DoD2- Development


Apr 18, 2004
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That DoD2 is in Dev. we all know for shure, something is going on over there.
I was wondering if we(gamers) could articipate in the dev. ? There isnt many that has brought up questions about DoD2
Im just worried what way the DEv. will go with the possibilities that The source gives. Like BF, where close combat and intense fighting
is not a possiblity. DoD gives a very good close combat, something the narrow streets gives, where we fight for street sections and
cooperate to accomplish a goal, like taking a flag with several other gamers. Since it is this we like so much about about DoD, huge
open maps will screw this totaly. Doesnt seem like anyone else thinks about this, or even DoD2.
And yes, im Whining the whole time. But shouldnt there be a chance for cooperating with the DoD team ? :imu:

Any thoughts about this ?
And plz be serious. :rolling:

(Bad english, yes I know)
The only thing we know is that the team that was working on Day of Defeat now have access to the Source engine. This doesn't necessarily mean they are working on DOD2. E-mail Gabe Newell ([email protected]) and ask him nicely if he'll forward on a message to one of the DOD developers. They now work in-house at Valve. They may be able to take your suggestions on board.

Moved to General Gaming.
i hope not, theres arent going to be many new ww2 games, in this new generation, its all about nam' now, and i like dod how it is. its a cool style, nam's completely different to the shattered streets and towns of dod as it is now.
I really hope it is based in WW2 'cause i loved the original DoD
I feel as though the WWII genre is getting a bit tiresome now anyway.
youll be the same way about nam' soon, and will want something different. besides, dod'd different to othrer ww2 games. it just doesnt feel the same
Yeah I loved the 1st DOD and I hope they keep the ww2 theme, The only bad thing about DOD was the graphics so can you imagine the 2nd one with the brand new engine, oh very nice¬!
Lets just hope its true.
I hope DoD still has the awesome close combat fighting.
But vehicles, if implemented correctly, will be cool too. In an urban combat map, there should be only like one tank. They should be very slow but powerful vehicles, and more than one person has to man it before it's fully functional, so a driver and a gunner.
a bit ot, that gave me the coolest mental image, basicly it was just like in bhd when they were all riding through the streets with the humvees and all the iraqis getting blown up, then the odd gunner gets shot and a new one takes his place, but in stead of humvees it was big tanks, going through a photorealistic avalanche [the map] setting
crushenator 500 said:
i hope not, theres arent going to be many new ww2 games, in this new generation, its all about nam' now, and i like dod how it is. its a cool style, nam's completely different to the shattered streets and towns of dod as it is now.

says who?

gearbox is making a game that should be out in late 04 on ww2.

havent heard of any other nam games besides bfv.

edit: bhd was set in somalia, not iraq :)
Mac, shorten the signature please. 4 lines or less.
Mac said:
says who?

gearbox is making a game that should be out in late 04 on ww2.

havent heard of any other nam games besides bfv.
i remember seeing a list a while ago on upcoming games, and half the list was based in vietnam. it was in a pc gamer i think.
well as long as its a cool game, what diff does it make where its set?!

gimme guns, gimme cool physics, gimme good gameplay, gimme good graphics!

Am I right?
You know they could do everything really...close combat type maps and larger maps with vehicles and then the suggested, cross between maps with vehicles and close combat...basically they could do all the land battles of ww2 in Europe or otherwise.
The two things I want to see from DoD2 are vehicles and total environment destruction. I would like the cities to start off fairly normal and eventually reach the destroyed and totally demolished levels you see in the original DoD as the battle wages on. Also, I think a few of the maps could have a tank or a jeep or something.
I think vechicles would spoil DoD2, come on BF is the vehicle one. I think it should stick to the infantry fighting, urban combat. But i do agree that enviromental damage should be increased, blow up a new way though a building :}
Just about every setting for a game has been over done, I would like to see a FPS medivel game that doesn't suck.
That would be cool, there aren't too many futuristic games like that. Natural Selection and Halo are the only 2 I can think of and NS kind of sucks now.
I would like to see either Roman times FPS or perhaps like badger a decent sci fi foot soldier type thing. If it followed the Starship Troopers book, then it would be quite cool...very cool in fact (Try to block the starship troopers film out of your head, it bears little resemblance)
MZhukov said:
I think vechicles would spoil DoD2, come on BF is the vehicle one. I think it should stick to the infantry fighting, urban combat. But i do agree that enviromental damage should be increased, blow up a new way though a building :}

I'm not talking about Battlefield style vehicles. I'm talking about maps where there's only one tank and the entire objective is to blow it up. It could take 2-3 people to man it, it would move extremely slow and be limited to where it can go by obstacles in the environment - but it would also be extremely tough and almost invincible to anything but a well placed bazooka shot to the rear or treads.

And DoD should definitely stay in WW2. It's the only war (besides WW1) which offers the kind of gameplay that the game is based on. All modern conflicts, especially Vietnam, are fought in wide open areas or jungles.
I wouldnt say all modern confilcts are fought in open areas...just look at the recent fighting in iraq. There were plenty of fights inside cities.
That's true, Iraq is an exception. But despite that, the guns are all way too accurate and there's too many other factors besides infantry combat. It would lose the entire feel, and might become more like Desert Combats urban maps.
The thing i want to see is NO DEATHCAM and good frames per second!
Too much WW2 games??? MOH, COD, DOD... if you think that way then there is too much scifi-games doom3,hl2, Deus EX, Halo...

Games are never too much...
But at least with sci-fi you can be inventive. WW2 games are smothering creativity because lazy developers can just pick up with weapons, characters, vehicles, enemies and settings all there for them already until they bleed it dry <coughs> Medal of Honour <coughs>
I will admit though that CoD was good.
Maybe Axis (or allied) npcz which are out side the map could fire mortar
ramdomly in to the map ... it could be nice in destroying maps,
but if you die by these mortars, it could be annoying.
smwScott said:
And DoD should definitely stay in WW2. It's the only war (besides WW1) which offers the kind of gameplay that the game is based on. All modern conflicts, especially Vietnam, are fought in wide open areas or jungles.

conflict in somalia was mostly if not all urban warfare.

Watch black hawk down.
el Chi said:
But at least with sci-fi you can be inventive. WW2 games are smothering creativity because lazy developers can just pick up with weapons, characters, vehicles, enemies and settings all there for them already until they bleed it dry <coughs> Medal of Honour <coughs>
I will admit though that CoD was good.

Ok, ok... I know you can use more your mind in sci-fi games, but i like WW2 games :)
Mac said:
conflict in somalia was mostly if not all urban warfare.

Watch black hawk down.

I've seen Black Hawk Down and read the book, but there was only one major incident in the whole area. 19 Americans were killed, that's hardly a large enough battle to base a mod after, it's basically one map. Even Desert Storm and the current conflict in Iraq are on too small a scale to place a DoD game in. The only conflicts in recent American history that can honestly be considered a "war" and has enough material to base the maps off of is WW1, WW2, and Vietnam.

And also, the entire feel of DoD would be ruined with silenced M4s with laser sighting, M203s attached to M16s, and all of the other high tech weaponry used in modern combat. If you want to play Black Hawk Down in an online game, play Black Hawk Down.
Maybe they could make big maps, with multiple cities :D

The street fighting would be maintained..while vehicled could be used for travelling
Or how bout cities with large field like areas around them? or a deser city with desert around it?
Perhaps they could do a ww2 game where you arent the allies...(Singleplayer)maybe you could play as an italian, german of even japanese soldier.

Adds something different than playing mr bog standard GI Joe.

I doubt that would go over too well. I don't think many people want to play as a Nazi and shoot Russian, English, French, and American forces (at least in a single player environment). Same thing goes for Italy and Japan, but especially the Nazi's.
I would like to see a DoD-like game on the Source engine, but I would like to see TFC on the Source engine even more....CONC AWeeeeh