story is because I am very angry that DoD:Source has not been released. I remember the good old days when I would play DoD regular, having fun. So obviously, I was thrilled and shocked when I realized that HL2 was going to come with DoD:Source.

I had planned on getting HL2, but I wasn't as excited about it as say... Doom 3. It was just like .. meh, HL2, it's going to be good, but whatever. Doom 3 had me in childhood memories and such, you get the point.

So anyway, I preordered the GOLD pack seeing as I would get DoD Source with it. You could say that I was just buying HL2 for DoD Source (Though I enjoyed the singleplayer immensely.).

So, it came out, and no DoD:S, it said that the game was "Coming soon." I was very angry at this and I felt that I was ripped off, but I played through Hl2 and some CS:S afterward, but I was still angry.

You see, I promised myself that I would only play DoD again at Source, because it might be so much better!

So one day it was too much. I was just too pissed off, thinking about DoD Source and whatnot, it was on my mind. All I was thinking of was playing DoD Source, so I couldn't enjoy the PC or the TV anymore, so I decided that it was time to go to the park for a fresh clean air intake.

I was on the sidewalk just walking, not thinking about anything, and just out of nowhere, something happened. I screamed MOVE UP THE MG and MG POSITION AHEAD!!! (If you play DoD you know what I mean.)

Suddenly, 3 cop cars pull up from the sidestreet, and I'm thinking "Oh crap, the cops must think I'm some kind of terrorist or something." I freak out, confused by why I screamed out "Move up the MG", and terrified that I might get arrested (Hey, you know about those terrorists that don't have any rights and just go to jail without trial, I might become one of them)

I run down to the side into the interior of the parc, and I see the cops are running too. I get to about half way down a street that leads to a lake and I see that the cops just ran by me. I'm feeling rather stupid for trying to run away from the cops since I'm like right in the middle of a parc road, in the open, anyone can see me.

But I was still interested that the cops were running down the street so I looked down and saw that there were some cops apprehending a criminal, to this day I do not know his crime. I decided that it was enough for me, I didn't want to deal with getting in trouble (For jaywalking or some stupid crap like that, and I didn't want to be an eye witness and go to court), so I just went home.

When I told this story to my friends they made some images which I think are pretty funny, so it's all good.

Anyone else have any such urges because you can't wait for DoD: Source?

*Note to Admin: I hope this is good enough. It took me a long time (About an hour, give or take a few minutes) to write this with correct grammar and spelling, I had my brother proof read this story just in case. I don't think I swore in this story either. I tried my best, and I hope you don't find that this is spam, thank you for giving me a second chance.*

- JudgeWorm, Nick Miller
It's your own fault for not reading the "not even small but the same size as the other text" print.
the pictures are subpar....and the story..meh. so you ran from cops that weren't chasing you, if they pulled out electrified stunsticks and beat you down, I'd be all over you like white on hamsters.
Top Secret said:
If you had looked at what comes with the gold package, you would have seen a * and a not at the bottom saying all games with the * have not come out yet.
Well I thought they needed only a week or something to get it back and running but I was wrong!
Borderline insanity if you want my highly trained psychological opinion.
I once tried to mimic the annoucement voice in City17....I stepped onto a dog shit afterward because I was too focused. :(
Well I thought they needed only a week or something to get it back and running but I was wrong!
Well you should have checked your facts.
Valve did nothing wrong. Games with source can't be popped out within a 1 month or 2 when they have to get a full redone of graphics, physics, and levels.

Hell the first release of Cs:S took around what, 9 months. They didn't even start DoD: S till a while back.

The fact of the matter is your upset at your own fault. Plus if you chose a diffrent package, retail or bronze you wouldn't even get DoD:S (Though you will be able to buy DoD:S\upgrade package later)

You did not get gipped, you just trusted a bad instinict.
You paid for the use of Half-Life 2, probably Half-Life: Source, Counter-Strike: Source and Day of Defeat upon each games' release. You knew what the deal was when you bought the game.
My opinion...

The pics are not good (at all).
The story makes you look really dumb.

JudgeWorm said:
Well, I paid for it...

From the mental capacity you have shown in your wonderous 4 posts, I highly doubt you bought the gold package without mommy and daddy's credit card.
Milkman said:
From the mental capacity you have shown in your wonderous 4 posts, I highly doubt you bought the gold package without mommy and daddy's credit card.
I saved up money and gave it to my parents so they could buy it.. is there anything wrong with that?

Kind of ironic that every post here is a flame yet no moderator cares.
I wouldn't worry too much about spamming - just play nice, don't post crap, and you won't get any warnings. That goes for everyone (posting just to insult someone should definately be considered as spam) give the guy a break :/

(if it makes you feel any better - I got my 2 warnings for the most ridiculous reason ever. But, on the whole, these threads are moderated well - we can forgive the odd lapse in judgement ;))
Off topic, but I thought they stopped showing warning levels because they were becoming something to show off.
I was really hoping this would be a serious DoD:S thread. Guess I was wrong.

want a good story? I walked into the gun store one day with a buddy of mine. They had a lot of used guns, so I'm thinking, "Oh, awesome, they might have a K98". I ask if they have one. They look at me strangely, becuase i'm a 19 year old blonde chick. They do indeed have one (not in bad condition), and they ask me why i'm interested. So i'm like, what the hell, I have nothing better to do, might as well bullshit.

I made up an excelent story based on Kalt, with my grandfather rushing in to the wheelhouse, killing three germans with a 'nade, yadi yada. Told them his gun ran out of ammo, so he took a K98 and used it for the rest of his deployment. And they believed the whole thing. Then I got to listen to their awesome Korean and Vietnam war stories.
What the ****.... sorry.
About the "terrorists". Isnt America suposed to be the land of "guilty until proven otherwise?" I guess you can thank bandar Bush for that...
Aniway, I loved when i played DoD a few years ago. But HL.... it was simply a LOT BETTER... well, its your opinion, nothing wrong whit that.
Please forgive my spelling ( i can talk spanish, german and english. If anyone has been learning those three, you know your personal gramar gets all mixt up) Sorry if I offended anyone. HL2 is the best game ever made. I also want to play DoD:Source (i got the silver package) although not that badly. Lets just enjoy the mods and games for now.
Opheli@r: If you saw some dude talking about MG Positions what would you do... Yes arrest them... They aren't charged with anything, so heck if its a misunderstanding, police say sorry, give you a cookie and kick ya out the door :p

Stroy: 2/10
Pictures 1.5/10 (monkey was okay, other one made gordon freeman cry softly)

You need to be a LOT more careful with things, if you just assume things like you did here, in the real world you will get in huge huge trouble... Always make sure you know what you are getting into before doing it.... You will find that out when you spend your own money on your own :p