Does anyone ever feel sad?

May 24, 2003
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The thread about the firework explosion made me feel quite saddened, and i was wondering if anyone else here often feels down about the death of another person. I mean, obviously you arent all cold hearted, but sometimes i hear about someone diying and if i hang over the thought for more thna a second i begin to imagine that persons life, and then it just makes me want to cry because i think about how sad it is that that person has just been blinked out. One moment you're alive then you are dead. Like in the Program mash, the woman says " band, and fan fair, no flashing lights, you're just dead". Its sad really that people die litterally every minute of the day. The fact that a new life comes into the world even faster cheers me up but ti doesnt get rid of that feeling that so much suffering and death is happening and most of the time i hardly give it a thought...
Farrowlesparrow said:
The thread about the firework explosion made me feel quite saddened, and i was wondering if anyone else here often feels down about the death of another person. I mean, obviously you arent all cold hearted, but sometimes i hear about someone diying and if i hang over the thought for more thna a second i begin to imagine that persons life, and then it just makes me want to cry because i think about how sad it is that that person has just been blinked out. One moment you're alive then you are dead. Like in the Program mash, the woman says " band, and fan fair, no flashing lights, you're just dead". Its sad really that people die litterally every minute of the day. The fact that a new life comes into the world even faster cheers me up but ti doesnt get rid of that feeling that so much suffering and death is happening and most of the time i hardly give it a thought...

It's sad, is life.
Farrow, you're a Christian right? Why would you feel sad about the death of another? Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing you, compassion is a wonderful quality to have, and is sorely lacking in our world. But really, if you believe that people go to a place as wonderful as heaven after death, why mourn their passing?
yes i do feel sad.. i am the type of person as u described above.. that thinking about one's death a second more.. i begin to "linger" at the thought..

in December 2003, i found out that a guy i used to play CS with died..(found out about 15 days after the fact) my brother played CS with him more than i did.. so i guess he was friends with this person..

but when i heard about this.. i was emotional.. even tho i never seen the guy.. and only ever heard his voice over the mic while playing CS..

guess im like that.. dunno :|
I just think about certain things from my dark past. And it gets me up to know its all behind me now.
yeah i know exactly what you mean.

i went through a phase of generally being in despair most of the time because the world is such a crappy place with so much death and destruction and suffering etc. then i realised there isn't a damn thing i can do to stop it. no matter how depressed i would get it wouldn't make any difference to anyone, and that's the whole point of being alive, making a difference to someone or something.

there are several sorts of people. take for example that video of those 3 iraqi men and that american chopper. most people who saw it were horrified/shocked/saddened. but then of course there were those who were being childish and couldn't really relate to them and just said stuff like 'pwned'. i guess it's really about how well you can empathise with your fellow man.

lots of people can feel sad at a death, but few can totally relate to that human life and feel grief for the loss. i've chosen to severe that link because it's too painful and ultimately won't do my health any good. but that's not to say i'm immune to it, it's just that i have to try to shed my feelings. we only suffer because we have feelings, and much like buddhists, i at least try to disengage myself from humanity a little. doesn't always work but....rant mode at it's worst.

but no worries mate, you're not the only one.
I mourn the death of someone because its the natural human thing to do and overriding your emotions with faith is a hard thing to do, as well as being unhealthy in these circumstances. My brother lived in America for a year and i missed him a lot, even though i knew we was "in a better place" (Well, he had a decent job anyway). Also, the fact that that person didnt get to live their life to the fullest is sad, why should they miss out on something that can be so amazing as life? It can be bad, but i think if we try hard we can really enjoy life a lot more than we do...
Farrowlesparrow said:
I mourn the death of someone because its the natural human thing to do and overriding your emotions with faith is a hard thing to do, as well as being unhealthy in these circumstances. My brother lived in America for a year and i missed him a lot, even though i knew we was "in a better place" (Well, he had a decent job anyway). Also, the fact that that person didnt get to live their life to the fullest is sad, why should they miss out on something that can be so amazing as life? It can be bad, but i think if we try hard we can really enjoy life a lot more than we do...

well, I thought the Christian belief was that God has a plan for everyone, and chooses their time of death, since they have completed their work on earth (whatever that may be)? Therefore, no one can die without living life to the fullest, since they have completed whatever it was they were sent here to do, which is the goal of life in the first place. Again, I'm not trying to criticize, just understand.
A death is always a sad occasion, but I think the worst are those when someone dies before their time, either from an illness or an accident. Those tend to hit the hardest because they are the least expected.
I always think about that qck, and to tell you the truth im not sure myself. I just trust that it is all for some reason beyond my comprehension. I would say though that God does hav ea plan, but that plan will never ovverride our free will. Even if we dont know it, we are always making choices about things. You deiced to go and buy a drink. You first choice is to get a drink, second the go and buy it, third where to buy it, fourth when etc etc....Anyway, i believe that God has basically given the world to us and he wont interfere unless we ask him to. You ask him to come into your life and help you and he will, but even after that we still make our own little decisions, and without knowing it we might decided not follow the plan he has for us. On the other hand though sometimes i feel that he will put us thourhg things we dont like to teach us stuff, which may seem contrary to free will but in fact somewhere down the line i had the choice of whether or not i wanted to do that.

The best way i can explain this is, think of someone really really smart and imagine them doing something that to you seems irational, or inconsistent but ultimately gives the disired effect at the best efficency. Or if youa re really smart yourself, imagine a situation with someone not so smart, and you do something that to them seems wrong even though you know its right. I think thats the way it works with God, we dont always see the whole picture and what he is doing but really it all makes sense and works out the best way it could.
I don't feel sad when I see video's like that or anything, I feel sick.
I try not to think like that farrowlesparrow. Its too depresing. But yes when I see threads like the fireworks one it allways gets me down. Its weird actually... I am not phased by death or violence itself. It doesn't shock me in any way any more to be honest. But I still feel really saddened by it all.

I think I must be desenceitised but not so much so that can't feel bad about it. Well thank god for that.

What gets me even more upset is when people seem to grasp that these videos are sad. People who laugh at shit even though its not supposed to be funny. If you know what I mean.
A modern human being cannot be so susceptible.
The capitalist society has tons of subconscient signals designed to impulse you to do what they want you to do. Mostly buy their products. But in cases like Govs they usually try subliminal messages, things that stay recorded in your mind even that you don't know.

You need to block feelings. If not, you'll be a prey in the capitalist world.

You must block all emotions and feeliings that are not welcome. Such control is possible and necessary in our civilization.
I just stay blank when I see stuff like «Fireworks» or «Apache.
I have taken much psycologichal training to achieve that, but it is necessary.
There is a difference between blocking your emotions and not letting them get in the way, which is what i hope you meant. When i feel sad about this, i carry on with my life the way i hope i would if i were happy.

SImply ignoring emotions is very harmful, we arent emotionless beings. Control them by all emans, but dont just block them out.
Blocking them. Permanently.
They always get in the way.
Sprafa said:
A modern human being cannot be so susceptible.
The capitalist society has tons of subconscient signals designed to impulse you to do what they want you to do. Mostly buy their products. But in cases like Govs they usually try subliminal messages, things that stay recorded in your mind even that you don't know.

You need to block feelings. If not, you'll be a prey in the capitalist world.

You must block all emotions and feeliings that are not welcome. Such control is possible and necessary in our civilization.
I just stay blank when I see stuff like «Fireworks» or «Apache.
I have taken much psycologichal training to achieve that, but it is necessary.

i believe that too. but it's hard to do and it's not always practical. that's not to say that you should lose all feelings, it's just that you should find a different way of looking at things. much like Vulcans, in case you're not a star trek fan, vulcans are emotionless. they rely purely on logic to dictate how they live their life. eventually i think that's what humans should strive for, but hey, emotions get in the way sometimes so we have to deal with it right there and then.
In the future, global conscience will be possible. We will be a collective. There wiil be a society perfect for all then.
That film Equalibrium springs to mind. Trying to compltely rid yourself of emotions is like taking off your legs, its just impractical. Sure it seems good when you climb into the kayak but what about when you get out?
Thank you Farrow for the explanation, it was very good, thanks :)

The only time I really felt bad over the death of another person (on TV mind you) was when I watched that Chech clear video (it was a post on these forums actually). That was the most awful thing I have ever seen, disgusting and very sad. A young Russian soldier, probably about 19, was thrown to the ground in the middle of the woods on a cold quiet morning. The camera man got right up in his face, while another held him down with the heel of his boot. They toyed with him a bit, and finally executed him in a fashion so brutal I won't describe it here. The worst thing was the expression on the boys face. He was so scared, and he looked so young and innocent. I strongly suggest against looking for it due to it's extremely graphic nature. Unless you kill for a living, the video will seriously disturb you for some time. It made me sad to think that this is the world we live in, that people can be so cruel to one another, able to kill with such brutality in a ritualistic scares me quite frankly. The human race has no hope of saving itself, but it doesn't matter. Such monsters aren't worth the saving anyway.
Well im glad this was a good conversation. As soon as someone starts to....let their emotions get the better of them, i generally leave but this one was good.

Im off to bed now anyway because i have collage tommorow morning. Speak to you later.
I've actually been diagnosed as being as empty of emotions as you can get without being a public menace, so, nope.

But I do have a sense of humor, don't know if that counts as an emotion.
Ya know... so much empathy is an awfully... womanly... thing to have...
qckbeam said:
why would you say that?
Empathy is usually associated with women because that's how they tend to think... and not so much men...
Letters said:
Empathy is usually associated with women because that's how they tend to think... and not so much men...

so is empathy a bad quality to have? just because a male can empathise with someone does it make him a woman or something, and is that in some way bad? your post and your use of '...' just implies that you're being quite a bit immature. no need to drag the thread down.
yeah i covered my angles because you 'implied', which means the next logical step in your argument which was also supported by your use of '...' and the use of italics on 'womanly'. yes you did not say it was bad, but it's inherently implied.
Hey, I'm not arguing. I just found it kind of interesting.
I think men feel empathy too, we just like to pretend we don't, to look strong in the eyes of others. I personally have no problem sharing my feelings with people, be they man or woman.
letters i wasn't trying to be hostile, just didn't want any kind of silly remarks ruining this thread :)

qckbeam, that's the only way to go. i'm glad there are so many people like that, i always thought most people were just so defensive about it. almost gives me hope in mankind.
Farrowlesparrow said:
The thread about the firework explosion made me feel quite saddened, and i was wondering if anyone else here often feels down about the death of another person. I mean, obviously you arent all cold hearted, but sometimes i hear about someone diying and if i hang over the thought for more thna a second i begin to imagine that persons life, and then it just makes me want to cry because i think about how sad it is that that person has just been blinked out. One moment you're alive then you are dead. Like in the Program mash, the woman says " band, and fan fair, no flashing lights, you're just dead". Its sad really that people die litterally every minute of the day. The fact that a new life comes into the world even faster cheers me up but ti doesnt get rid of that feeling that so much suffering and death is happening and most of the time i hardly give it a thought...

Yes definetly , I saw a video on Ebaum recently of a death , plainly visible death (Falling not overly gruesome) and it changed alot. I still do the same thing you do , but I realised that living the way we do , where we do we are sheltered from alot of death and seeing it often. Ive become more curious about death and less afraid to see greusome images. I still wont watch those retarded "Faces of Death" and I still hate the "OMFG Death is kool d00d" teenyboppers , but Ive decided that it is well I should expose myself to the realworld and not stay in a room with cushioned walls and floors. But what you feel I believe is natural of those with compassion and a connection to other human beings , those who will not intentionally harm another in cold blood , will not strike unless stricken. Basically youre a good guy (not in the GIJoe or PowerRangers sense). And I feel the same way you do , except about mortality. Dont think about it too much , be cautious but you cant let it consume you. I have a disease (not playing guilt card) so its more imminent for me , but just dont think about it , there will always be a tommorow.
Sprafa said:
A modern human being cannot be so susceptible.
The capitalist society has tons of subconscient signals designed to impulse you to do what they want you to do. Mostly buy their products. But in cases like Govs they usually try subliminal messages, things that stay recorded in your mind even that you don't know.

You need to block feelings. If not, you'll be a prey in the capitalist world.

You must block all emotions and feeliings that are not welcome. Such control is possible and necessary in our civilization.
I just stay blank when I see stuff like «Fireworks» or «Apache.
I have taken much psycologichal training to achieve that, but it is necessary.

wtf *backs away slowly*
I agree with Dimitri, sheltering yourself from death and despair won't do you any good. We need to see it, up close and personal, to understand just how precious our own lives are. We need to see the suffering of others to understand what happiness is, and sometimes we ourselves must suffer, for the sake of others.
Farrowlesparrow said:
The thread about the firework explosion made me feel quite saddened, and i was wondering if anyone else here often feels down about the death of another person. I mean, obviously you arent all cold hearted, but sometimes i hear about someone diying and if i hang over the thought for more thna a second i begin to imagine that persons life, and then it just makes me want to cry because i think about how sad it is that that person has just been blinked out. One moment you're alive then you are dead. Like in the Program mash, the woman says " band, and fan fair, no flashing lights, you're just dead". Its sad really that people die litterally every minute of the day. The fact that a new life comes into the world even faster cheers me up but ti doesnt get rid of that feeling that so much suffering and death is happening and most of the time i hardly give it a thought...

I get kind of like that when I think/see anything related to Sept 11th...all of those people...just..gone.

It makes me wish I could have known to stop it or something....take the trade centers hostage or something :\ Stop everyone from going in.
im christian sry for getting you sad ;( :(
yea it is kiind of sad
im really emotional...its weird though, i might cry at a movie ( :LOL: ) but not feel sad from watching videos like the firework one of the person dying. Maybe its because in movies you get to know the characters.
Ridic said:
im really emotional...its weird though, i might cry at a movie ( :LOL: ) but not feel sad from watching videos like the firework one of the person dying. Maybe its because in movies you get to know the characters.
exactly the same thing here
Farrowlesparrow said:
The thread about the firework explosion made me feel quite saddened, and i was wondering if anyone else here often feels down about the death of another person. I mean, obviously you arent all cold hearted, but sometimes i hear about someone diying and if i hang over the thought for more thna a second i begin to imagine that persons life, and then it just makes me want to cry because i think about how sad it is that that person has just been blinked out. One moment you're alive then you are dead. Like in the Program mash, the woman says " band, and fan fair, no flashing lights, you're just dead". Its sad really that people die litterally every minute of the day. The fact that a new life comes into the world even faster cheers me up but ti doesnt get rid of that feeling that so much suffering and death is happening and most of the time i hardly give it a thought...

Agreed 100%.
Farrowlesparrow said:
That film Equalibrium springs to mind. Trying to compltely rid yourself of emotions is like taking off your legs, its just impractical. Sure it seems good when you climb into the kayak but what about when you get out?

I'm not saying «total elimination». You're twisting my words.
Only the ones that don't do us any good. like sadness and hatred. Hapiness, Anger, Fear....all those are welcome in my mind b/ theyre useful. Hapiness makes you inprove overall. Anger drives you to your goal. Fear protects you. Many other emotions and feelings are nice and useful.
When i hear of people who have died, i usually dont really care. This bothers me a bit to be honest....
When people tell me they are depressed and had lots of awful things happened to them i feel sad.. and in some cases angry. It seems that im very sensitive to others....however i dont seem to care about death. Strange...