Does anyone ever feel sad?

qckbeam said:
It's sad, is life.
Farrow, you're a Christian right? Why would you feel sad about the death of another? Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing you, compassion is a wonderful quality to have, and is sorely lacking in our world. But really, if you believe that people go to a place as wonderful as heaven after death, why mourn their passing?

Being a Christian doesn't change, or take away the death of another.
Sometimes, it doesn't even ease the pain. Why is it that you people don't understand that? We're human beings, too.
True , Ghost.

A person who used to be my best friend when I lived near him in the southern part of Sweden just lost his dad in cancer. I can hardly imagine the suffering he and his mother goes through right now.
Hmm...not to be insesintive - A girl from my class got rapped a few months ago.
I was really sad then. I really liked her, she was a nice friend of mine. They moved now b/c of that.
Once again I skipped many of the replies here... Sorry guys :-P Let's move on to the subject...

Watching movies like the AH-64 mowing down these 3 iraqis or the AC-130 video with the destruction of a small town infested with taliban guys (supposedly) my initial reaction is fascination of the that kind of firepower, but you have to wonder afterwards if those guys really deserved it. Some of them perhaps, some of them perhaps not.

Anyways, that's the kind of reaction a normal person would have. There isn't really any emotions involved in gunning down people from the air with an infared camera. It's when stuff happen on the TV filmed by regular people, filming regular daylike stuff suddenly destroyed by a terrorist attack, accident, murder or whatnot...
It's these kind of things that makes you wonder why people don't just pull themselves together and try making the world a better place.

*EDIT* I broke the shit into paragraphs... I know what a pain in the ass unedited stuff is to read */EDIT*
GhostValkyrie said:
Being a Christian doesn't change, or take away the death of another.
Sometimes, it doesn't even ease the pain. Why is it that you people don't understand that? We're human beings, too.

Hey, sorry if I touched a sore spot Ghost, I'm trying to understand Christianity a bit better is all. I've been raised in a pretty Christian family, and gone to catholic school all my life, and I still don't get why we should be sad when someone dies if they are going to a place as wonderful as heaven. Why mourn, I don't get it. If you're a Christian you believe A)They are in heaven with God and totally happy and B) you will one day see them again and live eternally in a state of everlasting bliss, together. So why would you be mourning their death, I don't get it. It should be more of a celebration shouldn't it? The person is leaving suffering behind, aren't they? If I could believe that, I wouldn't cry over the death of any one, hell, I'd laugh and tell them to save a seat for me in heaven. I wouldn't fear death at all. I'd want to die ASAP. Why stay on earth when there is a place like heaven?

I don't know, and again, I'm not poking fun or anything, I'm serious, I really don't get it. I know why I mourn the death of loved ones, I don't believe I'll ever see them again unless I visit the graveyard, or that they are resting peacefully anywhere, other than their pine box.
It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not... the fact is death is still death. The people who knew that person will never see him/her again. The person is dead... it's too hard to put simply... I've always thought things like this lose meaning through words (as in there is no way to express the full meaning of something like this through words.)

I do feel sad sometimes when I think about this thing, but I've lived long enough to realize what life is really like. Death is just another part of humanity. I'm terrified of death, because I'm a Christian, and human.

edit: On another note, I'm very thankful we have these emotions. Black makes white stand out more.
just remembered about this, i got really sad when i heard about the whole froot_loops thing :(, then i read the thread though, and it got better and warmed the heart :)
I have clinical depression, I'm sad with basically no reason...

Well, not for no reason, but generally sad about everything. I'm sad since Fenric closed my "Olsen-Twin deepthroat pic!" thread... WAAAAARGH ;(
That was bad stuff, he just waited for an excuse to do that...
JunkieXL said:
I have clinical depression, I'm sad with basically no reason...

Well, not for no reason, but generally sad about everything.

Same here.... I'm not really sad though, I'm more just.. I don't know I just kinda hate my life...

My friend went on Ogrish last night and I almost puked. I don't understand why anyone would want to see someones arms blown off... I think about that guy, and how he had a mind to, and about his family, and it makes me angry that those guys at ogrish actually like that crap...
Sadness and depression NEVER solves anything. Of course these feelings are hard to control, but you gota at least try.

And ffs, don't feel sad about people who you don't know! Trust me, in your life you'll have enough things to be depressed about (death of loved ones, breakup in a relationship, etc).

I agree, that as human beings we should try to do everything possible to save someone's life, but beyond that point bascially any action is useless.
LoneDeranger said:
Sadness and depression NEVER solves anything. Of course these feelings are hard to control, but you gota at least try.

And ffs, don't feel sad about people who you don't know! Trust me, in your life you'll have enough things to be depressed about (death of loved ones, breakup in a relationship, etc).

I agree, that as human beings we should try to do everything possible to save someone's life, but beyond that point bascially any action is useless.

They don't just go away, you have to take medicine....
Has anyone read my posts in the 1st page??

I strongly advise pat thetic and others to
I'm not sad about other people... I'm sad about how stupid people can be, and about my life in general.
What makes me sad...or what worries me is that the youth of Denmark is suppose to grow up...
this topic just reminded me of this... read the whole thing :dozey:

The selfish truth

The eyes.
They were hazel and a beautiful shape.
He was about 400 meters away.
It was an easy shot.
He had a small build
His AK47 was suspended by a cheap worn nylon strap from his shoulder.
My finger lay on the trigger of the cumbersome weapon.
All it needed was a small squeeze.
There was very little wind
There was no doubt in my mind that the first shot would hit.
One little pull and his life would be over.
I would never know what his name was or his age.
I’d never meet his distraught family,
But there would be one somewhere.
Was he good in school?
Did he ever lose his virginity?
Did he like chicken and rice?
It didn’t matter.
It never affected anything in this world
And it sure as hell would never affect me.
So why haven’t I pulled the trigger yet?
Why should I?
Because a "superior" told me too.
I should kill him because he believes that communism works?
I’m not a holy man
If I were I’d think that god was on their side.
We are the ones going into their land killing their people and for what?
To protect ourselves in the end.
Why does this man deserve to die and I deserve to live?
Because I’m the one with the gun?
Will I go to hell for doing this?
If there is such a thing then perhaps.
He will never grow old.
He will never know what happened.
He speaks to his friends now so casually.
What will they do?
Have they become accustomed yet to their close friends dying?
But why?
Why should they have to?
I could walk away right now and he could live his life out.
Or perhaps he will die tomorrow or even today.
Maybe his death will be long and painful if I do not kill him now.
I could easily hit his head.
The exit wound would be the size of a small melon.
Completely painless.
Or perhaps he will live on.
Perhaps he will kill my friends if I do not kill him now.
Is that fair?
Why should he get that choice?
To take my friends life.
I peered through the scope again.
The crosshairs crossed between his eyes.
He was smiling
It could be the face that his friends remember him by.
He had lived once
He had dreamed.
Everyone dreams
They dream about things that they may never have.
Did he dream about living?
No, no one ever dreams simply of living.
We take it for granted.
If I walk away now and don’t take the shot will he be a happier man?
No, he will be the exact same person.
He will change in no way.
He may be a complete jerk.
Or the nicest man ever.
If he was born in America we may have been friends.
He may be my have been my spotter.
But it won’t happen that way.
There will be no happy ending.
He was born on that side I on this
And there is nothing I can do to change that.
If I walked up to them and tried to shake his hand they would kill me
Or perhaps torture me senseless.
They won’t think twice about it.
So why?
Why can’t I pull this trigger?
The trigger on my rifle will trigger the end to everything that he will ever do.
But I must.
It is not my decision.
Or is it?
I am a pawn in the whole thing
But I am a pawn with a ridiculous amount of power.
I have the power to end, to terminate to erase this man.
It may ruin his friends’ day and his life but it may save the lives of my friends.
In the end that is the selfish truth.